The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 210 Quarterfinals

One morning three days after the on-site registration, Roman and the afro slammed on the door of Moriarty's room.

"Bang bang bang!"

Roman knocked on the door and yelled, "Sir, sir! The schedule is out!"

With a "crash", the door was pulled open by Moriarty. He was wearing a sea-blue pajamas and looked at his teammates calmly.

"Are you always this energetic?"

Roman smiled sheepishly, "Excited, mainly excited, we went out for morning exercises."

Moriarty shook his head and let them in.

At Hogwarts, he was the first one to get up in the whole Slytherin house, but here is Hyprothea, a world-class stage.

This place is different from the peace and serenity of Hogwarts. There is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and there are all kinds of people, and it is full of all kinds of evil activities behind the scenes.

Don't wander around if you have nothing to do, it's safest to stay in the hotel.

However, Roman and Afro are also experienced veteran players, so it is expected that they will not lose their vigilance and vigilance.


Moriarty pointed to the leather sofa in the luxury suite. Roman sat down with the Afro, but his buttocks were only touching one edge. He stared at Moriarty with a pair of bloodshot eyes.

Obviously, they were a little over excited.

Moriarty asked with a smile: "I'm a little curious now, who is our opponent in the first match? It will make you happy to forget your physical fatigue."

"You can't think of it!" Afro yelled loudly, waving his arms, "The moment I saw the name of that team, I couldn't wait to play!"

"We had a little friction with that team just a week ago! Yes, a little friction."

Roman smiled and said, just looking at his malicious expression, he couldn't connect it with "little friction".

"A week ago? Well, I thought of it." Moriarty nodded. Fate is always boring sometimes, but... the French team?

It's quite interesting.

The enemy's road is narrow.

The explosive head also confirmed Moriarty's guess. He said convincingly: "Guys, I dare say that Peru must have no good intentions-he has a stomach full of bad water, and he is thinking strange things in order to beat us." What a strange move!"

"That's right, Peru..." Roman echoed, but was interrupted by Moriarty raising his hand.

"Leave aside the matter of the French team. I will have a pre-fight meeting in the afternoon, and we will discuss it in detail at the meeting."

Moriarty said briefly, and then his tone changed, "Now, bring me the schedule!

As a captain, you have to take the long view.

France is only our 16-to-8 opponent, and he cannot stop us from winning the championship. Therefore, I need to formulate the next game plan and tactics.

Got it, my good teammate? "

Roman hurriedly took out a piece of white parchment from his pocket, with a form drawn on it, and handed it to Moriarty.

"Very good." Moriarty took the schedule and looked down seriously.

"Captain, what else do we need to do?"

Moriarty replied without raising his head: "Don't you understand? Now, go back to your room, take a hot bath, wrap yourself in a quilt, and have a good night's sleep!"

"Oh, okay." The two of Roman left in a hurry.

Looking at their backs, Moriarty shook his head. The more he knew about professional Quidditch games, the more he couldn't help complaining.

Although the competition system is modeled after the professional competitions in the Muggle world, it appears to be complete and meticulous.

But at the tactical level, Quidditch players have achieved little.

The most intuitive manifestation is that there are very few coaches in the sport of Quidditch!

Even if there is, it is the team manager and coach, or the referee and coach, or it is like the Hogwarts four college teams, the team captain is the coach.

Without demand there is no supply.

The reason for the scarcity of coaches on the market is that there is no demand for players and teams.

They set more sights on broomsticks and Chasers.

A team with a strong Chaser is a strong team.

A certain team has changed a batch of new brooms, which is a strong team.

This view is extremely common at the moment, and the reactions of Roman and Afro are also the performance of most players at the moment.

Defeat the opponent in front of you and advance to the quarterfinals.

Defeat the opponents in the quarterfinals and advance to the semifinals...

and so on.

The players put all their energy on the opponents in front of them, but ignored the opponents after the promotion.

Just like the last World Cup, the British team was caught off guard by Maxi in the 8-to-4 match, and was not prepared at all.

This time with Moriarty, he didn't allow such a thing to happen, and he checked the schedule carefully.

16 into 8 matches, that is, the quarterfinals. There are eight games in total, starting with the first game on the first Wednesday in February and ending in late March.

There is a one-week holiday between every two games.

8 into 4 games, that is, the semi-finals. There are four games in total, starting with the first game on the first Tuesday in April and ending in mid-May.

There is a two-week holiday between every two games.

4 into 2 matches, which is the semi-finals. The two games start in June and end at the end of July.

The final finals were held in August, and all previous World Cup finals were held in August.

At that time, magic schools all over the world were on vacation, and students could also come to watch the competition.

This year's first quarter-final match is the British team VS French team!

There are about two weeks until the start of the competition!

Moriarty noticed something unusual. Some time ago, the British Ministry of Magic and the French Ministry of Magic had a quarrel, and it all went to the International Association of Wizards!

It is impossible for the Canadian Ministry of Magic and the World Cup officials not to know about this. How dare they put the British team and the French team together?

Guys, keep up with current events, huh?

Moriarty smiled playfully. Based on this incident alone, he concluded that this World Cup is full of shady scenes, but it just suits his taste.

As a behind-the-scenes big boss, it is quite normal for one shady to swallow another shady.

What, you say black eat black?

No, no, how can the big boss behind the scenes be black and white.

Moriarty went to his desk and sat down. In view of the World Cup schedule, he had to write a letter to Flint Sr. and Foley Sr.

"...the shady stories of this World Cup may exceed the sum of the shady stories of all previous World Cups!

As far as I know, the Canadian Ministry of Magic and I, as well as the Magical Congress of America, have reached a consensus on the competition. This is the result of political games.

Judging from the schedule, the Canadian Ministry of Magic and the World Cup officials also colluded, and it cannot be ruled out that they jointly set up a gambling table!

On the issue of gambling, I need to remind you that if you don't have enough funds, you can go back to Slytherin Castle and find Luke, and you can use the funds in the underground vault as you like.

Also, Ludo is an object that can be used and cooperated with, you can decide the specific situation..."

After writing the letter, Moriarty wrote another letter to Lilith, and Lilith had to resolve the contract dispute with Nimbus as soon as possible.

Then he took out the schedule again, which was clearly written on it.

Team Canada VS Mexico!

Team USA VS Australia!

Scotland VS Poland!

Germany VS Peru!

Brazil team VS Dongying team!

Transylvania vs Norway

Bulgaria VS Turkey!

Moriarty closed his eyes, called up the alchemy matrix, and simulated the results of the quarterfinals in his mind.

"Canada has the protection of a political consensus with the U.S., and the promotion is a sure thing.

The Turkish team is a weak team, and the Bulgarian team has no problem advancing.

The other teams are hard to beat and unpredictable.

But I always have a feeling that the Dongying team will win the Brazil team and climb to a very high position.

As for the French team? snort……"

Throughout the morning and noon, Moriarty locked himself in the room, worrying Roman and other players.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Moriarty walked out of the room, and he immediately called the players for a meeting!

The World Cup officials not only prepare luxury suites for each team, but also have meeting rooms, training grounds, broomstick maintenance rooms, and more.

In the spacious and bright conference room, after the 11 players from the regular draft plus the substitutes arrived, Moriarty walked in solemnly.

He knocked on the table and said: "From the quarter-finals, I switched places with Romain.

Roman returned to his old position and continued to be the Seeker, and I, the Chaser! "

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