The Best Male God

Chapter 835: Everyone expects my wife to testify 17

The noble and dignified woman in front of her face smiled at this moment, as if she said that the person who was going to die was not her. Zhou Zekai frowned. He understood the love of these women, but such love should not become a shackle to restrain these women.

Like someone, do you have to die for one person? No, if it was Zhou Zekai's choice, if the person he liked was killed by himself, he would certainly not be able to poison the dog's own heart.

Do n’t you like it? Aren't you exhausting your protection?

Isn't it ... waiting for restraint?

On what basis? Why can these people take the life of their beloved rightly, just for their own success? Should these people die?

These women may be willing later, but later? Let ’s kill our wives and our wives, who will we kill after we have killed our wives? Killing a child or a father?

"Auntie, you have stolen these 300 years, but have you ever thought of the girls in the Blue Palace? They are innocent, they are looking forward to being able to survive in this world, they only You want to be with your beloved forever. You have made a marriage contract for these women with our disciples. Did n’t you tell them before the marriage contract, that they will die for their loved ones in the future !!! ”

The gauze wrapped in love was revealed, revealing a terrible interest relationship. If those women knew that their future was to be killed by their husbands, would they still be willing to maintain the marriage contract as they are now? Will you still marry your fiance willingly?

People always have a desire to survive. Zhou Zekai always believed that all things in the world have their own reason for existence, but the destiny said that it is absolutely false, and it is true that man can win against heaven! !! !!

The smile on Gong Fengxi's face was a bit stiff. She knew that what the child was saying was true. There was a suspicion that they deceived the girls. That year ... if they knew themselves then they wanted to If the fiance is dying, he must be unwilling, right?

It is only because she and Lu Ziqing fall in love that they are willing to dedicate themselves and stand in Lu Ziqing's position to consider for everyone, but never thought, if those women have the opportunity to choose, are they really willing?

Oh no, or in other words, are they still willing to have such a life without seeing it?

"Akai, things are not as simple as you think. Although the Blue Palace is Huangquan Road, it is also the best Huangquan Road in the world. I and your mother are good friends. Do you know why we were selected by the Qingqing Sect? The elders chose us to pave the way for the disciples in the future, but we were chosen, but it was a special good fortune. Your mother was almost sold by her parents into the flower building, but the elder who happened to be in love with her passed by and realized Your mother Lingling was good, so she brought her back. And me, there is an older brother in my family, and the sister-in-law doesn't like me, just want to sell me to the old people to raise children, but also because Ling Gen was brought back by the elder You know how lucky it is for us to have everything today? "

After all, there are many unlucky people in the world. Even the women in the Blue Palace are poor, but there are thousands of poor women in the world. There are food and drink in the Blue Palace. There are people who teach these women, train these women, let these It was originally a woman chosen from the world to have a different life than before, which was a lucky thing.

If as a mortal, a woman's life is only worth a hundred years.

Zhou Zekai did not expect that the women in the blue palace were brought from the world. Thinking of Zhen Lingya, although Zhen Lingya was not brought from others, she was also a hard-working woman. She was extremely talented and blocked her. The brother's way was directly abandoned by his parents, and then he was taken by the elder to the Blue Palace and became his fiancee.

If so, it seems that the women in the Blue Palace have an unspeakable background before coming, just as Gong Fengxi said, they are unlucky women who can come to the Blue Palace and even find Beloved, this is also a blessing in life.


Zhou Zekai didn't know what he should say. He wanted to say that even so, the women in the Blue Palace should not die, but wanted to say more, but found himself at this moment, turned out to be speechless.

Gong Fengxi laughed again and looked at the child he had seen since childhood.

"Akai, you are still young, and you do n’t know the suffering in this world. Your practitioners are born superior, but what about us mortals? When the elders did n’t bring me to the palace, I never thought that there would be Such a good place, but also met Lu Ziqing. Now that you are willing to mingle with the women in the Blue Palace, I will tell you one thing, presumably you should know it. A little more attention.

