The Best Male God

Chapter 1278: Giants abandoned less 10

"There are also abilities among humans, but the odds are too low, one in ten million. After we reach the big city, we will meet other abilities. Now there is Xiaoyuan in our team, our safety Can be guaranteed. "

Zhou Zekai lightly talked about the situation of the power person. In fact, the power person appears less than one ten millionth of his mouth. Earlier, I learned the laws of this world from the memory of the wishing person. The more you go back, the zombies will become stronger and stronger, and humans will become passive. So after the first two years of wishing people to rely on this space to make money, later they built their own bases, and each time after that, they only appeared. In the base, other places never go, it can be said that because of the growing relationship between zombies.

In the last few years of the wishing man's life, I have encountered more than a dozen abilities. It can be said that the probability of such an outbreak is very low, and it is particularly important to note that the birth of these abilities must be bitten by zombies. There is an antibody in the body of a person who causes a power to be born, but how many chances are there for anyone who has been bitten by a zombie? This was originally a very cruel thing.

However, Zhou Zekai will not tell you the facts. Otherwise, the zombies will become stronger and stronger, so can humans really only take their own lives?

"This way ..." People in the team have never doubted Zhou Zekai's words, because Zhou Zekai's mystery and trust, he always seems to have news that others don't know, and those messages are true, such as the crystal core As a matter of fact, everyone has already collected a lot of crystal nuclei. They believe that Zhou Zekai's words, these crystal nuclei will come in handy sooner or later.

"Can ordinary people wake up with this kind of power?" The one who asked this question was Jiang Xi, who has survived for so long in this eschatology. Naturally, he also knows that only his own strength is strong, and he does not face zombies. I am afraid that I can continue to live in this city, so Jiang Xi really wants to know, may ordinary people like them get powers?

When other people heard this question, they looked forward to Zhou Zekai and wanted to get a result. After all, for them, it was really something that they expected very much. If ordinary people can also wake up the power, it is It is not much easier to deal with zombies in the future.

"In a sense, it is possible." As soon as Zhou Zekai's voice fell, everyone's eyes looked even hotter.

"But if you want to be an ability, you must be bitten by a zombie. After biting, there is a one-tenth of a million possible awakening powers, and the other will become zombies, so ... you know what I mean."

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Zhou Zekai easily broke everyone's illusions. After all, even if you want to be an ability, you won't bet your own life! Not to mention that it is 1 in 10 million. Even if it is 50%, we should consider it for a long time?

Because of this, after hearing Zhou Zekai's words, everyone couldn't help looking at the baby-faced boy with spiritual ability, but saw the boy nodded.

"A Kai is right. If you want to awaken the power, you must be bitten by the zombies. Otherwise, you can eat the crystal nucleus. If you do n’t become a zombie after eating, you have a chance to generate abilities."

Although Pang Yuan smiled on his face, he had no fluctuations in his heart. In his world, there are many human beings with abilities. Even so, they still want to become stronger and even try to eat him. Meat to get more powerful abilities, what is it to eat crystal nuclei? So many people are trying to die, then he gave this opportunity!

When everyone heard this, the expectations in their hearts had disappeared, because everyone was alive and there were people you gave to protect, how could you die at will? The chance of possessing such abilities is too small. It is better to kill some zombies as now, with the support of Zhou Zekai's supplies, to make your life better ...

Although the situation is not so good now, after experiencing Zhou Zekai, everyone exchanged materials and weapons from Zhou Zekai here. It is because of this that they are not so afraid when facing zombies. There are crossbows, katanas, axes, chainsaws, and other things. In short, with these weapons, everyone is not so afraid.

Even Hu Jinglin's twelve-year-old daughter knows to cook for everyone after everyone comes back to rest, because everyone kills the zombies to protect her. This team is undoubtedly warm. Zhou Zekai's vision of people is good, although on the way Zhou Zekai once watched some people die.

In this way, Pang Yuan and Meng Changan joined the team very popularly, and it was because of Pang Yuan's unique ability status that he was strongly welcomed by everyone. Zhou Zekai saw that Pang Yuan was in the midst of this group of people. Rest assured a lot.

