The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 166 Charms Class

Tonks asked Moriarty what he thought of, and Moriarty shook her head, saying that she would know when the new broom came out.

Throughout the afternoon, Moriarty was testing various data of the new broom, and several test pilots including Tonks, Charlie, Penello, Leon, and Jericho provided valuable opinions.

Draco was picked up by Madam Malfoy, who seemed eager to have a word with Moriarty, but she couldn't find Moriarty.

Moriarty recorded the data and suggestions by category in a thick sheepskin notebook. This work continued until late at night, and Jericho had to bring dinner to the dormitory.

The next day, which is Thursday.

The second period in the morning was Charms class, so Moriarty had a rare sleep in.

At around nine o'clock, Moriarty and the little snakes walked into the Charms classroom, and Professor Flitwick had already arrived.

In the center of the classroom, he stood on a stack of books as usual, and said cheerfully: "Ladies and gentlemen, please sit on both sides of me, yes, it is on the sides of my left and right hands."

The boy followed Moriarty and sat on Professor Flitwick's right hand side.

The girl followed Lilith and sat on the left hand side of Professor Flitwick.

Now, boys and girls face to face.

The girls gazed at Moriarty's face, whispered to their companions, and laughed happily from time to time, and then the laughter expanded into a mess.

Only Lilith was leaning on the chair, cold as ice.

"She's not normal."

Jericho, who was sitting diagonally across from Lilith and next to Moriarty, said to Moriarty.

Moriarty couldn't respond to such an endless sentence, "Who are you talking about?"

"Who else?" Jericho quickly glanced at Lilith, looking away as if afraid of being discovered, "Of course Miss Piliwick." He whispered.

"If you want me to say that there must be a problem between you - you didn't go to the dining table last night, and the eldest lady didn't say a word! In the past, she was appointed to pester me to ask non-stop."

After listening to Jericho's description, Moriarty looked at Lilith who was sitting directly opposite her.

Something went wrong between them!

Where did it appear?

Moriarty couldn't figure it out, but Lilith noticed Moriarty's gaze, gave him a stern look, and turned her gaze away.

"Good morning Professor Flitwick~"

The Ravenclaw's eaglet came in, and the girls greeted their headmaster with sweet smiles.

Professor Flitwick arranged for them to sit behind the little snake, with girls in a row and boys in a row.

Jericho put on a smile that he thought was cool, and fired at the girl from Eagle Academy opposite.

His aboveboard flirting caught the attention of the boys at Eagle Yard, and the boy sitting behind him touched Jericho.

"Blanche, look at Clearwater sitting in the middle, she is the most outstanding golden flower in the first grade.

I bet my friends you can take her down! You're a brave cowboy after all, aren't you. "

The boys in Eagle Academy giggled.

Jericho glared at them: "Blind idea! Did you do it on purpose? Is Penello something I can touch? I don't believe you didn't see it."

"What do you see?" The boy from the Eagle Academy looked bewildered.

"Ah bah! I didn't say it." Jericho shook his head and muttered, "Are all the boys in England so dull? Enough is enough."

Moriarty whispered in Jericho's ear, "It's not as open-minded as you Americans, is it?"

Jericho was taken aback, hehe laughed and said, "You heard that, hehe, but I didn't mention you - I just made a comparison - the little boys in the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry have x in the first grade. lived."

"Girls are too young to be healthy." Moriarty coldly commented on the school ethos of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Jericho mused, no wonder Moriarty preferred to be with Tonks.

At this time, Penello sat behind Lilith, and she greeted Lilith enthusiastically, and Lilith nodded coldly.

"Okay boys, please get out your wands! Now, quick." Professor Flitwick took out his own wand and held it above his head.

The students of the two colleges stretched out their right hands, and with a "swipe", the wands automatically fell into their hands!

"Oh, I thought you were wearing wand suits? That's nice," Professor Flitwick said with a smile. "Like a special show."

The students smiled at each other and gave Moriarty a grateful look.

Moriarty said, "Professor, what are we studying today?"

To be honest, he has mastered too many spells, but he is still willing to stay in class and learn from Flitwick.

"Great question, let's learn, Freezing Curse!" The smile on Flitwick's face never broke, and now he smiled even brighter.

