The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 204 Departure, North America!

The day after the Christmas dinner, Lockhart got in touch with Mr. Dawn, the headmaster of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

Lockhart shrewdly used a small trick.

In the letter, he did not directly say that he would go to the Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to give a speech, but said that the World Cup was about to start, and he would go to the United States for charity.

Mr. Dawn was overjoyed when he heard that Lockhart was going to come to America for charity activities.

The headmaster, who admired Lockhart very much, immediately said that he could call American wizards to hold a charity gala.

He even offered to donate the school castle to use as a party venue.

Lockhart resigned, writing: "Dear Dawn, I know you are compassionate, but you cannot let your compassion be your shackles.

Although my goal is always charity, I cannot do without Jin Jialong.

I don't want the young wizards of your school to be tainted with money prematurely. I always agree with the school-running philosophy of Hogwarts—students don't get involved in politics or money, and concentrate on studying magic. "

In his reply letter, Principal Dawn introduced the history of Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, pointing out that there are many young Muggle wizards in the school, and they are committed to magicalizing items in the Muggle world.

The unexpected meaning is that his students are not so simple.

This is a new situation!

Lockhart hurriedly reported these to Moriarty, and seeing Dawn say a lot of good things in the letter, he reluctantly agreed to Dawn's request.

In this way, Lockhart flew to the United States, and was highly valued and welcomed by the United States Department of Magic and Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

This incident was well-known in Slytherin Castle, and made the three little snakes of Jericho happy for a long time.

On the sofa in the castle, Old Flint never forgot to teach Marcus: "In the world of adult wizards, communicating with people is an art! Excellent communication skills can bring you unexpected benefits."

Marcus nodded heavily: "I don't need to say too much, I listen to Mr.

Seeing his son's simple and honest appearance, Old Flint couldn't say a word. But that's fine too.

Old Fliet laughed loudly, "Little Fleet, are you really a Slytherin? I suspect that there may be some kind of error in the Sorting Hat. You should be a Hufflepuff!"

Marcus didn't speak, just glanced at old Foley quietly, and then silently flipped out a large black book.

Old Foley frowned and glanced at the magic book, and couldn't help jumping up from the sofa, "Winged Demon? Damn it! You don't want to use this thing to get revenge on me, do you?"

"My father is right. Uncle Flee is well-informed." Marcus turned a page of the book.

It was obviously a sentence, to compliment the two people.

Old Foley and Old Flint looked at each other, and Old Flint coughed, "Son, where did you get this book?"

"This "100 Scariest Magical Creatures in the Past 1,000 Years" was collected by Hagrid from Knockturn Alley. I borrowed it to have a look. Unexpectedly, Uncle Fly could recognize the Winged Demon." Marcus smiled. Had to close the big black book.

"That's it," Old Foley smiled at Old Flint, "Brother, I take back what I just said, your son is a born Slytherin!"

Old Flint was obviously very proud, but he looked indifferent, shrugged his shoulders, "There is no Slytherin in this castle."

"I'm going to find Jericho, let's talk slowly." Marcus got up and left.

Looking at his son's broad back, old Flint was sincerely grateful to Moriarty. He knew that it was Moriarty who changed Marcus.

"Dude, do you think that if the young master was born fifty years earlier, how... majestic the magic world would be today?" Old Flint thought for a few seconds, and used a word that he had never spoken to describe Moriarty's leadership. The look of the wizarding world.

"Hehehe," Old Foley laughed, "I don't know what will happen to the wizarding world, but I know that the Dark Lord has an extra relative!

By the way, have you ever thought about who is more senior, the young master or the Dark Lord? "

"Well, brother, you can find a chance to ask."

Old Flint and Old Foley fell into reminiscence of the past and longing for the future, which was something they had never done in decades.

The arrival of Moriarty changed many people, including Tonks.

She spent the whole night thinking about the meaning of what Moriarty said at the dinner party, and the tasks assigned-it sounded like the BOSS behind the scenes was manipulating the world.

Think carefully!

So Tonks tossed and turned in Moriarty's arms, "Bad boy, get up. I can't sleep, and neither can you~

I ask you, do you want to do something to the world? "

"I just want to do something to you." Moriarty began to fumble with his hands.

"There's nothing I can do about you..." Tonks kissed Moriarty with blurred eyes, "We'll die together."

"Speak silly things." Moriarty patted Tonks's crotch, "Not only will I not die, but I will live a wonderful life, and you will live a nourishing life."

Although he did not break through the last step, but nourished by love, Tonks became more and more lively.

Moriarty treated her submissively. A girl in love is the most beautiful.

In this way, everyone spent the Christmas holiday amidst laughter and laughter.

Tonks and the three little snakes returned to school on the Hogwarts Express, while Moriarty sent a letter to Dumbledore, and after greeting the school, they met Roman and other national teams in Diagon Alley. The players meet up and head to the British Ministry of Magic together.

Ludo told Moriarty that Paul Jackson, the chairman of the United States Congress, was holding a meeting in the Pentagon Office, and Paul sent his secretary to greet the British national team.


Moriarty remembered that he had talked about the Magical Congress of America when he was chatting with Jericho. If Moriarty remembered correctly, the surname of the first president was Jellison.

Go meet the purebloods of the wizarding world of America.

Moriarty raised his lips, and led the national team through the Portkey, traveled across the country, and arrived at the headquarters of the Magical Congress of the United States.

The secretary sent by Paul has been waiting for a long time. She is a charming blonde. She leads Moriarty and his party to the Pentagon Office.

"After the outbreak of the Bigfoot Rebellion in 1892, the Magic Congress of America began to search for a new hidden address, and the Woolworth Building at 233 Broadway, located in Manhattan, New York City, came into the sight of the ancestors.

So this place became a building shared by No-Maj and wizards. After casting the correct spell, it is transformed into a space for wizards.

That's why the chairman sent me to show you the way. "

While introducing the Magical Congress of America, the female secretary gave Moriarty a sneak peek.

Roman whispered to Moriarty: "I heard that she was having an affair with Paul. Don't be confused by this woman. You are now the representative of the national team!"

Moriarty snorted, "You think I'm like the kind of hungry pervert?"

"No, no, it's just a kind reminder." Roman waved his hand. He had met the girls around Moriarty at Hogwarts, and he got rid of the female secretary, who was only a pretty vase.

"Don't think too much about it, Moriarty, he just doesn't want to be reconciled, and he hopes that the female secretary is the one who winks at him." The afro revealed Roman's shortcomings with a smile.

A group of people chatted and laughed, and walked to the door of the Wujiao office.

Moriarty noticed a statue of an owl hanging above the door, which closely resembled the coat of arms of the Magical Congress of America.

"This eagle is the symbol of the United States." Seeing Moriarty looking up at the eagle, Roman said, "I have entered this building many times, but I have not entered the Pentagon Office. This time I have your honor."

After he finished speaking, there was a "crash", and the two brown and black doors opened, and a voice came from inside, "Please come in, Mr. Moriarty and the players of the British national team."

Moriarty smiled. It was James' voice, always so enthusiastic.

"Come in, distinguished guests." The female secretary smiled and winked at Moriarty.

Moriarty didn't respond, and walked into the office, followed by Roman and others.

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