The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 216 Fight against Krum

After the schedule was announced, the audience yelled that there was a shady scene!

The British team's opponent in the semi-finals is Bulgaria, and the Polish team's opponent in the semi-finals is Peru.

Bulgaria and Peru are world-class top teams! He has reached the finals many times in the history of the World Cup.

And what about the British team?

In the quarter-finals, everyone agrees that the Japanese team is the weakest, and the second is the British team.

The fans replayed the match between the British team and the French team, and unanimously came to a conclusion: if Moriarty hadn't led the team, the British team's World Cup trip was over, and Roman and others might have gone home.

Of course, some people also mentioned the Nimbus 1990S.

But the Nimbus 1990S was brought by Moriarty, so it is still attributed to the factors of Moriarty leading the team.

The Polish team has nothing to say, it is a strong team, but not a top team.

The difference of one word is heaven and earth.

On the other hand, look at the Canadian team and the US team.

Their opponents were the Transylvania team and the Dongying team.

The strength of the Transylvania team is good, but if it is exhausted, it will be at the top eight level.

The last time they entered the semi-finals was in 1473, and it has a history of more than 400 years...

The Canadian team is the host. It is said that during the game against the Mexican team, the roar of the Canadian fans deafened a Mexican player.

Not to mention the Dongying team, their results were pitifully poor.

I don't know what kind of luck I hit this year, and broke into the top 16.

Wizards on the Asian side don't like to use broomsticks very much, which is well known to European wizards.

The US team just reached the final of the last World Cup, and their morale has greatly increased.

Maxi as a top seeker --

Fans generally believe that he has no opponent, even the Bulgarian star, Viktor Krum, can't beat him.


Shady, proper shady!

The fans were furious. Some experienced old fans inferred that the Canadian Ministry of Magic colluded with the World Cup officials and manipulated the game schedule in secret.

These remarks reached the ears of players from all over the world. At the pre-fight meeting of the British team, Roman reported the situation to Moriarty.

Moriarty smiled slightly. The official adjusted the competition schedule carefully, not only to ensure that the Canadian team and the US team entered the finals, but also to make money!

Yes, to make money.

The Canadian Ministry of Magic doesn't have much money. They borrowed the Galleons from Gringotts to build Hyprothe!

In order to repay the debt, the Canadian Ministry of Magic specially built hotels and restaurants. In the past, spectators who came to the World Cup would bring their own tents and provide three meals a day by themselves.

The room and board expenses alone are obviously not enough to fill the financial deficit of the Canadian Ministry of Magic, so they colluded with the World Cup officials and set up a gambling table in partnership.

Adjust the schedule, arrange the strong team and the weak team together, and then the weak team wins the game in an upset.

It is not uncommon to gamble in this way, but this time, they played even bigger, not only to win the championship, but also to take away the money of all fans and spectators!

There were about 80,000 spectators who came to watch the World Cup. Even if one person gambled for one Galleon, it was enough for them to pay back the 100,000 Galleons they borrowed.

It's getting more and more interesting!

Moriarty crossed his hands, put his chin on the back of his hands, and a flash of light flashed in his eyes. The underground exchange in the gambling circle must be messed up by now.

If what he expected was correct, there should be a three-party gambling table inside.

One is the gambling table set up by the Canadian Ministry of Magic and the World Cup official.

The second is Moriarty's behind-the-scenes manipulation, a gambling table jointly opened by the Flint family and the Foley family.

The third is retail investors.

There has been no shortage of greedy people in all previous World Cups. They vainly tried to gain wealth and change their destiny through gambling.

Ludo is a typical figure among them. There are too many people like him, and they form a huge group of retail investors.

These gamblers are a pack of hungry wolves and a piece of fat.

Both Moriarty and the officials want to eat this piece of fat - they have already made a lot of money in the game between the British team and the French team.

However, this was far from enough for Moriarty.

Before the game, many fans looked forward to the match between the US team and Bulgaria. They wanted to see Maxi and Krum play a game.

It's a pity that this idea fell through, but fans were pleasantly surprised to find that Moriarty and Krum will stage a duel between Chaser VS Seeker.

Moriarty captured the psychology of the audience and wrote a letter to Old Foley, reminding him to increase the bet and propose an additional guessing activity.

"Who will win and who will lose, the British team or the Bulgarian team?"

The British team lost 3 to 1, and Bulgaria lost 3.5 to 1.

