The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 241 The Emperor's New Clothes

"Narcissa," Diana looked at Mrs. Malfoy with a smile, "is it freezing in the morning? The wind in High Proceedings is different from that in England.

Or don't play in the afternoon. I'm afraid your body won't be able to bear it, after all, you are not a young man anymore. "

This is mocking him for being older, no more than a little girl!

Mrs. Malfoy gritted her teeth and said with a sullen face, "Don't be too happy, you are no better than me this morning!"

At this time, Moriarty never expected that Penello, who was usually quiet and always calm, inserted a word.

"Speaking of which, Ma'am is considered a loser.

The last set of underwear left by Mrs. Madame was dressed in a coat before she came, and Professor Diana only wore a long skirt.

Madame has two more dresses than Professor Diana. "

The addition of Penello made the smell of gunpowder stronger.

Mrs. Malfoy raised the corners of her lips indifferently, "Since you are not convinced and there is no urgent matter this afternoon, I think it's better to play a few more rounds."

She set her sights on Tonks, Fleur and other girls.

Fu Rong looked at them, nodded silently: "Yes."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Malfoy looked at the remaining girls.

"Okay!" Gemma seemed to have made up her mind.

"I don't care." Tonks pursed his lips with a smirk.

She's a Metamorphmagus.

If she is unfortunate enough to lose the last dress, she becomes naked.

Then she will change her countenance.

Hey, who should I become?

Tonks' eyes were shining brightly, and he kept looking at the girls.

Mrs. Malfoy finalized the game time: "Everyone agrees, then it's a deal. After thirty minutes, the game will continue!"

"Why wait thirty minutes?"

Diana snorted, and before she knew it, three new decks of poker were already in her hand: "I want to play now."

"No magic on playing cards!"

All the girls shouted in unison.

Diana is a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, and her magic level is much higher than theirs.

Once Diana casts a spell on the cards, it's hard for them to detect.

"Did you play tricks on the cards?" Mrs. Malfoy stared at Diana sternly.

"Ha," Diana let out a sharp, sharp laugh, "that's ridiculous, you know I lost the dress too!"

"But you don't have many clothes." Mrs. Malfoy chased after him.

"Narcissa Malfoy--don't be fooled!"

"Diana Sawa! You are the one who can't afford it!"

Mrs. Malfoy and Diana were tit for tat, face to face, almost kissing.

Tonks quietly activated the Disguise Magus ability, turning into Moriarty's face!

Then he used magic to conjure clothes exactly like Moriarty, completely becoming another Moriarty.

Moriarty cast a strange look at Tonks: "What are you going to do?"

Tonks smirked and blinked, and squeezed between the two women.

Feeling the plump elasticity on both sides of the body, he stretched out his arms, one on each side, to embrace Diana and Mrs. Malfoy.

The two women trembled all over, they both thought it was Moriarty himself, and their aura dropped in vain.

Diana leaned softly on Moriarty's shoulder, and the eyes of the girls widened.

What surprised them even more was that Mrs. Malfoy held her hands together, her legs were tightly together, her head was lowered, and her face was red and red.

But she didn't see her dodging, letting Tonks' right hand caress her shoulder.

Tonks couldn't help laughing, "What a soft body, if I were Moriarty, I would hug you two every day and never let go!"


"You're not Moriarty!"

Diana and Mrs. Malfoy jumped up in fright, looked at Tonks angrily, and then at Moriarty who was sitting on the chair with an innocent face.


"Don't blame me, I gave you the experience you dreamed of.

Tell me, what do you like about my boyfriend? "

Tonks returned to his original appearance, and his face was not very good.

Mrs. Malfoy stood there with a frosty face.

Just now, she thought that Moriarty was sitting next to her, and finally let go of her self-esteem and guard, and was going to give Moriarty a chance, and give herself a chance.

It turns out that Moriarty is Tonks in disguise!

How can you not be annoyed.

Diana was also icy, with an evil spirit covering her body.

She nodded her chin and scanned the girls' faces.

"Hehe, we all know what everyone is thinking.

That being the case, let's get straight to the point.

