The Best Entertainment Era

Chapter 930: Perfect hero

Superhero movies and even superhero culture have been popular in North America for many years. The audience here are very familiar with it. If you really want to rank many superheroes, Superman's fame and popularity will definitely rank first.

   Especially out of North America, Superman is simply synonymous with superheroes.

Located in the vast area on the opposite side of the Pacific Ocean, although Captain America’s movie "Invincible Detective" was introduced as early as 1948, most people really came into contact with superhero movies and it was "Superman" starring Christopher Reeve. .

   Zhengda Theater, a rare channel for teenagers of that era to get access to foreign movies.

   Superman, and Superwoman, many people have their first contact at Zhengda Theater.

  Yes, there is also "The Courageous Lion", I don’t know if the friends who have watched this series, will they think the heroine is particularly familiar when recalled?

   That heroine is the savior, his mother.

   That's right, Sarah Connor! That ex-wife of James Cameron!

   Superman and Christopher Reeve were simply representatives of foreign handsome guys.

   The guy wearing the red underwear has made a lot of waves on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and even caused a wave of underwear outside the post-70s and 80s.

   In the memory of many people who have watched the old version of "Superman" movies, the classic red underwear is as red as the rising sun, red and cool!

   Even more older people may not know Batman, Spiderman, or Iron Man, but almost all have heard of Superman.

   This red underwear from Krypton is no longer a superhero in comics or movies, but has become a cultural representative.

   Nearly twenty years later, Superman finally appeared on the big screen again.

   The son of Krypton will once again face his old enemy, the big bald head Lex Luther, on the screen.

   Warner Bros.’s dedication and attention are not negligible, and he also invited Oscar actor Kevin Spacey to play the big villain.

   Someone once said that a world that needs superman is unfortunate because the people there need to be saved; a world that has superman is lucky because the people there will be saved.

   Director Brian Singer has a wealth of experience in filming superhero movies and a successful resume.

   Both "X-Men" and "X-Men 2" were written by this director.

   Although there are some bad rumors on the set, such as the harassment of child actors who have evolved races, Brian Singer’s ability to direct superhero movies has been sufficiently proven.

   However, the difficulty of making Superman movies is obvious.

   is not only Superman, it is not easy to shoot any **** in the world.

   To change the description of a certain type of culture, that is, God cannot look directly at it! Not to be described!

   Superman is perfect! Perfect to no character!

  Superman is also too invincible, flying to the sky, supernatural power and invincible laser spray fire and ice, and even blow out the sun in one breath.

  DC Comics had already realized this, so they simply added the weakness of kryptonite.

   There is no concrete and reasonable explanation anyway, Superman is right to be afraid of kryptonite.

   The personality is not clear, the ability is too comprehensive and powerful. In this era of increasing emphasis on personality, he can exist as the **** of the world, but when he appears on the movie screen as a popular culture, the audience may not be seen.

   Christopher Nolan hasn't really pulled Batman off the altar through "The Dark Knight", the master is still a god, not a scapegoat.

  Without enough experience to learn from, the superman created by Brian Singer will naturally not be Clark Kent looking for himself.

  Superman was born in a specific cultural environment, and has been left with an inherent image for decades. His character, ability and growth experience are all branded with history.

   No matter how the director shoots, he cannot deviate from those original designs.

  Superman can't be cynical like Iron Man, can't be as isolated and arrogant as Batman, nor can he be so violent that he can't control himself like the Hulk.

   But as far as Ronan is concerned, Brandon Rose’s Superman fits the perfect image left by Christopher Reeve.

   A man who always stands on the bright side, a perfect hero with all the advantages!

   It's just that the times are changing, and people's aesthetic requirements have also increased to a higher level.

   Actually, it’s not Superman who failed in this movie, but the audience has changed, but Superman still stays in the perfection of the past.

   "Iron Man" can be successful, why? If you look for a reason, Tony Stark's stinky body is definitely one of the success factors.

   Christopher Nolan dared to demand such a high investment in "The Dark Knight" because he wanted to pull Batman off the altar.

   Brian Singer may also realize that Brandon Rose’s Superman is also more humane, but obviously it’s not enough.

When    was over, Ronan met Zach Schneider again, and couldn't help but think of the previous "Man of Steel".

Although the film has different reputations and polarized reviews, the self-seeking Clark Kent did add a lot of attention. Even in order to downplay the symbolic factor of Superman, Zach Schneider studied "The Dark Knight", and the title simply abandoned Superman. The name is directly named after "Man of Steel".

