The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 207: Moriarty's Opponent (Part 1)

Roman and his party rode on broomsticks, followed Moriarty, and flew towards Hyprothea.

Haiprosai deserves to be called the "Capital of Floating Waves", and the entire course is built by the sea.

The main court is white, and the overall shape is like a white swan flying high. The shape and interlaced texture of the top resembles the maple leaf, the national flower of Canada.

On the left side of the main court, there is a wide runway for players to test fly, land and warm up.

Hotels, hospitals, restaurants, sporting goods stores... all kinds of places have been built on the runway, just like a small Diagon Alley.

At this time, the sun was shining on the sea, and groups of wizards ran to the beach to bask in the sun, talking on the sun loungers. The hot topic of discussion was none other than the stands of the main stadium.

The stands inside the main stadium are magically raised and lowered automatically.

When in use, the bottom stand is pulled out like a drawer and reaches the edge of the football field. A part of the stands hidden in the lower layer rises automatically and joins together to form a complete stand.

Usually when not in use, it is shrunk inside the court, perfectly hidden.

The most eye-catching thing is that there is a unique disconnection design between the middle stand and the upper stand.

This ingenious design allows fans and spectators present to see the sea from the main stadium!

Moriarty flew over the runway, looked towards the sea to the west, had a panoramic view of the endless Pacific Ocean and the blue waves, and gained a deeper understanding of the magic of the water element.

"System, check my element level." Moriarty asked.

The system responded immediately: "The host is now a level 43 magician (water) and a level 25 elementary wizard (wind)."

"Check the points and the number of lottery draws." Moriarty asked with concern. Except for the daily check-in tasks and random tasks, the system has not released the main task for a long time.

The system replied very quickly: "Recently, the host has obtained 400,800 points for completing the main task and 65,000 points for completing the random task, a total of 465,800 points, and a total of 13 blind box draws.

This report is over, I wish the host to become the big boss behind the scenes as soon as possible. "

"System, draw me a lottery." The World Cup is about to start, Moriarty no longer accumulates the number of lottery draws, he wants to be sure.

"Ding dong~ The rewards for the host are as follows:

A toy car.

An old blanket that Bellatrix Lestrange used.

The level of elemental magic has increased by one level! (The host can upgrade the water element and wind element at will)

Voldemort's Magic Transformation Notes (1)!

A vial of Potion of Living Hell.

A large bottle of beauty potion.

A copy of "Magic Your Cheese".

The black magic of the Japanese black wizard - summoning blood crows.

Patronus Charm (can't learn, can't use)!

Human footprint curse!

A piece of parchment with nothing written on it.

Three alchemical raw materials: corn candle, blue shell, amethyst.

A bouquet of daffodils that never withers.

The above rewards have been put into the system space, please pay attention to check the host. "

"System, this lottery draw is reasonable." Moriarty gave a pertinent evaluation, then flipped his wrist, lit a fire in his hand, and put toy cars, old blankets, and sheepskins with nothing written on them. The paper burned.

Moriarty knew that the rewards of the blind box lottery were full of uncertainty, but things like toys and parchment were outrageous.

And Bella's used blanket?


Once Miss Black, now a crazy woman.

The blanket she used, eh——

If it was replaced by the one used by Narcissa, Moriarty might reluctantly accept it, hehe.

After burning outrageous rewards, the remaining rewards are perfect.

The most valuable reward is undoubtedly a level increase, Moriarty used this reward on the water elemental level, and now he is a level 44 magician.

Then there was the Human Tracking Charm, the Marauder's Map had been cast with a complex and powerful Human Tracking Charm - until now Moriarty hadn't cracked it.

There are also Voldemort's magical transformation notes, which also have high research value.

In the original plot, Dumbledore mentioned to Harry Potter that Tom Riddle became the image of Voldemort after undergoing countless dangerous transformations by black magic.

Moriarty was fascinated by "countless and dangerous transformations of the dark arts".

Even without mentioning Dark Transfiguration, Moriarty wanted to see how Tom transformed himself into a noseless lunatic.

Finally, it was the Patronus Charm that had Moriarty paying particular attention.

"System, this is the second time I have drawn the Patronus Charm, and the results of the two times are without exception - can't use it, can't learn it?

Can you explain what it means to be unusable? Explain explain what is unable to learn? "

Moriarty was puzzled by the system's judgment. He was extremely talented, and he could learn such complicated magics as crying under the snow and touch of anger.

How could it be impossible to learn a simple Patronus Charm.