In the following days, with Pang Yuan in, everyone's life is better. Pang Yuan is a control system, and because he hides his ability, every time he encounters some scattered zombies, he will control these zombies for everyone to practice. How to kill the zombies, the crystal nucleus will be handed over to everyone, because from Zhou Zekai's mouth, everyone knows that Pang Yuan evolved through the crystal nucleus, as long as Pang Yuan evolved, then these ordinary people will be more It ’s safe, even if this crystal core is the money in the future, but they have a material merchant Zhou Zekai, they just need to find some precious things to exchange!

Of course, this team also has great skills. For example, two of them are engaged in drug research and development, and they have a lot of drug development formulas in their brains. So after meeting him, Zhou Zekai got a lot of drug formulas from him. After returning home, I first invested in a drug laboratory and found some more professional medical professors to start developing these drugs. One of the most satisfying Zhou Zekai is a scar removal product. This product only needs to be used for one month. , You can eliminate all the old scars. This thing Zhou Zekai tried in the end world, very powerful! Therefore, Zhou Zekai was the first person to research and develop this thing. After the research and development, whether it is the medical industry or the beauty industry, it will suffer a major impact.

The other is an It man who specializes in playing code. In order to protect his wife, Zhou Zekai was rescued. After knowing the person's capabilities, Zhou Zekai also prepared a computer for him to let him make some code. This kind of code is a comparison of this world. A common desktop idol is something similar to the system. After you install it on your computer and mobile phone, you want to be like a small idol, which can not only remind you of your daily routine, but also pass you. Search for a series of life help for you, the main thing is that she is super cute!

Zhou Zekai was attracted by her charming cuteness. After deciding to let this person get out the code of the previous company, he set up a company to make something so cute. It should be shared with all talents!

The main thing is that this desktop software has been separated from the desktop toys being manipulated, but is intelligent, capable of responding to everyone's requirements in a variety of ways, such a lovely thing that no one can hold back what……

In the recent period, Zhou Zekai has been traveling back and forth between these two worlds. His online shop is even more popular all over the world! why? Because Zhou Zekai increased the investment again, and threw it to the store manager five million. Under the superb marketing of the store manager, everyone now likes to buy things in his heart!

The jewellery here is not only affordable but also fashionable. It has never been seen in the market. The main thing is that it is updated very quickly. Some things are only one copy. If you miss it, you will be gone!

This shop is more user-friendly. There are hundreds of cheap jewelry and 50,000 expensive. After everyone has left messages to confirm that this thing is true, the sales volume is very crazy. For two months, This created nearly 20 million benefits for Zhou Zekai.

why? Because Zhou Zekai is timeless! Make money lying down, there is no cost, only interest, and the 20 million sold are still a very small number of things. Other things have also been gradually increased. Now this shop can be said to be very much on the Internet. It's hot!

In addition, there is a coffee shop. The business in the renovated coffee shop is very good. This probably has a lot to do with the handsome waitresses in the coffee shop. Heyang's cousin is a real beauty. Yan Kong!

Because of this, the renovated coffee shop not only looks high-end, but also provides handsome and beautiful service throughout the process, making everyone like to come here, plus the coffee masters hired from abroad, it can be said that the business is very good.

Zhou Zekai also often comes here, and every time he orders Chu Xiangxiang's dim sum. In this way, Chu Xiangxiang understands a bit, the person he likes seems to be interesting to himself ...

However, some timid she still dare not confess, because she was afraid that all this was her wishful thinking. In addition to the happy feeling of making pastry during this time, she was happier that she had more time. Seven hours a day at work, in fact, I actually work every day, and there is not much time. After work, I had to go home. As a result, the manager and sister took shopping together to buy clothes and make hair ...

Over the past two months, Chu Xiangxiang has become much more refined, and has changed greatly from essence to spirit.

Heyang is a dedicated boss. After all, he also invested a lot of money, so he engaged in online hype, took pictures of the handsome guys in the store, promoted his own store, and worked hard to market his coffee shop as online red coffee. It turned out that this coffee shop was marketing, but as a result, Chu Xiangxiang's cousin saw a picture of her sister making pastries ...

