The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 326 Another Crazy One

"Yeah... I understand... Boss, what did you just say?" Liu Fuhai's mind is not in his head now, and he has already flown into the sky.

Alas... Xiao Chen sighed, and went crazy again.


A madman must be mad, but he is only mad in a room by himself.

Liu Fuhai is a former madman. He has a kind personality and is very easy to get along with. He can chat with anyone, unlike a madman who just ignores everyone.

It's just that sometimes it's normal to chat and joke with others, but suddenly go crazy.

For example, when the big guys had dinner together that day, Tie Kunlun just casually said that it was so cold outside, and the north wind was blowing!

He suddenly went crazy, dropped the bowls and chopsticks in his hand, rushed out the door in a daze, and never came back.

After asking, I found out that after he went out, he found a horse and went straight to Shunfeng Harbor!

Ask him what he did? The answer is to measure the wind direction.

One night, in the dead of night, when the lunatic was already asleep, he suddenly rushed to the door with shirtless arms, slammed the door loudly, and shouted in a shrill, thin drake voice, lunatic, lunatic, to open the door!

Wake up everyone.

As a result, the lunatic opened the door and asked him what happened? But he shook his head again and said it's all right, I haven't made up my mind yet, I'll find you when I've made up my mind, turned around and left... Gone...

After that night, Xiao Qiwei's brothers gave him a resounding nickname, Liu Er Crazy!

Today is the winter solstice. The winter solstice is one of the twenty-four solar terms in China, and it is also an important festival. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "the winter solstice is as big as the year".

After the winter solstice, the days will be longer and the nights will be shorter, because the sun will gradually turn from the Tropic of Cancer to the Tropic of Cancer.

In the south of the Yangtze River, the weather has gradually warmed up, and every household has started to prepare "la fertilizer" from this day in preparation for the upcoming spring plowing.

But in the north, the winter solstice is the beginning of the severe cold. From this day on, it has officially entered the "Number Nine".

A folk proverb says, "Once you see it nine times, the dog freezes to death." Even a dog covered with thick fur can freeze to death, which shows how terrible the severe cold is.

Xiao Chen, Liu Congshu, Ye Baiqing and others went out of the city early in the morning, and took supplies such as frozen meat, white flour, butter, etc. to visit the homes of ordinary people in the surrounding villages.

See if their houses are destroyed? Has anyone had frostbite and starved? Do you have enough firewood, charcoal, grain, rice, oil and salt at home for the winter?

Chen Jisheng had previously issued a governor's order in the entire county, and the people of Yanyun County were not allowed to freeze to death or starve to death, otherwise the local officials in charge from the prefecture to the county would all be dismissed and investigated!

The food has been distributed according to the number of people reported by the states, and the firewood and charcoal subsidies for the common people have also been distributed, which is only a lot more.

So if someone starves to death again, it is the problem of the local officials, either negligence of duty or corruption!

must be severely punished.

Chen Jisheng also ordered Liu Mofeng, who was in charge of the criminal hall, to send people to conduct secret inspections in various places.

Once it is discovered that someone has neglected their duties, or withheld grain and charcoal from the people for the winter, they can directly arrest the local officials and send them to this old man without reporting. After verification, they will be severely punished!

Xiao Chen and Duan Linger braved the cold wind and walked westward for more than ten miles out of the city. From a distance, they saw a small village covered with snow. There were probably more than a hundred households in this village, but only a few Smoke rises from the chimney...

Xiao Chen's face darkened instantly.

In such a cold weather, ordinary people do not burn firewood to keep warm, so they will freeze to death!

When I arrived at a mud hut at the head of the village, I saw that the small courtyard made of wicker was full of firewood.

In a temporary cowshed, there is a strong pointed cow lying down, its mouth is squirming, and it is ruminating. There is a tall haystack next to the cowshed, and a fork for grass is inserted on it.

An old man in a thick cotton coat came out from the room and looked at everyone with astonishment.

"Old man, we are in business. I don't know if it's convenient to pass by your house to ask for a drink?" Xiao Chen smiled.

"Convenience and convenience, who still walks with their backs on their backs? Come in quickly, people are freezing to death outside in this cold weather, and it's really hard for you to do business, and you still have to hurry in this weather? Tsk tsk tsk, there is a little girl here, Look at the cold face..." The old man was very hospitable, and quickly opened the door to invite the big guy into the room.

The hut is very narrow. Once you enter the door, there is a big heated kang. On the top of the kang, there is a white-haired old lady sitting cross-legged, doing needlework with the little light coming in through the paper window.

"Old woman, let's go, hurry up and boil some water, and get some food if you have anything to eat. I'm afraid they haven't eaten yet!" the old man shouted loudly.

Xiao Chen and the others even said that there is no need, we just need to keep warm, and there is no need to boil water, as there is cold water to drink in one sip.

"That's no good, how can you drink cold water in this weather? You people who are away from home, it's not stubborn to drink up your stomach!" The old man asked the big guy to go to the kang, but he took an iron rod and started to pull the stove on the top of the kang. ash.

Xiao Chen touched the kang but it was still warm, "Old man, I see you have a lot of firewood outside, why don't you burn more fire in such a cold day?"

"Hey, there are only two of us old people in this room. We are wearing thick clothes and it's not cold. Why burn so much? Wasting firewood! Do you still think you are one of those rich men in the city?" the old man laughed.

"I'm used to suffering, but I'm afraid of being poor." The old lady brought a big earthen jar full of water, paused on the stove, and chatted with her, "I'm afraid that the good days will pass in the blink of an eye, and it will be another lifeless one." No food, no drink, no house to live in."

Even the big guys couldn't understand the old lady's words, Duan Ling'er wondered, "Old man, are you living a good life?"

}Yah! We have cotton clothes to wear, a warm house to live in, and enough food to eat at home. The uncle in the county even gave us a farming ox, so we can grow crops in the first spring of next year! Isn't it a good day? We never dreamed of it in the past! "The old lady laughed.

"Oh... my old man has lived for dozens of years, but he has never seen such a scene. The government has always only asked people for money and food, and has never given it to us ordinary people! It's all thanks to our master Xiao Chenxiao, if it weren't for his old man, how many people would have died this winter!"

"This is also because God has eyes. He sent Mr. Xiao to our Yanyun County. People say that Mr. Xiao is a Wenqu star, martial arts star, fire, and De Xingjun. It's all nonsense! Is our Mr. Xiao a saint?" said the old man. .

"Oh, old man, I... I don't think that Xiao Chen can bear it!" Xiao Chen almost slipped the tongue.

What is a saint?

That is a perfect man with noble moral character, superior wisdom, perfection, beauty, benevolence and compassion!

Throughout the ages, up and down five thousand years, the only one who is called a sage is Confucius.

Not to mention civil and martial arts stars, Huode Xingjun and other little gods, even the three Qings and four emperors, the Buddha of the Western Heaven, and the Jade Emperor can't compare to him!

That's how high the status is.

So Xiao Chen felt that he was older than Master Kong, there was still a certain gap...

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