By mobilizing the most positive emotions, the caster invokes a semi-figurative positive force, which is the Patronus.

To successfully use this spell, the caster must focus on recalling the happiest memory they can think of.

Like Tonks' Patronus Michelle - Tonks said everything in Moriarty's bed.

The reason Tonks succeeded in summoning the Patronus was because she recalled the scene where Moriarty bound her with the serpent.

In other words, the more intense the pleasure brought about by the memory, the more powerful the effect of the spell.

"Don't I have any pleasant memories, System?"

"Report to the host, this system has not detected that the host has any truly pleasant memories. Therefore, the host cannot use the Patronus Charm." The system replied coldly.

Moriarty remained silent. His heart was as cold and hard as a mountain. This was a strong psychological defense line built up through thousands of harsh trainings and life-and-death struggles in his previous life.

He came to the world of Harry Potter, wearing a mask to deal with the major families, even in the castle of Hogwarts, it was difficult to express his emotions.

The adventures of last year and this year, the sweetness of Diana and Tonks, the authority that played with Fudge in applause, and led the Hogwarts pure-blood army to exterminate Quinlan...

Everything will give ordinary wizards a great sense of accomplishment and joy, but Moriarty is too difficult to move.

And who can walk into his heart and leave a deep mark?

However, the system also brought good news, "In view of the host's special situation, this system specially adjusted the Patronus Charm for the host. The host drew two Patronus Charms, which means that the host can summon two Patronus."

Moriarty nodded, "That is to say, if I draw the Patronus Charm in the future, I can get a third Patronus, or even more?"


That's not bad, Moriarty let go of the system and scanned the runway below.

"Mr. Moriarty, it's our turn to land." Maxi shouted, while making a downward gesture to the players of the two countries.

Several staff members of the Canadian Ministry of Magic commanded Roman and others to descend on the runway. After a minute, the players from the two countries stood on the ground steadily and walked towards the hotel not far away.

"Sir, look," Maxi pointed at a group of players basking in the sun on the beach, "They are the Canadian national team, this year's host team."

"Needless to say, I'll be sent to the final." A sarcastic smile flashed in Moriarty's eyes, and he proposed this decision.

"Yes, there is nothing to say." Maxi also showed a trace of disdain, and then turned his head to the other side: "Look there, those players who went to the restaurant are the Bulgarian team."

"I heard that the Chaser of the Bulgarian team is a 13-year-old boy," Roman also approached with a smile in his eyes: "It's only one year older than you, sir!"

"A 13-year-old Bulgarian Seeker?"

A name came to Moriarty's mind, "His name is Viktor Krum, isn't it?"

"That's right, that's the name!" Roman nodded hastily, and then asked in surprise, "Has Krum's fame spread to England?"

"No, no," Moriarty smiled faintly, "and it won't spread to England in the future. With me here, his fame can only be limited to Bulgaria."

"Obviously, my sir." Roman and the players laughed. Although this sentence was full of domineering, who made him Moriarty.

"Maxie, let's talk about other teams." Moriarty glanced at Maxi. In a sense, all 15 teams in the World Cup are his enemies.

"Okay sir," Maxi kept looking around, "look over there—the group of players walking around excitedly, that's right, they are definitely the French team."

"That's right," Roman, Exploding Head and others echoed, "Only French wizards who talk about romance will jump up and down, calling it a name, looking for romance and discovering beauty."

"Every French team is like this." Maxi shrugged, his tone teasing.

Players from the two countries joked about the French team, perhaps because they laughed too much and were heard by a French fan.

The French fan was a tall boy with curly hair, wearing Muggle jeans and a white T-shirt, with curly hair hanging on his shoulders. When Moriarty and his party passed by him, there was a flash of sarcasm in his eyes.

"Hey, Sister Furong! Come on, come on!

look what i see

The British team and the US team, two deadly enemies, came together? "

Moriarty and his party glanced at him indifferently. They were all grown-ups, and there was no need to get angry with children.

Unexpectedly, the curly-haired boy seemed to want to show off in front of the Furong junior, and said eccentrically: "Aha, yes, yes! The British team is really good - they have thrown themselves into the arms of the sworn enemy, the US team! Isn't it?

No wonder they dare to oppose Minister Feng Wei Capet!

How many times have I told you, don't be obsessed with that Lockhart, now you understand, if there is no support from the United States for Britain, how dare he go to Paris to show off his might! "

Moriarty stopped at the sound of "Lockhart."

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