The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 231 All the Girls Gather (Subscribe at the beginning of the month)

In the dream, Mrs. Malfoy seemed to have returned to her girlhood.

She is Narcissa Black, who met Moriarty and started a new life.

No Voldemort.

No nervous tension.

No Lucius.

There is no title of noble lady.

Only beauty and happiness.

"Bang bang bang!"

"Mom? I'm going to break in! I'm worried about you!"

Draco knocked on the door again and again, waking Narcissa from her dream.

"Go outside and wait obediently, I'll go out right away."

In less than three minutes, Narcissa was dressed neatly, wearing a long blue dress and a large white shawl scarf, a large black trench coat with a hem hanging down to her calf, and a pair of pure leather mid-calf boots.

The door opened with a "click", and turned into the noble and dignified Mrs. Malfoy again.

Mrs. Malfoy came to the hall and said to the children sitting on the sofa talking:

"Draco? Are all your friends here?"

"We can't wait!"

Draco, Pansy Parkinson, Theodore Knott, Blaise Zabini, and Daphne Greengrass, the five little kids cheered.

And Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle also stood up, mouths full of snacks, speechless.

Draco held the Nimbus 1990S in his arms, which was a gift from Moriarty, and he couldn't put it down.

"Mom? Are we ready to go?"

Mrs. Malfoy smiled and nodded, "Let's go."


Soon, a carriage flew from Malfoy Manor to Hogwarts, and the professors headed by Dumbledore and the permanent shining fan group had been waiting for a long time.

Mrs. Malfoy specially spent a lot of money to buy the Portkey leading directly to Hyprothe from the Ministry of Magic, which is a jewelry box.

She formed them all into a single file, with the wizard in the lead holding the Portkey.

Rubeus Hagrid volunteered for this responsibility.

Thinking of Moriarty coaxing Tom Riddle, Mrs. Malfoy couldn't help smiling when she saw Hagrid now, and she agreed to Hagrid's request.

The seven little radish heads stuck out their tongues as they watched the long queues lined up on the lawn.

"There are three hundred people—that fan group." Zabini said enviously.

"It's the Forever Shining Fan Club!" Draco said proudly, as if the fan club belonged to him, "Look at the girl who leads, Lilith Pelivik, she's been to my house before!"

"She looked cold."

Zabini went with his mother, losing interest after discovering that Lilith was ignoring him.

Lilith is actually keeping order.

It was not an easy task to silence the female fans, and it took a lot of effort for Lilith and Gemma to succeed.

"Oh, if only Senior Tonks was here." Gemma sighed wearily.

Lilith smiled lightly: "Senior Tonks should be with Moriarty now."

It's no secret that Tonks spends Christmas in Slytherin Castle, everyone at Hogwarts knows it.

The little wizards were all thinking that maybe in the next school year, they would be able to witness the scene of Tonks sitting on the Slytherin table.

Lilith was used to the fact that Moriarty was always surrounded by beauties.

All she wanted now was to see Moriarty quickly.

"Stand fast, the door key will open immediately!" Lilith shouted to the back of the queue with a "loud voice" for herself.

Zabini shrank his neck in fright: "Look, I'm not wrong, I think she will become someone like Professor McGonagall in the future."

The little carrot heads nodded one after another, but Draco looked disapproving, and Pansy immediately cast admiring gazes, "Draco, you are so amazing."

"What do you know?" Draco waved his hand, "Managing students is nothing to Senior Lilith."

Draco will never forget the scene of Lilith in Malfoy Manor, arguing with foreign wizards across the gate of the manor.

Mrs. Malfoy also noticed Lilith, but she didn't care much about a student. She asked Dumbledore, "Mr. Headmaster, can we go?"

"Of course, Mrs. Malfoy." Dumbledore readily agreed, took out a gold pocket watch, looked at it, and smiled with satisfaction: "Nine ten in the morning is a good time to start."

"But I found that the number of professors didn't match the actual number of people who came." Mrs. Malfoy didn't want to make extra troubles, but she didn't want to make things happen either.

"Ah, you don't have to worry about that," Dumbledore explained, "Our two alchemy professors won't go to the finals, they are older and prefer to be quiet.

As for the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor—Professor Randy won't be there either, you know, vampires don't like Quidditch. "

"I know the situation of Professors Nicole Flamel and Perenelle. As for Professor Randy? Sorry, I hate vampires."

Mrs. Malfoy was cold.

"What I'm wondering is, why is the name of the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts on the list of personnel reported to me, Diana Sawa?"

"On this point, I think Mr. Moriarty will give you a perfect answer."

