The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 770: Imbalance

Since someone has just arrived in London, they have told countless media reporters that they are the most special one, and the entire British media has been on the bar with the most special one, together with his team.


   But the man knew the essence of public opinion warfare, and he was always able to catch his painful feet and fire off his guns, which caused the whole Fleet Street to hate it, but there was no good way.


   If you choose who is the most hated public figure in Fleet Street, Jose Mourinho must be the most popular candidate.


  Can compete with Mourinho, and his Russian boss who is waving gold dollar checks everywhere.


   People who can't eat grapes always say that grapes are sour. This is a popular psychology, and it is very suitable for British people.


   The British who still possessed the imperial mentality of "the sun never sets" saw a Russian nouveau riche, brandishing a check in London to buy and buy, and seemed to be able to buy everything in the world.


   Less than two years after Abramovich was in charge of Chelsea, and Jose Mourinho came to the UK for less than a year, both of them were extremely high-profile, and their actions were on the opposite side of public opinion.


   Especially the latter, even if it helped the media create countless topics, attracted countless eyeballs, and sold countless newspapers, Fleet Street still disliked him and even hated him and his team.


   "Portuguese Hillbilly" is the usual name for Mourinho in Fleet Street.


   People often know how to cherish after they are lost, and then they know the beauty of the loss.


   Mourinho has not left the UK, and Fleet Street has not really realized that it is true love between them.


  Maybe it will be until Mourinho has really left Britain before Fleet Street will discover that the most special one is really the most special.


   Fleet Street has always placed Mourinho and his team on the opposite side, as if they were treating the public enemies of the entire UK.


   So, when the big news broke out between John Terry and Ryan Bridge, no one of the media was willing to speak for Chelsea, and almost all major newspapers and tabloids were reporting this incident frantically.


   Compared with this squally rain, the previous report about Ryan Giggs can only be regarded as drizzle.


   After all, Manchester United has been a local snake in the UK for many years, and Chelsea is just an outsider.


   Different treatment and double standards are common problems for most people in this world.


   The media exploded, the fans exploded, and Chelsea internally exploded.


   The captain has a green teammate. He is not an ordinary teammate, but a hard-core brother. It is impossible for him to stay intact.


   Even tough as Mourinho can't hold it down in the short term.


  Football, after all, is a team sport. Modern football is increasingly emphasizing the whole. The internal atmosphere of Chelsea has a problem, which directly reflects on the stadium.


   Over the weekend, Chelsea played against Tottenham Hotspur at home. The Chelsea team, which was originally as stable as an old dog, would fall behind 0-2 before the end of the first half if it changes to a team.


  Although Lampard moved back a point from a long shot at the beginning of the second half, it could not change the overall situation of the team. Tottenham scored another goal to seal the victory.


   Then Manchester United's game was played at Old Trafford Stadium. Encouraged by Chelsea's loss, Manchester United's morale was greatly boosted. They generally won 4-0 by cutting melons and vegetables.


   After this round of the game, Manchester United's advantage over Chelsea in the standings, finally pulled more than one goal.


  In the middle of the week, the first Champions League semi-final was held at Old Trafford. The three bosses Ronan, Will Smith and Tom Cruise all sat in the VIP box.


   Chelsea’s ability to adjust is very strong, and Mourinho’s methods are also quite clever. At the beginning of the game, it fell into a stalemate. It seems that the omnipotent magic bird and Chelsea, who are as stable as an old dog, are back again.


   But Chelsea has been affected after all. This kind of master trick between top teams, as long as there is a problem in one aspect of the operation, it will directly affect the final result of the game.


   Ferguson absorbed Mourinho's Chelsea tactics, especially in the use of wingers.


   The letters Luo on the left and Robben on the right frequently attacked Chelsea's defense, and Robben assisted Rooney to get to the front.


"it is good!"


   Will Smith raised his arms and slapped to celebrate with Tom Cruise and Ronan: "We are ahead!"


   Ronan seemed to see the St. Brand’s Cup beckoning, and said, “We are very hopeful to enter Istanbul.”


   The Champions League has reached the semi-finals. Who doesn't want to hit the championship?


Under Ferguson’s tuning, Manchester United completed the team’s technical and tactical integration in half a season. The team is currently leading the new with veterans such as Giggs, Neville and Scholes, as well as letters. New stars such as Rooney, Cech, Robben and Vidic have emerged, with a relatively ideal age structure, and are very hopeful of winning the Champions League and the Premier League.


Tom Cruise knows more about Manchester United, saying: "Cech, who was introduced last summer, has become the main goalkeeper and has performed very well. He is recognized as the best goalkeeper after Schmeichel. Vidic and Evra, Robben and Alonso in the midfield, have also become the team's main force or rotation main force, and Drogba at the forward line is slightly worse. Our transfer last summer can be said to be a great success. ."