The Chu family received a phone call and asked if the sweetheart sister on Weibo was Chu Xiangxiang. The Chu family was aggressive, and they did not see it until they checked Weibo and searched this cafe. After being photographed, it was so beautiful that she looked at her daughter who was all glowing ...

"This, is this our fragrance?"

Mother Chu looked at it and wondered what it was, and felt that she was a pretty daughter, and she couldn't believe it.

"Yeah, this is definitely Xiangxiang, but isn't she working at Zhou's company? How did she suddenly become a pastry chef?"

Father Chu was also a bit surprised. Seeing his daughter smile beautifully, this is a pride in his heart. He and his wife are just such a daughter. Many people do n’t know how much gossip. The daughter not only got into a good university and job. Even in Zhou's enterprise, they have always been the pride of their husband and wife, but just did not expect, how did the daughter make pastry?

"Old man, you call Xiangxiang and ask her what happened. It was fine when you called before."

Mother Chu was serious, thinking that when she received a call from her daughter, her daughter said that she was doing well in the company, and then she thought about seeing those pastries in her daughter's circle of friends a few days ago, and she was even more nervous.

"Okay, I'm calling to ask, but if the daughter really changes her job, don't scold her, she is a little girl, what if you scold and cry?"

The father of Chu, who has always been in Huairou policy, hastened to appease his wife. In fact, in his opinion, if the daughter is really a cook, then cook it. The girls are better at cooking now, and her daughter not only cooks And will make good pastries, isn't that more popular?

Thinking of this, Father Chu did not feel angry, took out his cell phone, and called his daughter.

Chu Xiangxiang just went home with the manager's sister. Although the salary is high recently, there are about 20,000 yuan per month plus bonuses of about 24,000, but I can't stand myself. I have been dressing myself recently, so Chu Xiangxiang gives the family 5,000 yuan a month They were all pulled from previous deposits, and the store manager sister and Ze Kai also gave her a lot of things, making Chu Xiangxiang feel that life now is like living in a dream.

Hearing the phone ringing, he took out the phone and saw his father. Chu Xiangxiang couldn't help showing a smile. It was October in a month, and it was getting colder. Chu Xiangxiang planned to buy some clothes for his parents.


After confirming the call, Chu Xiangxiang's sweet voice filled Chu's face with a smile.

"Ah! Xiang Xiang, have you been off work? Are you busy with work lately?"

Father Chu said with a smile. In fact, it was decided in his heart. Even if the daughter changed her job, she changed. As long as the daughter is happy, look at the photos. The daughter is very happy ...

"Dad, I've been off work, and I haven't been tired at all recently. I only work seven hours a day, and there are various allowances. I am very happy every day. By the way, I plan to go home next month. I ’ll buy some clothes for you and your mom. You ’re not willing to spend the money I called you before, right? I recently saw a massage chair, and I ’ll take it back for you to use with my mom. ”

Chu Xiangxiang is really happy every day now, so I inevitably chatter when talking to my dad. The massage chair was recommended by the manager and sister, which is more affordable, which is only 20,000 yuan, so Chu Xiangxiang plans to give the dad Mom bought one.

Mother Chu also listened to her daughter talking on her husband's cell phone. When the baby was so caring, how could she be angry? Whose daughter is so caring, working outside gives me 5,000 yuan a month at home, and has been buying this for them, obviously, they are all little girls, and they are worried.

"Think, no, no, I and your mother will buy clothes by themselves. You can take care of yourself when it's cold, as long as you are not tired from work, have you eaten?"

Father Chu made an act of not talking, and Mother Chu didn't say a word. After Chu Xiangxiang asked Mother Chu when she was not at home, Mother Chu began to speak, but she didn't mention the work. In fact, she already knew. The job must have changed.

Although I used to pay a lot in Zhou's company, I was tired all day long. I worked overtime 12 hours a day, making my daughter tired every time I called back. Now my daughter is so happy. There must be something I like, so Chu's father Chu's mother eventually chose not to speak.

Eventually the phone hung up, Chu and Chu both looked at each other.

"Why ... let's ask Xiaochen? Xiaochen has the best relationship with Xiangxiang."

Father Chu is still a bit uneasy. I don't know if the cafe is tired or not. What if it's different from what he imagined?

