The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 227 Slytherin-style acting skills (subscribe at the beginning of the month)

The diary seemed to be stunned for a moment, and a "?" appeared slowly on the first page after a few seconds.

The moment the question mark appeared, a wave of mental fluctuations gently floated out of the diary like a breeze.

Needless to say, this comes from Tom Riddle's mental power.

Moriarty operated Occlumency and quietly calmed down the mental fluctuations. Mrs. Malfoy looked at him vigilantly: "It's the feeling of Legilimency."

"Now do you still think it is an ordinary black magic item?"

Moriarty tapped the question mark on the first page with a quill. Mrs. Malfoy smiled shyly and changed the subject.

"I saw you wrote Rubeus Hagrid's name. Rubeus Hagrid seems to be a Gryffindor."

"Few people know that Rubeus Hagrid and Voldemort were classmates.

Voldemort opened the Chamber of Secrets, killed Myrtle, and blamed all of this on Hagrid, who eventually broke his wand and was expelled. "

Moriarty told Mrs. Malfoy the story of Voldemort and Hagrid, and said with a bad smile: "Now, Hagrid is here to torture Voldemort!"

Under the question mark, he wrote: "I'm Rubeus Hagrid."

Mrs. Malfoy pursed her lips. She knew what Moriarty was planning.

How would the Dark Lord feel when he found out that Hagrid had picked up his diary?

The Dark Lord with no nose and no hair...

Curious about his expression now.


Mrs. Malfoy was lying on her side on the sofa, her blond hair was loose, and she continued to watch the confrontation between Moriarty and Tom Riddle with her arms under her pillow.

Moriarty glanced at her slightly, the lazy lady's posture was really alluring.

Tom Riddle does not enjoy the leisurely admiration of beautiful women lying on their sides like Moriarty.

It took him a few minutes to connect the "Hagrid" in front of him with the "silly big classmate" in his impression.

Hagrid picked up his own diary, which was a situation that Tom Riddle couldn't even think of.

He thought about the diary falling into the hands of McGonagall, into the hands of old Malfoy, and into the hands of Hogwarts students decades later...

Even thought of falling into Dumbledore's hands, but never thought of falling into Hagrid's hands.

Well, in the hands of a big fool?

Looking at it from another angle, it doesn't seem so bad.

Rubeus Hagrid.

The mind is simple, straight to the point, without extravagance.

As long as you talk to Hagrid about magical creatures-talk about those humble big guys, Hagrid's mouth will reveal all the information and intelligence like pressing a switch.

It is not too difficult to seduce such a person.

Look at the rude way Hagrid crossed out his own name.

It fit Hagrid's way, a Gryffindor.

And judging from the way he scratched out his name vigorously, he didn't seem to know that it was my Horcrux, but just thought he picked up my diary.

Maybe it was resentment that I framed him, so he couldn't wait to write his name, as if he could take possession of my diary by doing so.

Look at him, what a simple mind.

Now I'm more sure he's in control.

But first, I need to determine what year it is.

As Tom thought so, a line of ink writing appeared on the paper, neat and neat.

"Hagrid, my friend. How have you been since you got fired?"

"Look," Madam Malfoy exclaimed with a little surprise, "he asked you."

Moriarty picked up the diary and looked at it, and the corners of his mouth curled up. Tom was saying something about "Hagrid".

In this case, might as well tell you a fake time.

"I'm having a terrible time.

People from the Ministry of Magic broke my wand and ordered me to quit school. Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore took me in as a gamekeeper and let me keep the keys. "

Moriarty deliberately scribbled the handwriting to further enrich the image of "Hagrid".

"Originally, everything was going in a good direction, but a monster who can't even mention his name appeared!

He killed Professor Dumbledore and occupied Hogwarts!

To make the whole magical world fear in his fear. "

Moriarty put down his quill and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. What would Tom think?

Tom was deeply shocked, and he had a premonition that the devil who couldn't even mention his name was himself.

Because of Tom Marvolo Riddle, change the alphabetical order, and I am Lord Voldemort.

Voldemort, that was the new name he had come up with for himself.

And he will cast a spell on this name. Once a wizard reads this name, it will break the magic barrier on the name and cause disturbance.

So Tom got excited.

The future me is really as described by Hagrid——

Killed Dumbledore?