   Will Smith agreed and said: "Ronan, you have a really good vision. If you change your industry to professional football, I think you can succeed too."


   Ronan said modestly: "I'm a football layman, mainly recommended by others."


   Anyway, this signing of Manchester United has laid a good foundation for many years to come.


   Say you want to lure Messi? After all, Robben is too easy to get injured in the future.


Ronan specifically confessed that the team’s medical department should focus on a few speed players. Both the alphabet Luo and Robben are among them. The former looks a bit thin, but in fact, the muscle type belongs to the kind of relatively less prone to injury. Instead, Robben had some minor injuries.


   But Robben lost his speed, and he didn't have the biggest attack weapon. He himself didn't care about the medical department's suggestion to change the playing method appropriately.


   The former Melo can reach the height of double pride, which is also related to almost no serious injuries.


   Although these two people occasionally have minor injuries, they have never been able to play for months after an injury.


   Like a player who charges for two hours and talks for five minutes, even if he performs well on the field, it is difficult to reach a certain height.


   Ronan thought of Messi and couldn't help looking at the alphabet Luo on the field. After the beginning of this season, alphabet Luo has improved significantly. His body has become stronger and his fancy moves have been reduced. He has further integrated into the team and played more practically.


   If Messi is picked up, it is estimated that neither of them will reach the height they once were.


   The more top stars are not the better.


   And Messi’s success is also related to Barcelona’s consistent style of play for twenty years.


   The key lies in Habaibu, especially the first two. If you have the opportunity, maybe you can get one to try Manchester United?


   A huge call broke out on the court, Ronan came back to his senses, the ball had fallen into the net, Manchester United scored from the alphabet Ronaldo, and the lead extended to two goals.


   Mourinho on the coach's bench angrily kicked the mineral water bottle away, and the referee immediately ran over to warn him.


   Chelsea's restless mentality and atmosphere began to lose balance.


   Just like Mourinho attacking Wenger and angering his peers, many things on the court will be affected by outside the court.


   In the past, Mourinho's psychological warfare can be said to be a typical representative of a decisive victory outside the stadium.


   But now, the situation is just the other way round.


   The final score of this game was 4-0, and Manchester United gained an absolute advantage.


Tom Cruise and Will Smith are celebrating wildly. Ronan is still calm. After the game, he deliberately found Ferguson to talk a few words. The old Scottish man was also very calm. He even felt that the team had to be mentally prepared while winning. Adjustment work.


   "Don't forget AC Milan." Ferguson was very cautious: "They won a big win at home, but they were overturned by Deportivo on the away game."


   Ronan solemnly said: "Once Chelsea adjusts, Mourinho is still very scary to go crazy."


   This season, when Chelsea fell behind, Mourinho sent four forwards to fight more than once, and basically achieved very satisfactory results.


   "Don't worry." Ferguson said: "Manchester United is not AC Milan."


   Ronan knows very well that Ferguson's Manchester United team is also a group of lunatics. In the Premier League and the Champions League, it is not like a big comeback once or twice.


  Especially the 1999 Champions League, the elimination of Juventus in the semifinals, and the final defeat of Bayern Munich are all typical cases.


   But it’s also different. Take it lightly. After all, there have been strong teams. They were always madly overturned by their opponents in the first round of the Champions League, and they continued to do so.


   It can only be said that on the football field, the relationship between victory and defeat is sometimes not entirely dependent on strength or the psychology, temperament and spirit of the team are also part of strength.


   Back at the hotel, Will Smith asked concerned: "Ronan, these things recently..."


   "What's the matter?" Ronan was puzzled.


   "Chelsea," Will Smith said.


   Tom Cruise said: "That is an internal Chelsea problem, it has nothing to do with us."


   Ronan nodded: "Fleet Street is really all-pervasive, so ah, fire and guard against theft and paparazzi."


  Will Smith is not an idiot. He immediately understood the meaning and said with a smile: "Yes, the Chelsea captain took the lead in making trouble. What does it have to do with Manchester United?"


  He is in good spirits: "We just wait for the championship."


  Since Ronan is engaged in a professional football club, how can I make it without the championship? Manchester United has won several heavyweight titles, not to mention the appreciation of investment, it is also a face-saving thing to talk about it in front of outsiders.


   "Are we still watching the second semi-final?" Will Smith asked.


   Tom Cruise also looked over.


   Unknowingly, this three-person team has completely centered on Ronan.


   "Don't watch it." Ronan said directly, "It's the summer time soon.



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