The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 190: Overt and Secret Confrontation

Tonks was delighted when he heard Ludoko's vigorous praise of Moriarty, and felt that he had endless strength.

She took the Quaffle and flew in front of the goalkeeper of the national team. Looking at the goalkeeper blocking the goal, Tonks showed a cold smile.

"Guess which goal I'm going to attack?" Tonks let go of the broom and sliced ​​the ball back and forth with both hands.

The goalkeeper looked calm, and he would not be intimidated by Tonks, who had experienced many battles, but what he didn't expect was that Tonks made a fist with his right hand and swung it fiercely at him!

"Humph, Transylvania Fake," the keeper read out the name of the trick Tonks was using, and didn't dodge or evade, not moving a muscle, letting Tonks slip past his plan in vain.

Ludo explained to the audience intimately: "Transylvania's fake action is to direct and dance fists, pretending to hit the opponent's nose, and confuse the opponent!

As long as you don't actually touch the other person's nose, the trick is legal. "

The little wizards nodded. They knew that this kind of skill was world-class, just like the eagle-headed offensive formation and the sloth hugging a tree.

It was the first time for the school managers to see it, and they were extremely excited.

Mrs. Malfoy covered her mouth. Tonks was still a relative of hers.

The goalkeeper of the national team pursed his lips in disdain, "Do you think I will be fooled?"

The next moment his face changed drastically: "What?"

Tonks predicted his prediction, and what he threw was not a fist, but a Quaffle!


Fast, powerful, and powerful!

With a tricky angle, he hit the goalkeeper's head straight!

The keeper winced in fright, and the Quaffle whizzed by, scratching his scalp.


Referee Peter Reese blew the silver whistle and scored a goal. The dream team 10-0 national team!

"The ball has been scored!"

Ludo jumped up and yelled, "Before Moriarty caught the Snitch, Tonks scored a goal, the first goal of the game!

The dream team broke the goal of the national team! Merlin's Quaffle, unbelievable, unbelievable!

The national team was taken away by the dream team!

This goal undoubtedly established the Dream Team's victory, because Moriarty immediately caught the Snitch.

I suddenly had an idea - the dream team won't have a zero-seat national team, right? "

Boasting and returning to Moriarty, Tonks smiled happily.

"Sparkle forever!

Shine forever!

Shine forever! "

Fans screamed with excitement, silver flags waved wildly, and magical trinkets bearing the Slytherin logo and the Hogwarts crest were thrown high.

The students in the stands had already celebrated in advance, and several Gryffindor seniors even took out butterbeer.

Smiles also appeared on the faces of the professors. It was the first time for the school managers to watch Moriarty's game. They were shocked throughout the whole process, and they didn't even respond to the Slytherin flag flying over their heads.

And Roman, the captain of the national team, hangs his head in a daze, his feet and legs seem to have been petrified, he is holding the broom motionlessly, flying in the air mechanically.

However, just when everyone thought Moriarty was about to catch the Snitch and end the game, Jericho yelled, "The Magician is gone! He's gone! Sir, be careful!!!"

Magician gone?

Moriarty was startled, and Jericho's voice sounded like he had seen a ghost, no, it was scarier than seeing a ghost, shrill and terrified!

Everyone quickly looked at Jericho, only to find that the magician stuck by Jericho had disappeared.

They turned around again, and the magician appeared next to Moriarty again!

Everyone's eyes widened in amazement. They saw the magician smile evilly at Moriarty and mutter: "Come on, come on..."

Moriarty felt his heart twitch violently, and a strange feeling rushed into his brain, and he vaguely heard a rough voice: "Come on, come on, my heir..."

"We are waiting for you here, ready to soar into the sky and bring brightness to the night sky."

"We know your name, and we know your face."

"The song of life we ​​play will never stop, and the years of passion we ignite will be repeated year after year!"

"The past meets the present, let the past pass away, set the present free, and free your soul."

"Come, come, my heir..."

This sound played in Moriarty's mind several times, as if a switch had been pressed. Moriarty's brain was tired and he felt drowsy.

