The Best Male God

Chapter 858: Eye Blind Web God 6

After a day of fermentation on the Internet, it is already full of excitement at this time, after all, because the novel "The Blind Monk" is very hot nowadays, plus this time it was caught by the author of the book "The Blind Monk" Liang Wanwan, it can be said that Many fans couldn't believe it, and secretly guessed that Liang Wanwan was arrested for something.

Whether it was murder or imprisonment, it didn't seem to have anything to do with this beauty writer.

However, no matter how the people outside guess, in the police station over Hong Kong, Feng Zihan has begun interrogation overnight. Although Feng Zihan did not acknowledge his crime, he has investigated the information. It is enough to prove that he took part in the crime together with Liang Wanwan. He took the money on Zhou Zekai's card, and then opened the cosmetic hospital. He also took away the money from Zhou Zekai's "Drunk Tang", anyway. It is said that the facts of this crime have already appeared. Even if he does not recognize it, it is only a matter of time. Sooner or later, he has to admit it.

There is also Liang Wanwan. After continuous high-level interrogation, she finally admitted the facts of the crime.

"About Zhou Zekai's car accident one year and eight months ago, did you do it with your boyfriend Feng Zihan?"

There is a reason for a car accident, especially when Liang Wanwan ’s girlfriend was with her at the time of the accident, so many things are better investigated, so the police have the evidence, whether it is the evidence of a car accident or Liang Wanwan. Let Feng Zihan destroy the surgical evidence of Zhou Zekai's cornea. After all, in this world, as long as it has been done, there is no evidence left, whether it is a witness or a physical evidence.


Liang Wanwan has given up treatment at this time, so she pleaded guilty, because the police placed these things in front of her one by one. Most importantly, she already knew Zhou Zekai ’s identity. Zhou Zekai, who was originally thought to be an orphan, had such a situation Identity, why, and why did he deceive himself?

At this time, Liang Wanwan only felt that she was extremely angry at Zhou Zekai, and even regretted why she had not killed Zhou Zekai. But now, everything is too late to do anything.

The above attaches great importance to this case. Finally, after three days of interrogation, there was a great breakthrough. Whether it was Liang Wanwan or Feng Zihan, he finally spoke the truth of the event.

It turned out that when "Drunk Tang" was serialized, Feng Zihan was the reader of "Drunken Tang" and knew Zhou Zekai. Later, he used another trumpet to let his girlfriend join Zhou Zekai, which is Liang Wanwan. The original plan for the two was I cheated money from Zhou Zekai here, but after two people knew that Zhou Zekai was only an orphan, the two moved on to other ideas. Just when Liang Wanwan was with Zhou Zekai, the copyright fees for "Drunk Tang" just came down. Two people were attracted by the money. In the end, they wanted to get the money, and they could only design it in a place that Zhou Zekai was not familiar with, that is, Hong Kong, and acted on him.

Feng Zihan hit Zhou Zekai by car, and then blinded the other person's eyes with a rescue method. No one expected that Zhou Zekai was so powerful that he could write after blinding. Liang Wanwan and Feng Zihan who had cheated Zhou Zekai's money The two eventually decided to use Zhou Zekai again, so they chose to let Zhou Zekai write The Blind Monk.

Sure enough, "The Blind Monk" ignited immediately after its appearance. This was a strange experience for Liang Wanwan. She liked the feeling of being sought after by others and the worship of her. Over time, she really felt that "The Blind Monk" was written by myself, and the person who enjoys glory is himself!

This is a story of lack of greed. If two people take off at the beginning, there will be nothing, but I did not expect that two people are greedy and want other fame and gain after getting the money. How could things in the world be so simple? ? So after all, two people have to pay for their actions.

In particular, the actions of the two people have been suspected of murder and imprisonment and financial embezzlement, which together is enough to imprison for decades.

Netizens on the Internet also suddenly found out that in addition to Liang Wanwan, her handsome boyfriend Feng Zihan was arrested by the police! After acknowledging her unexpected identity, Liang Wanwan began to hype herself on the Internet, so she must have her boyfriend Feng Zihan, who opened the plastic surgery hospital, and many beautiful women will go to plastic surgery. However, this time Feng Zihan was arrested and the beauty hospital was also blocked. Many customers who had previously applied for a card asked that they knew that the boss had been arrested ...