   Of course, the most impressive thing in the film is the action scene like the **** of the world, which destroys towns and urban buildings at every turn.

   In contrast, the Marvel next door can really be regarded as an appointment for elementary school students.

The advantages and disadvantages of this are obvious. Needless to say, the former is impressed by those who have seen it; the latter brings a great imbalance of abilities. The most typical point is that Superman is too strong for the entire Justice League. , How to balance the abilities of everyone? How to let Batman take care of himself?

   Ronan doesn't need to worry about this, how to do it, 80% will fall on Zach Schneider.

   Zach Schneider needs to provoke this burden for Warner Bros. and DC Comics.

   As Ronan’s director, Zach Schneider, without knowing it, shoulders the great expectations of Relativistic Entertainment and Marvel Entertainment-Warner Bros. and DC Comics must beat this good hand!

   Whether the new card will be broken depends on the future development, but the market response of the old card is not good.

   As a direct competitor of Marvel Entertainment and the Avengers Project, Ronan has been paying attention to the market situation of "Superman Returns" after attending the premiere.

   The reputation of media and film critics is not bad, and the freshness of rotten tomatoes in "Superman Returns" even exceeds 80%.

   Although it cannot be compared with "Iron Man", such a Rotten Tomatoes index is definitely relatively high among superhero movies.

   However, film critics are ultimately separated from the frontline market.

   On the first day of the North American release of "Superman Returns", it met everyone's expectations and sat at the top of the single-day box office list. It was just a box office number, which was a bit unexpected.

   The first day the film was released in North America only received 18.03 million US dollars.

  The second-ranked "Iron Man" had only half the box office of "Superman Returns" that day.

   If you put it on most movies, the first day box office numbers of "Superman Returns" are not bad, but the investment in this movie is too high.

   The production cost alone is as high as 270 million US dollars, or even higher.

   What about the publicity and distribution costs?

   Although Warner Bros. has not announced it to the public, the scale of the announcement of "Superman Returns" is not weaker than that of "Iron Man".

   In the following two days, the box office of "Superman Returns" gradually declined. On Saturday's rest day, which might have broken out, the box office did not rise but fell, with only 16.31 million US dollars.

   Three days after the first weekend, although "Superman Returns" won the North American box office champion unexpectedly, the box office number was only 48.38 million US dollars.

"Iron Man" ended the North American box office winning streak. In a way that is in line with the normal rules of popcorn movies, after two consecutive weekends of big sales, the box office has a major decline this week, with a three-day report of $33.56 million. Falling in second place at the box office.

   is followed by "Ice Age 2" released by Twentieth Century Fox.

   Faced with the North American box office of "Iron Man" released in the same month of up to 272.15 million U.S. dollars, Superman was a completely failed return on the big screen.

  Cinema  According to the prediction of the audience's word of mouth, the North American box office of "Superman Returns" is unlikely to exceed 200 million US dollars.

  The huge cost brings the same pressure to pay back the cost of Warner Bros. and DC Comic Mountain.

   After the first day of the box office in North America, it is not difficult for people familiar with the laws of the movie market to draw a conclusion that "Superman Returns" will not have a box office tragedy, but it can bring huge losses to the producers.

   Warner Bros.'s risk control is undoubtedly a problem. This film is not so much a failure in filming and production, as it is a failure in film preparation.

   The relatively random choice in the early stage, and the constant replacement of screenwriters, scripts, directors and actors all created huge troubles for the project.

   By the time Warner Bros. realized that the project should be stopped, "Superman Returns" had already spent nearly $50 million.

  In front of huge investment, Warner Bros. has no choice. In order to explain to shareholders, board of directors and group companies, this project must be completed.

   So, the change of screenwriters, scripts, directors, and actors began to perform like a revelation, which eventually caused the production cost to pile up to a jaw-dropping figure.

   Compared with Warner Bros.'s repeated performance in "Superman Returns", James Cameron is simply a model of diligence and thrift.

   ""Superman Returns" failed, we have no other choice."

   In the office of the Warner Building, Kevin Tesuhara said to Charles Rowan with a serious face: “The old superhero movies can’t go on anymore. We must make the same choice as Ronan Anderson.”

   Charles Rowan said: "To completely stop the superhero movie project except for "Batman" and "Watchmen", and fully operate our superhero movie universe."

   Diego Harris said: "We have a preliminary plan."

   Kevin Tesuhara made up his mind this time and asked: "The situation is obvious. The Superman who just suffered a failure is not suitable, and the actualized Batman is also not good. Are you sure?"

   "OK!" Diego Harris said, "Green Lantern!"

  :. :

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