The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 161 The Great Hero Lockhart (3000 words for subscription)

"As the writer who cares most about Great Britain, I would like to present my new book "Dancing with Vampires at the Eiffel Tower" to my lovely wizards of Great Britain."

Lockhart's words caused a burst of exclamation, and the crowd dispersed, revealing Lockhart's body.

In order to attract the attention of all wizards, he specially wore a violet wizard robe, the hem of which fell to the ground.

But he didn't care, he stared at the slightly disturbed British wizard with piercing eyes, the eyes were too sharp, covering the bloodshot eyes.

He wrote a new novel all night, physically exhausted but full of energy.

"I know what you are thinking," he raised his chin: "You are thinking why they can get my gift, but you can't? That's right, there are not only free new books, but also my autographed photo!"

A group of witches screamed, and Lockhart smiled brightly at them, then turned his head to the surrounding French wizards: "This is because I feel malice here!

I thought this was a free country!

Here—France—Paris, men can communicate freely with women! And when two men stand in front of a woman, that woman also has the right to choose, instead of being brutally occupied by one of the men! "

The crowd erupted into exclamations of "Oh". Wizards who have read the new book know that Lockhart met a beautiful and charming silver-haired girl in Paris.

Lockhart called her "Baby Rodin".

Miss Rodin also favors the humorous and powerful Lockhart.

They started dating, but while visiting the Eiffel Tower, they met a vampire who called himself Quinlan.

Taking advantage of Lockhart's absence, the vampire sucked the girl's blood unreasonably!

When Lockhart came back, he saw his confidante dead, so angry that he killed the vampire. During the battle, he inadvertently froze the Eiffel Tower.

After that, Lockhart went to Quinlan's vampire's home, Quinlan's mansion overnight.

Lockhart killed thirty-six vampires including the Duke of Quinlan, destroyed the backbone of the Quinlan family, and avenged the girl!

At the end of the story, Lockhart danced lonely on the frozen iron tower with the girl's body in his arms.

With word of mouth, the general situation of the new book is known to everyone.

When the black-haired boy in the vampire heard about it, he stamped his feet angrily.

"What nonsense? Lockhart is a liar!

It wasn't Lockhart who exterminated Quinlan! It's the Slytherin Moriarty!

Also, Quinlan vampires never force women!

I'm going to stand up and tell this bunch of useless wizards that Lockhart's book is fake! "

A pair of big hands grabbed his shoulders and held him in place.

"Master, please stay here quietly." This voice reminded the black-haired boy of sharks in the deep sea, he didn't dare to move, and asked unconvinced: "When will we be able to appear in front of people in an open and aboveboard manner? "

"My lord prince said soon. Soon."

The vampires hiding in the dark had to let the wizards discuss because they were restrained by high-level officials.

A "Paris Times" reporter waved his magic camera and shouted to Lockhart: "Dear Mr. Lockhart, do you know that wizards all over France are waiting for my first-hand report! I Can I ask you a few questions?"

Lockhart knew that the main event was coming. If he could gain the trust of French wizards through interviews, it would be an easy task to settle the French Ministry of Magic.

He came to the bookstore and sat down on the seat prepared for him, and nodded to the reporter, "Yes, my reporter, please start."

The reporter held up the magic camera.

"Before the official interview, we especially want to know, is the plot in your new book authentic?"

The reporter asked a sharp question, and was ordered by the superiors of the Paris Times to give Lockhart a blow!

"Your question is like a person who closes his eyes and refuses to admit that the dawn has dawned." Lockhart smiled faintly at the crowd, "Everyone here can look for it in any of my novels, if you can find any falsification , I am willing to give him all my savings!"

Exaggerated laughter came from the crowd, obviously, Lockhart's credibility has been recognized by everyone.

The image Lockhart had established before was too lofty, and it remained deeply ingrained in people's minds.

"I think French wizards may not be familiar with me." Lockhart pretended, and said slowly: "But this is also my fault, I haven't made a formal self-introduction yet.

So allow me to bring you the best of me! "

Lockhart looked at the group of witches, blinked, and reached out to stroke the wavy golden curly hair to the left side of his forehead.

The witches screamed as if they saw Mr. Right.

Lockhart smiled, and said in a low tone that he had never had before: "During the days of wrestling with werewolves and banshees, after experiencing bloody hand-to-hand battles with the Grand Duke of Vampires, the smile that has faded from its brilliance ,Hope you like it."


French witches and fans immediately cheered.

They didn't find Lockhart's smile ugly at all - even after all the dangerous election battles, his smile was still charming.

Think about it, a group of vicious vampires died under the punishment of the great Gilderoy Lockhart, and they can no longer wantonly bully women!

Just thinking about such a story moved them from the bottom of their hearts!