The purpose of taking off clothes after losing a card is nothing more than to make the other party lose face. So far, the effect does not seem to be very good.

If you keep arguing, it's not good for us.

No one wants to make a bad impression on him, right?

Well, so I have a proposal.

It can make the loser feel ashamed, I wonder if you are interested? "

After five hours of fighting among the girls, the grievances are deep, and even Gemma, who is the most peaceful, wants to embarrass the others.

It can be said that winning is a matter of saving face.

Mrs. Malfoy spat out two words: "You say."

Diana poked her flabbergasted delicate face, giggled and said, "This proposal is the worst for a thin-skinned woman like Teacher, that is, take off your clothes in front of men!"

The faces of all the girls changed.


There's only one boy here...

Wait a minute, Moriarty is already a man?


Very angry!

Wait, back to the point.

The girls saw that Diana walked up to Moriarty on catwalks, and bent down to Moriarty.

"Student Moriarty, get ready, the seven of us will play together!"

"You mean, I play poker with you? Continue with the previous rules?"

The corners of Moriarty's mouth turned up, and there was such a good thing.

"I disagree!"

Without thinking, Mrs. Malfoy objected.

Gemma also shook her head, she is a conservative girl.

Penello's cheeks became hot unconsciously, she bit her lip: "This proposal is too much..."

Diana shrugged her shoulders indifferently: "Do whatever you want. If Moriarty plays with us, I will suffer the most. I am not afraid. What are you afraid of?"


Moriarty shot Diana an approving look without leaving a trace.

"Good assist."

Diana winked like silk, and gave Moriarty a white look.

"Bad student, it's all for you, you have to make it up to me..."

Mrs. Malfoy, who was also standing there, noticed the flirting between them, and snorted coldly, "Let's play together!"


The girls were shocked. Mrs. Malfoy, who had been resolute before, agreed!

"I would like to add one more condition."

Mrs. Malfoy said calmly: "I suggest that everyone fix their clothes.

Slippers, socks, pantyhose, dress, coat, a set of underwear.

There are a total of seven pieces of clothing, and no one wears one more, and no one wears less.

Do you agree? "

"Okay." Furong's eyes lit up. In the previous poker game, she did not suffer from less clothing.



Penello and Gemma agreed one after another.

Diana pondered for a while, and felt that she hadn't suffered any disadvantage, so she agreed.

Tonks shook his head resolutely.

"A poker game is like a battlefield—this is a competition, and there are winners and losers!

In order to win, we each rely on means, what's wrong?

Whoever has the ability to wear a hundred or eighty pieces of clothing is also considered her ability! "

"If you don't pay attention to fairness and justice, what's the point of games?

You just take Moriarty to your house! "

Mrs. Malfoy immediately argued with her niece.

Moriarty smiled and shook his head.

This is the difference in personality that leads to different styles of doing things.

Penello and Gemma have no intention of being competitive, they are virtuous and gentle, and they like fairness and justice.

Diana, Fleur, and Mrs. Malfoy are very careful and consider the pros and cons when they encounter problems.

Tonks was born playing Quidditch, and he is also the one-and-done chief student in the college. At the same time, he also has the dream of becoming an Auror and has a strong sense of competition.

She likes challenges, enjoys the process, and pursues the ultimate victory.

Seeing the girls arguing, Moriarty knew it was time for him to step in and suppress it.

He quickly changed his clothes and clapped his hands to attract the attention of the girls.

"Look here, look here!

If you ask me, everyone wears the same clothes - the Emperor's New Clothes!

Yes, just like me. "

Moriarty faced the girls and smiled.

"Ah - Moriarty! You're wearing nothing!"

The girls screamed and covered their eyes, but looked through their fingers.

Moriarty looked calm, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm wearing it."

All the girls were ashamed, Moriarty had nothing on his body, except for a pair of underpants!

In this case, doesn't it mean that as long as Moriarty loses a game, he will...

Shame to death!

"Emperor's New Clothes?"

Diana finally came to her senses at this time, and said angrily, "Isn't the emperor's new clothes just naked? You want us to be honest?"

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