"Who will catch the Snitch first, Roman or Krum?"

Roman is 10 to 1, and Krum is 5 to 1.

"Who scored the first goal, England or Bulgaria?"

The British team lost 1 to 1, and the Bulgarian team lost 2 to 1.

There is also a four-choice roulette:

"Roman catches the Snitch, England wins."

"Crum catches the Snitch but England wins."

"Roman catches the Snitch, but Bulgaria wins."

"Krum catches the Snitch, Bulgaria wins."

The odds are 5 to 1, 6 to 1, 6 to 1, and 6 to 1.

This time, Old Foley and Old Flint took out all their possessions!

They were going to make it back with interest and give Moriarty a celebratory gift.

Time came to the first Tuesday in April, the semi-finals came as scheduled, the first game, the British team VS Bulgaria!

"Hi~ Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to the World Cup Final Four!"

The narrator is as energetic and passionate as ever.

In this competition, Fleur was finally able to sit with her parents and sister Gabriel to cheer for Moriarty.

"The game between the British team and the Bulgarian team, the competition between the Nimbus 1990S and the Nimbus 1700..."

"Aha, it's advertising again." Fu Rong flicked her hair impatiently. She wanted to see Moriarty as soon as possible, but the commentator still praised the Nimbus 1990S.

"How many Galleons did the Nimbus Company stuff for this commentator?"

Fleur shook her head disdainfully, Mr. Delacour and Mrs. Delacour looked at her with smiles.

Most viewers were dissatisfied with the narrator's oblique promotion of Nimbus 1990S.

There are many Bulgarian wizards sitting in the stands today. They are wearing red clothes, which is the uniform of the Bulgarian team.

The narrator finally finished boasting Nimbus 1990S and exclaimed: "Now, ladies and gentlemen.

Please give a warm welcome - Team Bulgaria! "

Six players in red uniforms flew out of the tunnel.

"I present to you—Dimitrov! Ivanova! Zoglav! Levsky! Volkanov! Volkov!"

Every time the commentator shouted a name, there was a burst of applause from the stands.

The audience discovered through the panoramic binoculars that Krum was not present.

The commentator also noticed this, and he said with a smile: "Haha, where is our Krum? This is his first time on the stage of the World Cup!"

Let us welcome this 13-year-old Seeker star, Viktor Krum, with warm applause! "

"Krum! Krum!"

Fans supporting Bulgaria chanted Krum's name loudly, and they followed Krum out with panoramic binoculars.

Viktor Krum was black and thin, with sallow skin, a big hooked nose, and two thick black eyebrows, looking like a newly grown eagle.

"And now, please welcome—Team England!" cried the announcer loudly. "Roman the Seeker, first on the field!"

Six players from the British team flew into the arena from the player entrance, with Roman leading the way, followed by Afro and Red Nose.

"Then the last one to appear is Moriarty~Slytherin~"


A large group of fans screamed wildly, and more fans and spectators burst into earth-shattering cheers and applause.

"Moriarty! Moriarty!"

Some British wizards found that Moriarty was still the brightest star on the stage of the World Cup even though he changed positions, and they shouted: "Shine forever! Shine forever!"

Moriarty flew into the sky on the Nimbus 1990S, leading the British team to face the Bulgarian team.

He scanned the faces of the Bulgarian players one by one - they were all young, about 20 years old.

Youth means capital, and this group of Bulgarian players can still compete in two World Cups.

Moriarty suddenly noticed someone staring at him.

He turned his head slightly, and saw Krum casting an undisguised challenge at him.

Moriarty suddenly remembered that it was these players who reached the 422nd World Cup final in 1994. In the end, Krum caught the Golden Snitch, but the Irish team won the game.

This time, you can neither catch the Snitch nor win the game!

Moriarty gave Krum a meaningful glance as a response, but it was obvious that Krum didn't understand, and he was still too young now.

In fact, Krum and Moriarty are the same age, but because Krum is 9 months older than Moriarty, Krum is one grade higher than Moriarty, which is Durmstrang's third grade. born.

"Roman, Afro. He's your junior."

Before the referee came, Moriarty made a joke.

"We will educate him well so that he can feel how much the graduates have high expectations of him!" Roman rubbed his fists.

"The deeper the expectation, the harder the attack, right?" Afro also had a smirk on his face.


The whistle blew, and the sharp whistle resounded through the sky!

"The first game of the semi-finals - the British team VS Bulgaria, officially begins!"

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