Occupied Hogwarts?

The whole magical world is shrouded in my fear?

Am I that good, hehehehe...

Tom wrote with pleasure: "Isn't that devil who can't even mention his name called Voldemort?"

Moriarty feigned panic and wrote: "NO!!! I said don't mention his name."

Tom became more and more convinced of his judgment. To further verify, he wrote: "The wizards under his command are called Death Eaters, right?"

"You, you, you... how do you know? Don't you too?"

Moriarty wrote these words tremblingly with trembling hands, ink splashed on the paper.

Seeing this, Tom in the diary had already laughed out loud. He seemed to see the stupid big man making a mistake and panicked.

good very good.

Tom clapped his hands in satisfaction, for Hagrid's performance, and for future Voldemort.

The glory of pure blood is guarded by me!

It is my duty to reproduce the glory of Slytherin!

With ideals in mind, Tom began to seduce "Hagrid".

"Hagrid, my friend.

I'm not a Death Eater, I have nothing to do with the man who can't even be named.

But I can help you defeat that monster. "


Oh yes, my Merlin.

I haven't asked who you are yet! "

Moriarty imitated Hagrid's tone, and wrote belatedly: "You are clearly a diary—I have never seen a diary that can talk!"

If it wasn't stored in the diary, Tom wanted to laugh out loud.

Big fool Hagrid has been chatting with me for so long that he doesn't even know who I am!

Still that stupid big guy.

Now, Tom's last sliver of wariness dissipated, he completely let go of his guard, and began to reveal the secret to "Hagrid".

"It doesn't matter who I am, what matters is that I can help you defeat that monster.

Remember the Chamber of Secrets at Hogwarts? There are ways to make you stronger!

I can make you stronger and defeat that monster. "

Moriarty saw Tom's reply, and said to Mrs. Malfoy: "Look, Voldemort was a master of demagogy when he was young. He can accurately grasp the weaknesses of others."

"I can see that Tom Riddle and the Dark Lord are simply two people."

Mrs. Malfoy changed her posture, lying on the sofa with her chin resting on the armrest of the sofa, watching Moriarty nodded slightly.

This pose was more provocative, and the fullness of the hips reminded Moriarty of something, but he raised his eyebrows and said nothing, continuing to write in his diary.

"I don't know if I should trust you or not.

After Dumbledore's death, the devil destroyed the school and took over the Ministry of Magic. Moody led us to resist, but the effect was not very good...

If the situation hadn't gotten this bad, I would have turned you over directly to Moody. "

Imitating Hagrid's miserable tone, Moriarty smiled jokingly.

This information is enough for Tom to make up a rich little story in his brain.

Whether it is Tom or Voldemort, they always like to be smart.

Sure enough, Tom self-righteously began to analyze the situation that "Hagrid" said.

After Dumbledore's death, Moody's prestige and strength were enough to make him the leader who succeeded Dumbledore.

And taking over the Ministry of Magic is also one of his wishes.

The future me is super good!

Tom thought narcissistically, he couldn't wait to get out and meet his future self.

But the prerequisite for going out is to absorb enough spiritual power and vitality.

So Tom wants to trick Hagrid into his memory, or make Hagrid unable to leave him, so that he can absorb Hagrid's spiritual power and vitality over time.

In order to meet his super good self as soon as possible, Tom chose the former.

"Hagrid, my friend.

You can try to believe me, I can take you to see a memory, and the way to become stronger is hidden in the memory. "

Tom just wanted to coax "Hagrid" into memory, and as for his identity being revealed, he didn't care, because he wouldn't let "Hagrid" leak it.

In order to get out, I had to absorb the spiritual power and life force of the dirty giant.

After I go out, I have to let my future self make it up to me!

Tom thought about it and opened up that memory.

The diary seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind, the paper flipped over and stopped on a page in mid-June.

Mrs. Malfoy's red lips were slightly parted, and she stared blankly at the small square of June 13th that seemed to have turned into a miniature magic camera.

"From here, enter the memory of the Dark Lord?" Mrs. Malfoy sat up and looked at Moriarty.

After getting a definite answer, Mrs. Malfoy's eyes flashed with joy, and she extended her right hand to Moriarty, "Can you take me in and have a look?"

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