Until the system emits a "ding dong" prompt tone.

"It is detected that the host heard the brainwashing song equivalent to a level 75 great magister, and the host will be rewarded with 20 achievement draws!"

Moriarty woke up with a jerk, good guy, you found out that I was brainwashed, instead of saving me, you rewarded me with a lottery!

Also, it is equivalent to a level 75 great magister! ?

Moriarty was taken aback, who the hell is a magician?

The magician also panicked when he noticed the strange look in Moriarty's eyes. Moriarty woke up too quickly!

The boss's magic has always been effective. They helped me hide from the Ministry of Magic of various countries, so that they could not detect that I used magic. Why did it not work on Moriarty?

Before the magician had time to think about it, Moriarty had already come to his senses and released a strong killing intent. The magician hurriedly retreated and flew towards the sky on a broom.

Staring at the magician's back, Moriarty's face turned cold, his gray eyes were burning with anger, so blatant enough to attack him?

Even if he is a level 75 great magister, Moriarty won't back down, he will fight back!

The secret confrontation between Moriarty and the magician lasted only a few seconds, but the Snitch flew away again and disappeared in the clouds.

Moriarty grabbed the handle of the broom with both hands, pulled it like a horse's rein, and flew in the direction of the broom, and flew towards the other side of the field, where there was Charlie.

Ludo scratched the top of his head and explained inexplicably: "Merlin's broomstick, Moriarty was about to catch the Snitch just now, and the magician flew to him—we saw the magician talking to Moriah Dee smiled, then?

Both of them froze for a second! Can anyone tell me what happened between them? "

"I'll tell you what happened," Jericho roared angrily, "That magic liar used magic!"

"He must have used magic on Mister, otherwise Mister would already have the Snitch in his hands, we would have won!" Leon protested with his fists, and Marcus and Charlie also rushed over.

The afro from the national team also flew over, and he protected the magician.

Red Nose also said: "Can you guarantee that Moriarty's tornado game didn't use magic? Let's be honest."

"Go back! Go back!" The referee Petris shouted at them: "Go back to your original positions!"

The referee gestured for them to retreat: "Just now - Moriarty's new skills have also been complained by the national team, we suspect he used magic!

And now, you're complaining that the magician used magic on Moriarty!

Very good, I will verify your complaints, but now, I have not found any traces of Moriarty and the magician using magic, the game continues! "

"The game goes on," Moriarty said to his teammates: "Go on, don't care about them, keep the pace, get the first goal, we have an 80% chance of winning, let's keep a clean sheet!"

The three Chasers are like a rainbow: "Go! Beat them!"

Moriarty laughed, punched Charlie and Marcus behind him, and shook them twice.

"Okay, sir! We get it, let's hit the second Chaser!"

Charlie and Marcus clapped their hands and looked at each other. Isn't the second Chaser of the national team a magician, hehe!

"Marcus," Charlie said with a smile to Marcus, "show them the results of our hard training!"

What responded to him was Marcus's dull voice: "Okay."

Charlie tosses a Bludger, then swings his bat at the same time and hits the same Bludger!


The Bludger spun and hit the magician, making waves of sound!

"Double attack!"

Ludo clapped his hands, "The two hit the Bludger at the same time, making the Bludger's attack more lethal!

They are too powerful. This is a cooperation that requires an unparalleled tacit understanding. In the professional arena and the World Cup, generally only twins can play it! "

"Haha, do you think this is the end?"

Charlie smoothed his hair with his hands, looking even more wild and unrestrained, "A bigger surprise is coming!"

While speaking, Charlie swung the bat with his backhand and hit the Bludger. The ball flew lightly towards the magician, and the little wizards couldn't understand this ball again.

"It's really a surprise! This is a counter-bludger, combined with a combo of bludgers, it can best confuse the opponent. The dream team gave us too many surprises today!"

Ludo jumped up again. He really couldn't control his emotions. At first, he was only biased towards the Dream Team because of Moriarty. In the end, he couldn't avoid the interests.

But now that the game has progressed, Ludo hopes that the dream team will win, and he thinks these teenagers are worth it.

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