The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 279 Want to see tears turn into blood

"Believe it or not." Dugu Lou spread his hands and shrugged his eyebrows.

"Well, anyway, I'll search for it for three days when I go back. If I find it, I'll let it go, but if I can't find it, I'll fail!" Xiao Chen handles things so freely.

Never dwell on one thing all the time.

"If you can't find you, don't blame me. If you find it, don't thank me. I'm not for you, but for the hundreds of thousands of people in Yanyun County." Dugu Lou said.

"Sir, if you really want to help the people of Yanyun about going to Changzhou for a few days?" Xiao Chen said very tactfully.

"Hehe, I once swore that I would not help Mo Jie invade an inch of the land of a big man in this life, and I will never step into the land of a big man again!" Dugu Lou said coldly.

"Sir, the big man is dead!" Xiao Chen widened his eyes, thinking that you are such an extremely smart person, why would you be entangled in this matter?

"Huh? The big man died?" Dugu Lou's eyes widened, as if he had just realized this.

"Yeah, I'm dead, I'm dead long ago, so your vow doesn't count, you can go back anytime, anywhere." Xiao Chen laughed heartlessly, forgetting that he is a dead country the prince.

"Dead...hahaha...dead!" Lonely Building suddenly laughed loudly, tears came out of the laughter, but laughed and wailed again, crying so hard that he beat his chest and stamped his feet, heart-piercing!

"Sir, what are you?" Seeing Lonely Building crying and laughing like crazy suddenly, Xiao Chen couldn't figure it out.

"Prince, before we leave, can you give me a poem." Dugu Lou wiped away tears, but they turned out to be red!

He cried so much that his eye sockets were burst from crying. This is probably the so-called tearing eyes, right?

"Okay." Xiao Chen generously agreed.

After pondering for a while, he chanted loudly.

"Alone in Mojie, holding the Han Festival for ten years, white geese flying in the forest, passing a book in the air, shepherding the borderland is bitter, the sunset returns to the heart, thirsty to drink the ice of the moon cave, hungry to eat snow in the sky, the east returns to the desert, the north Farewell to Yinshan Mountain, weeping and tearing up Dugu's clothes, tears turn into blood when we look at each other!"

Dugulou was silent after hearing this, and he didn't know how long it took before he let out a long sigh.

It seems that he sighed all the lumps in his chest for many years.

Bowed deeply to Xiao Chen, then flew on the horse, and left without looking back...

Xiao Chen came back and told the big guys about the conversation with Dugulou just now, and the big guys sighed after hearing it.

Immediately set off to return to Niutoubao, ready to rest for a few days before heading east.

Of course, we had to look for the damn granary.

Fu Yan's injury healed a lot, all thanks to Wen Shanchang's miraculous medicine, the care of the little nurses, and the big tiger that Xiao Ye and the others brought back.

Do you know what kind of food he and Baili Qingyun eat every day?

Tiger bone ginseng soup!

Tiger bone is a great tonic for strengthening the body, and ginseng is a natural wild ginseng in the mountains, which is a magic medicine for nourishing the heart and Qi. It is not easy to get a few taels of these two, but they cook them every day for food, what the hell? Let alone two people who can grow up alive, even a pair of dry bones can grow blood and flesh!

In addition, both of them have profound internal strength, so they recover much faster than ordinary people.

Baili Qingyun can get out of bed and walk slowly now, while Fu Yan can basically move freely.

Since he was able to get out of bed, he has been walking all over the mountains and plains outside the city. Wen Shanchang didn't stop him, but just told him not to be too tired.

Baili Qingyun still liked to ignore everyone, except that she would blush slightly when she saw the nurse, and she had no gratitude to Wen Shanchang, who had saved her life.

Xiao Chen visited him as soon as he came back, and he was extremely affectionate, but he also kept a cold face and said nothing, only Duan Linger was willing to answer a few words when he was talking to him.

He felt that he owed nothing to Xiao Chen now.

Wait until the injury is healed and able to walk, then leave immediately!

Xiao Chen called the big guys for a meeting to discuss how to send a battle report to Li Wanjiang?

Since he entered the customs, he hasn't contacted the imperial court yet, which is indeed a bit embarrassing.

The results of the battle can be said to be very brilliant. We annihilated 3,000 Xianbo cavalry, and tens of thousands of invading enemies from various tribes such as Mojie were killed by us!

There are too many heads to bring back all of them, but there is evidence of the enemy's armor and weapons... There is no problem in claiming credit.

The opponents have all been expelled from the country by me, and they will not dare to attack within five years, but our side has only injured thousands of people, so our side has won a great victory, and has overfulfilled the mission you entrusted to me, the emperor...

This is more or less the case in reality, but it certainly cannot be said that way.

The memorial can only be said to rely on my emperor's might, coupled with the hard work of the soldiers, and of course my commanding skills, so in the difficult battle with the Xianbo people, I have achieved such a small victory. Small victories can be regarded as phased victories.

Although the Xianbo cavalry retreated back, it was not because of defeat in the battle, but because of some changes in their tribe, so they rushed back in a hurry.

Only in this way can we reach Niutoushan smoothly, and we are going to stay here to the death. We will never allow people from other tribes in northern Xinjiang to enter my Yanyun County one step further!

Of course, that being said, we also have determination, but if the enemy attacks again, I'm afraid I won't be able to support it.

The main reason is that there is no food and grass. It is about to snow heavily, the road is rough and difficult, and there are countless bandits and thieves harassing the food road...

The actual situation is still very grim.

In addition, Yanyun County suffered unimaginable damage. All grain depots and silver warehouses were looted, all cities were burned to ruins, thousands of people died, and officials were one out of ten. Hunger is everywhere, bones are piled into mountains, and there is no human habitation within a hundred miles...

Let's put it this way, the entire Yanyun County is now a hell on earth, it's horrible!

In addition, according to reliable information, it is also true that Wanyan Pingqiu assembled an army of 100,000 to prepare to go south.

Because they encountered a rare drought this year, they may lose a large number of cattle and sheep. However, the aquatic plants in our Yanyun County are growing very well, so they must go south this winter.

Although the minister has decided to die for the country, but with a force of less than 10,000 troops, I am afraid that it is really difficult to stop the army of 100,000 tigers and wolves!

The situation is probably Jiang Zi's, and the complete fall of Yanyun County is a foregone conclusion.

My minister, deeply graciously received by heaven, death is certainly not a pity!

However, we cannot lose an inch of the territory of Great Zhou!

So I hope the emperor will send troops to support you soon. I wonder if King Fengyang's army has arrived?

It would be great if King Fengyang led his army out of the customs, for example, with the momentum of the bright moon sweeping the remnants of the stars, all future enemies will be wiped out!

Then they went straight to the north and wiped out all their lairs!

In the Ming Dynasty, those who dare to offend the Great Zhou will be punished even if they are far away!

If this is the case, then I am very lucky! Yanyun County is very lucky! How lucky are the tens of thousands of people who are lingering here!

The minister is also very fortunate.

Also, after the catastrophe in Yanyun County, everything was ruined. As the governor, I had no choice but to plead for the people, and begged the emperor to send a large number of people, food, grass and materials to rescue...

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