The Best Fake Eunuch

Chapter 405 Lantern Riddles

Chao Yun fetched a wooden carved wine glass weighing half a catty, filled it up for him, and put it directly to his mouth, watched him drink it all, and if there was a drop left, drink it again!

When it was Fu Yan's turn, he took a random one, glanced at it and laughed loudly, and said loudly, "Li Hualing, Song Yuqiangdong, the tallest person in the banquet drinks from the giant cup!"

There is no need to measure this, Tie Kunlun is definitely the tallest among the crowd, so Chao Yun squeezed his nose and poured a big cup.

"Baili, you boy, take a good shot. If you get me again, it's because you deliberately tricked me. I'm leaving now and I'll tell you!"

Although Tie Kunlun drinks a lot, two glasses of wine are nothing to him at all, but the main reason is that he loses face, and in front of four charming beauties... it's embarrassing.

"It can't be such a coincidence, right?" Baili Qingyun took out a token and glanced at it. He was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help laughing.

He wasn't someone who couldn't laugh, but after being with Xiao Chen and the others, he laughed more and more...

"What are you laughing at?" Tie Kunlun had a bad feeling.

Chaoyun snatched the token from Baili's hand, giggled coquettishly and read aloud, "Chunyang with feet, catalpa ling, those who want to leave the table first drink the giant cup!"

Just now who said to come first?

"Don't play anymore! My seat has bad feng shui today!" Tie Kunlun even drank three glasses of wine, and was so annoyed by the big guy's laughter that he refused to give orders even if he was beaten to death.

"The riddle session has started, shall we guess the riddle?" Mo Chou smiled, "If you'll be drunk for a while, you won't be able to guess anything."

The lantern riddles in the Lantern Riddle Lane were also hung up one after another. Because there were too many people, they were hung very high, and the characters were also very large, so a few people could read them clearly when sitting in the room.

Many of the simple big guys know it at a glance, and they are too lazy to guess.

For example, something like "bamboo railings and wooden walls, a litter of piglets hiding inside, five tigers went up to catch the pigs, and the frightened piglets bumped into the wall", this one can be seen as an abacus.

Also, "It looks like a snack from a distance, but it looks like a snack up close. Even though it's a snack, it's not enough to satisfy your hunger." Needless to say, it's just a candle.

There are also anagrams, such as "dizzy" is the word "hui", and "there is no front, there is no back, there is no right, there is no crying" is the word "mouth".

"Masters, sisters, why don't you guess?" The two young men at the window were anxious, "If you guess it, we can also win the prize."

"I hit one shot." Mo Chou said with a smile, "The answer to the riddle of 'reporting safety with the king's words' is 'words without faith'"

"I also guessed one, and the answer to the 'who' is 'obvious to all'" Qiuyue said.

"The word 'Start from near' should be the word 'die' for the dead like a husband." Zhao Yun said with a smile.

"When you type the word 'impressive', it becomes the word '黑' which is ecstasy." Mu Yu also made a random guess.

These girls are quite smart, in fact, they have already guessed a lot, but seeing that Xiao Chen and others did not speak, they all remained silent.

Seeing the young servant urging him now, he thought that these masters might not know how to guess riddles, so he hurriedly said a few words to avoid embarrassment.

In fact, apart from Tie Kunlun, Xiao Chen and the others would also guess.

But guessing riddles is not the same as composing poems. In fact, speaking of them is just like drinking orders. They are just games, so they don't want to show off their cleverness in front of a few girls, as if they can be fooled.

It's better to let the girls guess a few, and they will reward some money for it, so everyone will be happy.

So, like Xiao Chen and the others who are rich, interesting, caring, sensible, able to compose poetry, and don't come here randomly, where can you find them?

"The reflection in the lake typed a word? What is this word?" Mo Chou saw an anagram but couldn't figure it out for a long time, so she couldn't help frowning.

"This is the tide of the tide." Xiao Chen said casually.

"Huh? Really, so you know how to guess riddles?" Mo Chou laughed.

"Slightly clearer." Xiao Chen said with a smile.

"Then what do you mean by 'one crooked moon with three stars'?" Mo Chou stretched out her fingers to show Xiao Chen, and unconsciously pressed her cheek on his shoulder, the faint fragrance was really refreshing.

"Heart." Xiao Chen sniffed and said.

"What is that 'Duo Duo Duo Duo' playing two seasons?" Seeing that Xiao Chen's guess was accurate, Mu Yu also came over.

"New Year's Eve, Qixi Festival." Xiao Chen said.

"Then what is 'upstream, middle and downstream'?" Chao Yun asked.

"Twists and turns." Xiao Chen laughed as he spoke.

Because I suddenly thought of a joke from my own era, but it was also a riddle.

Ask, how much discount can a plump girl get when she goes to the mall to buy clothes? The answer is 40% off.

for what? Just because of twists and turns.

Do you understand? Pure people should not understand...

The two young servants ran back and forth quickly, up and down, although they were sweating profusely from running, they were tired and happy, because Xiao Chen and the others rewarded them all the lottery prizes they guessed correctly.

Not only did they get the lottery, but they also got the limelight, because many people won't be able to guess after thinking hard, but they all won.

It attracted the envious eyes of countless passers-by, and the praise from the bottom of their hearts: Look at these little turtles!

What the hell are you doing running so fast? Be careful not to drop your big teeth, why are you shouting so loudly? I'm not afraid to flash your tongue!

There are also many people looking up here, with envy and hatred in their eyes.

"Forget it, let's not guess, and let others have a good time." Xiao Chen asked the servant to close the window, he was afraid of being disturbed by being recognized, and it was rare to say that he was so happy.

A few servants are also quite disappointed, why don't I continue to rely on it?

I feel that as long as this master is willing, he can win all the prizes in Lantern Riddle Alley!

Some prizes are just some food, some are silk and satin cloth, and some are real gold and silver!

They have been busy for a while, and all kinds of things add up to a hundred taels of silver, which can be regarded as a windfall.

I just hope to keep posting...

"What are you guys muttering about?" Zhao Yun saw a few young men standing at the door pushing and shoving, muttering, wondering what the hell is going on?

A young servant was pushed in by the others, and salivating, he said, "Miss Chaoyun, when we went down just now, we saw a lantern riddle that rewarded twenty taels of silver, so I wanted to ask the uncle and the girls to guess it for me."

"Your idea is beautiful, we help you guess, and the money will be returned to you?" Zhao Yun spat at him with a smile, "Tell me, what is the mystery?"

"A dog." The boy said.

"What is it?" Chaoyun was stunned, "I ask you what is the mystery? What are you hitting?"

"It's just a black dog. I didn't say what to fight, so let's guess!" The boy scratched his head and said, "That's why the big guys can't guess."

"Yeah? How do you guess?" Chaoyun also scratched his head, turned to look at everyone and said, "Does anyone know what this is?"

The big guys shook their heads together, expressing their bewilderment.

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