All this is terrifying. Both people have been arrested, and it involves murder and imprisonment. Who are the people who were murdered or imprisoned? Where is it

As a member of the public concern, after Zhou Zekai returned home, because his father knew that although he could no longer see his eyes, he was still trying to write a novel, so he re-customized the keyboard for the blind, as well as some voice-activated Things, in short, are what they want.

Zhou Zekai seems to be finally able to accept the fact that his work has been invaded, and then he speaks to his father.

"Well, you log in to my penguin. I want to find my editor."

In recent weeks, Zhou Qifa's office was at home. Now he is in the study with his son. Hearing his son's words, he quickly agreed.

"Okay, what's your penguin password?"

For the penguin account of his son, Zhou Qiqi naturally knew it, so after asking for the password, he logged in to this penguin. Once he logged in, there were all kinds of news. There were the readers of the former "Drunk Tang", as well as the readers and management. The messages left by the staff members and the messages left by Zhou Zekai's editors flashed out one by one, which surprised Zhou Qifa. Zhou Qiqi, who never played this kind of thing, still looked at the penguin with his head and found it. The son's editor-in-chief found that the editor-in-chief was a nonsense, leaving a lot of comments.

From the earliest new books and the like to now whether he is involved in an accident or not, and the police investigation of the ID information of General Chen, he seems to be instructing, very nervous.

"He seems to be worried about you."

After reading these, Father Zhou was a bit complicated and told his son.

Zhou Zekai also understands that because of a car accident before, he left the matter to Liang Wanwan himself. Liang Wanwan naturally couldn't like to talk to his editor. Now he is an editor who doesn't even know about his own eyes.

"Dad, tell him my current number and let him call."

Many things must be said directly. Typing is too slow, and Father Zhou obediently sent a line to the other party, sent his son's new number in the past, and let the other party call.

This editor is called Tomato. Many editors here like to use fruits or vegetables to name it. It was Tomato who dug "Drunken Tang" in one hand. Therefore, for Zhou Zekai, he took great care and disappeared the minister almost two years ago. After that, he was always worried and made a lot of news on Zhou Zekai's penguins.

In fact, they left each other with a phone number, but Zhou Zekai's phone number was informed by Liang Wanwan during the car accident that the mobile phone was broken and the card was gone, so she re-applied everything and thus the two people could not be contacted.

It's been almost two years now, and I saw the penguin belonging to the general again light up and startled the tomatoes. I remembered that the police had called recently, and even the police came to their headquarters. Tomato felt sure. What happened? If nothing happens, the police will not be allowed to come ...

So after seeing Zhou Zekai's phone call, he called in the first time, hoping to know whether Jiang Chen was okay.

The mobile phone in Zhou Zekai's pocket really rang immediately, so he took out the phone, Zhou Zekai clicked the call button, and heard the voice belonging to tomato.

"Hello? Is it general? I'm your editor-in-chief tomato, how are you doing now? Okay? What happened before, why did you suddenly disappear?"

With a word of concern, Zhou Zekai warmed up and saw the photo of the tomato himself. He was a baby-faced boy and looked very bullied.

"You asked so much at once, how can I answer?"

Zhou Zekai's voice came with a smile, so that for a while, Tomato felt that he seemed to be asking too much, so he smiled embarrassedly and said.

"Is it because I haven't contacted you for a long time? You, too, have promised me to prepare a new book before, but people suddenly disappeared. I didn't answer your phone call, and I couldn't contact you, so I was worried. Yes, are you okay now? "

Although the task of the editor is to let the author write a novel, the relationship between the editor and the author is also very close. Therefore, Tomato's feelings for Zhou Zekai are naturally different. "Drunk Tang" was dug out by him. In addition, Jiang Chen was his first author who was able to enter the film and television industry. It can be said that he was the first great **** of his time. Now, it is easy to get in touch again. He naturally cares a lot.

"I'm fine, thank you for your concern, but because something happened in reality, I didn't contact you."

Zhou Zekai explained, but listening to Tomato's ears, he remembered that the police came to their zero-point headquarters to investigate and took away the generals and closed contracts. They just felt that there must be innumerable relationships among them. There are also videos about Liang Wanwan's arrest on the Internet, and some people say that Liang Wanwan is suspected of murder and imprisonment. I think it is very strange.

"Hello, sir, tell you the truth, the police recently came to our headquarters to investigate and took away your and Liang Wanwan's information. Would you like to disclose the situation now?"

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