Dumbledore adjusted his glasses, turned and left, the morning light shone on the lenses, and the reflected light was full of naughty watching a good show.

Mrs. Malfoy stayed where she was for a while, and it took her a long time to react.

Diana and Moriarty's relationship is not simple...

Moriarty, you won't tease his teacher, will you?

As the school director of Hogwarts, Mrs. Malfoy did know that Diana was the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, but she left for unknown reasons, and was inexplicably replaced by Professor Randy.

So... Diana won't be on maternity leave!

Hmph, little pervert!

Mrs. Malfoy shook her head lightly. Dreams are dreams after all. The biggest characteristic of a mature woman is that dreams and reality can be seen and understood clearly.

"Everyone is here, let's go."

Mrs. Malfoy nodded faintly towards Hagrid. Hagrid greeted the professor and students behind him, and stretched out his big hand to grab the jewelry box!

More than 300 people suddenly felt a hook behind the navel and slammed forward with an irresistible momentum!

Then they took their feet off the ground and flew up, flying forward like a gust of wind, seeing nothing clearly in front of them.

When the sound of the waves and the occasional cheers came to the ears, people realized that they had arrived.

With a "boom", people's feet fell heavily to the ground.

"Ten ten at nine, from Hogwarts! Go over this hill and you will be there."

Canadian wizards of record do business.

Another wizard exclaimed: "Merlin's hair, all the students and professors from Hogwarts are here!?"

But no one answered him, and everyone looked around excitedly.

Dumbledore sensed the gathering of tens of thousands of magical powers, and after confirming the direction of Hiprose, he walked over without hesitation.

The professors escorted the students and followed Dumbledore beamingly towards Hyprothea.

The news of Hogwarts' arrival quickly spread throughout Hyprothea, and wizards from all over the world cast their attention on this team.

They spread word of mouth: "They are forever shining classmates and professors!"

And Dumbledore's appearance in Hay Proces also caused a sensation. Wizards who heard a little about Dumbledore's name were shouting Dumbledore's name loudly.

Lilith watched this scene amusedly, fortunately Fudge didn't come, otherwise she would be angry for a long time.

What happened next left the little wizards stunned even more.

A large group of people came out of the hotel: Helmut, Minister of Magic of Canada, Paul, Chairman of the Magical Congress of the United States, James, Director of the Department of Sports and Sports of the United States, Fabre, the official chairman of the Quidditch World Cup, and the sports director of the French Ministry of Magic. Director Apollo...

They welcomed Dumbledore into the hotel excitedly, and at the same time, they were also very enthusiastic about Mrs. Malfoy.

In order for the students and professors at Hogwarts to watch the finals, Mrs. Malfoy generously paid the Canadian Ministry of Magic a sum of Galleons.

Wizards from the Malfoy family had already checked in for Hogwarts students and professors.

Lilith walked to the entrance of the hotel with her fan group, just in time to see a tall and sexy blond beauty walking out of the hotel on high heels.

"Professor Diana?"

The students exclaimed in surprise.

The blond beauty moved her exquisitely pointed ears, turned her head to face the students, smiled and waved her hands: "Hello, girls!"

Is she Diana?

Mrs. Malfoy stood quietly behind the students, sweeping Diana's belly without leaving a trace.

Well, pretty flat.

Then he looked at Diana carefully. Although she is very beautiful, she is an elf!

Diana, however, was clearly popular with the girls.

"Professor Diana, where have you been?"

"Professor, why don't you continue teaching us?"

"Professor, can you continue to teach me how to attract the attention of the opposite sex?"

"Professor looks pretty again."

Lilith shook her head, wondering what the problem was with a group of female nympho.

Penello asked a different question.

"Professor Diana, how long have you been in High Rose?"

Mrs. Malfoy glanced at Penello approvingly. That's a good question.

A blush flashed across Diana's pretty face: "I came here yesterday."


Didn't he have a chance to be alone with Moriarty!

Several girls thought of this at the same time.

But Diana is the queen of elves after all, so she didn't leave much to say when she spoke. She added casually, "Many acquaintances came here yesterday, including your senior sister Tonks, and classmates Blanche and Flint."

Only then did the girls nod their heads.

Mrs. Malfoy sneered in her heart, as someone who had experienced it, how could she not see the look of youth in Diana's eyes.

It's all right for Diana to coax the little girl, but do you still want to coax her? ridiculous!

She really has a close relationship with Moriarty...

Mrs. Malfoy confirmed her guess.

At this time, a pleasant voice came from outside the hotel.

"Everyone at Hogwarts, long time no see."

All kinds of requests, all kinds of requests, family members!

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