"The Freezing Spell is one of the spells you will learn in the second grade, and you will learn it around March next year," Professor Flitwick explained: "But in view of the turmoil in the European magic world, I decided to teach this spell in advance, Luo Hart's deeds tell us that the Freezing spell can be used against vampires, doesn't it?"

The students immediately understood what the professor meant, and even if they hadn't bought Lockhart's latest novel, they knew the plot of the novel.

The spell Lockhart used to beat the vampires and exterminate Quinlan was the Freezing Curse!

"Professor!" Jericho shouted: "Keep up with current events! For this, I admire you!"

The students were also excited: "Learn the Freezing Curse and punish vampires!"

"Okay kids," Professor Flitwick said, waving his wand, "I'm teaching you the simplest freezing spell, like Moriarty—well, sorry, freezing the Eiffel Tower like Lockhart I don't know the Freezing Curse."

He winked at Moriarty, who smiled back.

Lockhart's rhetoric can deceive the general public and French wizards who don't know Lockhart's details, but it can't deceive Lockhart's former dean.

In fact, the professors at Hogwarts knew that someone else had frozen the Eiffel Tower, and Lockhart just stood up to cover for that person.

For this matter, Dumbledore also specially sent someone to China's Himalayas to inquire about the situation.

Moriarty didn't know this at the moment, and he, like the other students, imitated Professor Flitwick's waving of his wand to practice the trajectory of the wand.

The magical effect of the Freezing spell itself is to freeze the target and stop it from moving.

This enchantment can be used on living things to prevent them from running around, and it can also disable non-living things, such as Muggle burglar alarms and other items.

A spell that is not difficult to learn and is frequently used, it took the little wizards more than 20 minutes to master the waving trajectory of the wand proficiently.

Professor Flitwick nodded in satisfaction, and said loudly: "Next, turn to page 17 of your "Standard Spells, Level 2", and read the spell aloud to me—Immobulus!"


"Very well, that's it, read it again and don't use your wand yet. Immobulus!"

"Immobulus!" Everyone read it again in unison. In order to remember it thoroughly, many young wizards said silently: "Immobulus, Immobulus, Immobulus..."

But Moriarty had already learned, he held the cedar wood wand, pointed at the crystal chandelier above his head: "Immobulus!"

An ice arrow shot out from the tip of the stick, and hit the chandelier with a "swish", freezing the chandelier.

"Very beautiful, very Slytheringa!" Professor Flitwick clapped his hands.

Not to be outdone, Lilith released the Freezing Curse on another crystal chandelier. She succeeded halfway, but failed to completely freeze the chandelier, with more than half of the crystals exposed.

"Well done, Pelivik." Professor Flitwick still added five points to her.

Jericho, Penello, and more than a dozen people became enthusiastic, and Professor Flitwick said quickly: "No, no, no, the target of this lesson is not these poor chandeliers."

The students laughed, but Professor Flitwick's next words froze their smiles.

"Did you see the classmate across from you?

That's right, you figured it out, your target is him or her! "

Professor Flitwick waved his hands back and forth: "Ladies and gentlemen sitting face to face, two teams, quick, act."

"Oh, now we are 'Mr.' and 'Ms.' again," Jericho complained. "Before we were 'children', I can see that your dean is very happy today."

He chatted and laughed with the girl from the Eagle Academy opposite him.

Since they were facing each other, Moriarty and Lilith immediately met eyes, but neither of them spoke first.

Penello took the opportunity to say, "Moriarty, can you team up with me?"

She added with a sweet smile: "We are also facing each other. I want you to conjure up a few moving objects and practice my accuracy."

Moriarty agreed, and Lilith turned her face away, and practiced with a boy from the Eagle Academy behind Moriarty.

"Oh Merlin!" Professor Flitwick said to Penelope: "My child, you reminded me! Five points for Ravenclaw."

Then he said to the students: "We can't release the freezing spell on the students during practice. You can conjure up some objects to practice. Professor McGonagall said that you have mastered Transfiguration well in this class."

Penello, who was encouraged by extra points, smiled even sweeter. She got off her seat and floated in front of Moriarty.

Thank you for the reward of the crime of origin, thank you~ I also thank my family members for their encouragement and support in October. I will write a better plot and bring you a better reading experience. Our book has a recommendation today, please support ∠(`ω*) salute

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