In the end, the two still called Meng Chen. When Meng Chen heard it, she knew that the aunt already knew about it, and she was very helpless. She could only tell it out in total. Seven hours a day, and a monthly salary of 20,000, much better than in Zhou's enterprise ...

It's easy to say that the husband and wife of the Chu family were relieved a lot and couldn't ask their daughter, but they still believed in Meng Chen.

Chu Xiangxiang didn't know that she had secretly changed her job. It was already known to her parents. It wasn't until she had taken a shower to go to bed that she saw dozens of messages from her cousin on her phone ...

Well, I was so happy when I just took a shower, I didn't hear these sounds.

Thinking that something was going on with his cousin, Chu Xiangxiang hurried to make a phone call.

"Brother, I think you WeChat has sent me a lot of news. Is there something wrong?"

Those who are watching one by one are still very anxious.

Meng Chen is also speechless, never seen such a big girl, sighed.

"Your parents already know how you changed your job. I guess I watched it online. Your cafes are now Internet Cafés. The Internet celebrities on the Internet like to take pictures with you. Your parents I called and asked me after I saw it. I told them about your job change. You don't have to hide it next time you go home. "

Speaking at a stretch, Chu Xiangxiang was a little worried after listening.

"Then my parents didn't say anything?"

I ’m thinking about waiting to call my parents, but it ’s too late now, my parents must be sleeping. The reason why I dare to call my cousin is because my cousin likes to play games. .

"Of course your parents didn't say anything. You just have to work hard. They just fear you are tired. Right, what happened to you and Zhou Zekai? Do you still have an idea for him?"

Meng Chen is indeed playing a game, so at this time while playing the game while asking the cousin's emotional experience, after all, in his eyes, the sister and Zhou Zekai really do not match.

When Chu Xiangxiang listened to Meng Chen's words, she felt a little embarrassed, but thinking of the two people getting along these days, she mentioned courage.

"Brother, I still want to give it a try. Recently, I am very happy to work in a coffee shop, and I have the opportunity to meet him every day. He gave me a lot of gifts and he will also send me home. I like it too. "

Although this may be one of the illusions of life, after all, sometimes people are right, the biggest illusion in the world is that the person you like also likes you.

Meng Chen didn't know what to say when she heard this. She could only ask a little about her sister's work, but it turned out that she was one of the managers of this cafe. I feel like I have a microphone.

"I have a good relationship with the guy in Heyang. Don't get tangled up. I will ask Heyang for you and see if Zhou Zekai likes you or not. If he is interesting to you, you will confess. If he fails, do n’t want to. Stay in the cafe, then come back to support you. "

In short, Meng Chen still didn't want her sister to be hurt, which made Chu Xiangxiang's heart warm when she heard it.

Although Chu Xiangxiang is the only child, Chu Xiangxiang's relationship with Meng Chen's cousin is really good, no different from her brothers and sisters.

Eventually the two people talked for a while, and then hung up the phone. Chu Xiangxiang now also likes to sleep and sleep, so she tangled up for a while and went to bed. I plan to call tomorrow to tell my parents about changing jobs. Parents understand, otherwise parents must be very worried.

As for Meng Chen? Although he had a good relationship with Heyang, he also knew that calling in the middle of the night to ask about this was not good, so he used WeChat to send a message to Heyang and asked Heyang to come out for dinner together.

He Yang and Meng Chen have n’t seen each other for a long time. After seeing Meng Chen ’s WeChat, she remembered Chu Xiangxiang for the first time, and suddenly he looked interesting. He was a person who liked gossip. Now he saw Meng Chen come to the door. Is there a reason not to go?

So the two people made an appointment soon, without telling Zhou Zekai, they planned to meet secretly.

One wants to find out if Zhou Zekai likes his sister, and the other wants to know whether Chu Xiangxiang liked Zhou Zekai when he went to school before.

In short, this matter can be regarded as a snap and peace! So I made an appointment to go to dinner on the weekend. Soon the weekend, the two people went to a hot pot restaurant for dinner. Although the two people eat hot pot is strange, but who makes Heyang like it, Meng Chen is asking for others, naturally only I can agree to eat hot pot ...

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