The Best Physiognomist

Chapter 316 Zhuang Jieyan's Rage

Ningji Normal College, in the teacher's apartment building!

Zhuang Jieyan leaned against the windowsill, looking at the bright moon outside the window, and gradually revealed a trace of anger and helplessness in her eyes.

As the person in charge of monitoring and handling supernatural phenomena in Ningji City, she already knew the identity of the other party's vampire and the strength of the earl comparable to the foundation-building strongman on the day Garcia just arrived in Ningji City.

So, she immediately reported the situation about Garcia to her superiors, and hoped that the superiors could send strongmen in the foundation-building realm to expel Garcia.

After all, the vampire of the earl level is completely beyond her ability to deal with.

But the reply from the superiors in the end was completely beyond her imagination.

Garcia is just a legal businessman who came to invest and do business. He will strictly abide by the laws of China and conscientiously implement the treaty signed with the Taoist sect. He will never do anything to harm the Chinese people.

Although she could not refute the orders of her superiors, she had been closely monitoring Garcia with the idea that those who are not of my race must have different hearts.

This is why Garcia, who obviously has the powerful strength of the foundation-building realm, has only secretly killed thirteen girls for half a year.

Perhaps because of the huge gap in strength, or perhaps because Garcia is too cautious, she has never found that he has done anything illegal.

It was not until a large number of female corpses with blood lost were found on the bar street, and then combined with the clues found in more than half a year of close surveillance, that she finally knew the real purpose of Garcia's appearance in Ningji City and the means of deceiving those girls.

As a city with tourism as its second pillar, Ningji City, with its beautiful environment and profound historical heritage, attracts countless tourists every year.

And those young girls who come to play alone are the prey that Garcia uses to improve his cultivation and strength and satisfy his own need for blood.

It is precisely because most of the girls who were killed are tourists from other places, even if they disappear unexpectedly, they will not attract too much attention in a short time.

As the only Chinese male waiter in the Western restaurant, Xiaowei is not only a local of Ningji City, but also a top student of the tourism major of the Normal College.

But his servile nature of worshipping foreigners and his fanatical worship of money made him willing to become Garcia's accomplice, using his own advantages to help Garcia find prey and actively lead them into the western restaurant.

As for the two waitresses and the female cashier at the counter in the western restaurant, they were also female college students swindled from the Technician College by Xiaowei after a detailed investigation and offered high salaries.

Because the three girls were all virgins with their yin intact, the rich yin energy contained in the blood produced in their bodies every day was enough to meet the energy Garcia needed for his usual practice.

This is also an important reason why Jia Yaxi has never attracted the attention of the casual cultivators and evil cultivators in Ningji City.

Since she had already obtained evidence of Garcia's crime, she immediately made a detailed report to her superiors and asked for support to kill Garcia.

But what was the result of the second time!

The superior ignored the evidence she had painstakingly investigated and still believed that Garcia was a conscientious investment businessman. Not only did he not send a strong man in the foundation-building realm to reinforce, but he also severely ordered her not to interfere in the female corpse case.

The completely unexpected order confirmed Jiang Fengye's suspicion of the deterioration of the Supernatural Research Institute, and also made her hesitate a little about whether she would continue to serve as the head of the Ningji City Supernatural Research Institute.

Just as she was hesitating whether to resign from the position of head, the mobile phone on the desk suddenly rang.

She walked to the desk and picked up the phone. When she found that the number displayed on the screen was from her superior, she immediately answered the phone respectfully out of instinctive habit she had developed over the years.

"Captain Zhuang, immediately use all your spies to investigate who the monk who arrested Garcia is, and then try every means to rescue Count Garcia who is detained in the criminal police team."

Without giving Zhuang Jieyan any chance to refute or refuse, the superior who gave the order hung up the phone directly, which also made Zhuang Jieyan, who was furious for the first time at the superior's order, smash the phone hard to the ground.


Looking at the broken phone, Zhuang Jieyan's anger was burning more and more. After the hesitation in her eyes was quickly replaced by determination, she immediately picked up the car keys on the desk, and then quickly left the teacher's apartment building, started the business car and drove straight to Guanghe Huafu.


Guanghe Huafu, Villa No. 7!

Just when there were five minutes left before the time agreed with Du Yue'e, Jiang Fengye, who performed the Qingfeng technique, successfully returned to the villa.

Then, he saw Shao Yuxuan yawning and chatting with Du Yue'e, and a warm current suddenly surged in his heart, and he stepped forward and ordered.

"Yuxuan, go upstairs and rest!"

"Okay, you guys chat first, I'm going to rest."

Neither did she ask Jiang Fengye what he had done just now, nor did she want to listen to the conversation between him and Du Yue'e. Shao Yuxuan was like a gentle and virtuous wife. After getting up and giving instructions with a smile, she walked back to her room.

After watching Shao Yuxuan return to the room, Jiang Fengye lowered his head and carefully observed Du Yue'e after she had dressed up, a hint of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

Although Du Yue'e's appearance, figure and temperament can only be regarded as a very ordinary girl, the lucky palace under her eyes is wide open, and the evil palace above her eyes is slightly closed, indicating that even after three years of inhuman torture, her kind nature has not been erased.

And this kind and innocent character can basically ensure that she will not betray others after gaining the energy of the Five Evils and becoming powerful.

However, he is satisfied, and he still needs to explain some precautions in Taoist practice before giving the other party the energy of the Five Evils.

"Ezi, everything in the world has a cause and an effect!"

"After accepting supernatural energy, although you can have power above ordinary people, the law of heaven will give you certain constraints."

"That is what we often say, people can do wrong but heaven will not, the world will turn around, if you don't believe it, look up and ask who the heaven will spare."

"So, I hope that after accepting supernatural energy, you can practice by my side for a period of time, and after you have completely formed your own practice values, you can practice in the secular world alone."

"Brother, I don't understand what you said just now, but I know that you and sister-in-law Yuxuan are both really good to me, and I am willing to accompany you for the rest of my life."

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