"You have been very talented since you were a kid, and you are also the most advanced in this group of disciples. For this matter, both the head and other members of our Broken Love Sect are very happy. At the time, Zhen Lingya, the best of Linggen at that time, wanted her to help you in the future. But before that, before you realized that your mother was killed by your father, how was your relationship with Zhen Lingya? Really? She is your future wife and your partner to be with you. Do you love her? "

Unexpectedly, the problem suddenly turned into this. Zhou Zekai froze and a picture of Zhen Lingya cleverly smiling appeared in his head, and nodded.

"Auntie, I like her."

In this case, Gong Fengxi nodded, but said.

"Look, this is what I call destiny. For whatever reason, these girls have come to our Blue Palace. They are almost fatherless and motherless women. Do you think they were born in heaven? These Women are all abandoned by their parents, but they are brought to our sect of sorrow, to be nurtured, and more wanton than others, and even to set up disciples in our sect for these orphans. Before you know this Do n’t you already like Zhen Lingya? I think Zhen Lingya is naturally in the same mood as you. Is your relationship with each other because of calculation? Is it because of conspiracy? You know Zhen Zhenya Will it be her elixir that you will cross over to approach her later? "

Zhou Zekai, who asked several questions in a row, shook his head.

Yeah, he likes Zhen Lingya, it has nothing to do with whether Zhen Lingya is the elixir he robbed, just because she appeared in the Blue Palace, he knows that she is his future wife and that he will be in the future. A person who lives a lifetime, so he will give all the good things to this woman, because ... he also wants to spend a lifetime with this woman for a long time ...

Gong Fengxi continued to speak slowly, looking at the stunned look on Akai's face.

"Look, A Kai, everything in this world can have its own choice, but in our broken love sect, which wife have you seen and died after another? Not because of love, but because of love. You are born Smart, so I found that I might kill my beloved in the future, but do your masters know? There are a few of your sisters and sisters. When you come back this time, there is a good thing to tell you that your second master is already in charge People said that if they want to marry Ning Dai, he likes Ning Dai, and Ning Dai also likes him. If one day in the future, he knows that he must kill Ning Dai before he can survive the demon, you say ... he feels uncomfortable Compared to Ning Dai, will it be more or less? "

For more than three hundred years, Gong Fengxi has seen too many life and death farewells. The women who came out of the Blue Palace at the same time as her had killed Huang Quan, but what about those who are alive? Are those alive really not suffering at all?

Judgment of love, a killing wife, only through one can you find out the method of this love, but the disciples in this love confession do not know how many, can these people easily overcome the devil?

The most painful thing in this world is not to leave, but to stay.

It's like a cage, enclosing all their lives afterwards.

Zhou Zekai also understood at this moment, yeah ... these women were deceived. Perhaps when the elders of Zongli brought them back at the beginning, they already knew their endings, but other members of this sect of the sect of love Disciples?

They happily have their fiancee, and put all their love into this woman. They are springing, their feelings are getting deeper, and they do n’t love more than their wives?

Suddenly I thought of my father. The memories that belonged to him passed by. It seemed that after the death of the mother, the father would never laugh again. Before the death of the mother, the father was obviously the one who laughed most.

It's like his own wisher. After falling in love with his wife, he was forced to kill his wife and testify. His heart was so sad that Zhou Zekai was able to relieve him, but what about those who did not release him? What about those who haven't survived the demon?

The disciples in the Xingqing Sect are just like their names. They are indifferent to outsiders, but they are very happy with their wives. If you think about it, you will find that the more disciples in the Xingqing Sect, The more there is a lot of love.

"I'll take you to a place."

Gong Fengxi got up. She knew the child's tangles and the child's cleverness. It was because of this that she hoped that the child could understand that broken love can hurt people. It was never those foreign objects. What about blood dripping? What about covered scars? How can such an injury be compared with the pain of killing a loved one?

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