The reporter was slightly stunned, but Lockhart deflected his offensive with just a smile, and gained the trust of many wizards!

But he came prepared, he smiled and said: "Mr. Lockhart, I think you must be aware that Minister Feng Wei announced the charges against the British Ministry of Magic and Moriarty Slytherin this morning.

Exactly today, you held a new book conference and told us that you and a vampire caused the recent troubles in France? Do you think it is appropriate for you to do so? "

After the reporter finished speaking, many French wizards applauded.

Lockhart had to cast the "loud voice" spell on himself.

"I don't know what Minister Feng Wei is thinking, because my purpose of coming to Paris is very simple, it's a trip of my own will." He said loudly, with a calm tone, so that people can't see that he is talking nonsense.

"I didn't know I was going to have an affair, and I didn't know that a vampire would be crazy enough to attack a legitimate French citizen on the Eiffel Tower! Even though she's a Muggle, she's human!

I think Minister Feng Wei should think of a way to deal with the vampire problem instead of being suspicious here. "

Lockhart shrugged his shoulders and leaned back in his chair with an arrogant and unhappy expression.

"A year ago, I publicly stated that the era of magical revival is coming! It ignited the whole of Europe!"

Lockhart no longer smiled, and there was seriousness in his eyes that he had never had before, "I told you that the master of the magical world can only be a wizard! But Minister Feng Wei didn't seem to take my words to heart.

Perhaps in France, vampires could kill French Aurors with impunity.

But in England, vampires will definitely be nailed to the ground by my cross sword, exposed to the sun and died!

Not to mention - our pure-blood Patriarch Lucius Malfoy was murdered by a vampire!

To be honest, before I came to Paris, I thought about whether I should avenge Lucius—he is the director of Hogwarts, and I was helped by him when I was in school.

So when I found out that my baby Rodin was killed by a vampire, I chose to kill him without hesitation! "

Lockhart said these words with a murderous look, and the mouths of the wizards grew. In their eyes, Lockhart was always smiling, but today he became aggressive.

Lockhart stood up suddenly, stretched out his left hand and gently grasped the chair.

"I killed that vampire, like this—"

Lockhart thought silently: "The Touch of Anger!"


A layer of frost suddenly appeared, freezing the chair into ice!

"Oh!" The crowd burst into exclamation. Lockhart was extremely proud and continued to increase the output of magic power. The frost spread from the chair legs to the ground, freezing a piece of ground, and did not stop until the reporter's feet.

Lockhart was satisfied to see the reporter's face turned pale, but he looked depressed on the surface. He sighed and lowered his head.

"I have to admit I made a mistake.

I made it very clear in the book that after killing that damn vampire lunatic, I couldn't accept the death of baby Rodin, and the magic power spread along the vampire's body to the Eiffel Tower!

And then as you can see, the Eiffel Tower is frozen. "

Fans quickly comforted: "Dear Mr. Lockhart, it's not your fault! It's all caused by bloody vampires!"


Lockhart raised his head suddenly, his eyes seemed to be burning with anger. "It's all the vampire's fault! So I found the address of the Kunlan family, killed Grand Duke Kunlan, and destroyed this disgusting vampire family!"

They were answered by cheers from fans, and applause from British wizards.

Lockhart took the opportunity to shout: "I think I have revenge for many people - for baby Rodin, for Lucius, for the Muggles, wizards, elves, too many innocent lives that have died unjustly." !"

The fans went crazy, and even some French wizards were persuaded.

Looking at their cheering appearance, the British wizards feel that they have found their compatriots!

People cheered for Lockhart's bravery and dedication: "Yes sir, you have done a good deed!"

"Damn vampires! The masters of the wizarding world are always wizards!"

"Let us cheer: Great Mr. Lockhart!"

"Vampire Buster!"

"The man who supported the British Ministry of Magic!"

"Big Hero Lockhart!"

Hearing the enthusiastic voices one after another, the reporter knew that he had lost, but he still wanted to ask one last question: "Mr. Lockhart, I would like to ask you, is the British Ministry of Magic and Moriarty Slytherin really Is it irrelevant to this matter?"

"Your question makes me very funny," Lockhart laughed, causing another burst of screams from the fans. He said, "It is said that the British Ministry of Magic will award me a third-class Merlin badge, but I don't even have the badge. No shadow was seen.

You know, my journalist friend, it's been almost half a year since I had any dealings with wizards from the British Ministry of Magic, and the same goes for the French Ministry of Magic.

Inspiration for writers is always unexpected, and I can't waste my time in politics.

As for Moriarty Slytherin?

Oh, you said him? Did I meet once last time, or at the launch of my last novel? Well, maybe he'll show up at the launch of my next novel. "

After Lockhart finished speaking, he strode towards the bookstore with his head high and waved to the fans: "Friends who want my autograph, come with me!"

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