The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 262 Slytherin's Cemetery

"The four giants built a different dimension. This matter has never been heard of, and there are no related stories and legends handed down."

A look of horror flashed in Moriarty's eyes, and it was fleeting.

"There must be a secret hidden here."

The fiery red sky, black water surface, golden sea bottom, strange breeze.

Moriarty looked over in turn. He mastered the two major elemental magics of water and wind, but he couldn't see the magical effect of the black water surface and the strange breeze.

Merlin said that the Big Four of Hogwarts have some research on elemental magic.

Now it seems that there is more than just research, which has clearly reached the legendary realm, and even the door of the god of law has been opened to the four giants.

With emotion, Moriarty galloped in the four directions of east, west, north and south.

After observing back and forth several times, I still can't see the end of the ink-colored water.

Moriarty suspects that there are only four ecological environments in this magical space.

Sky, water, earth, wind.

Under the sky is water, and in the water is land, and the wind only needs to blow on the land.

Strange spatial structure - no one knows what the big four think.

Moriarty flew very high in the air, and clearly felt the temperature gradually increase.

Apart from the temperature, there is nothing unusual about the fiery red sky.

So Moriarty flew down and came to the sky above the water, not sure if the water was poisonous, and looked carefully.

He slowly injected the magic power of the water element into the water, as if touching the girl's smooth skin.

The soft touch spread to his body along the source of magic power, and Moriarty felt his whole body go numb and feel extremely refreshed.

But the water surface was calm, and the golden-yellow underground was clearly visible, as if it hadn't been affected at all.

After confirming that the water was safe, Moriarty tentatively stretched out his right hand to touch the water surface, his fingertips were smooth and delicate.

Moriarty raised his finger, stroked the water lightly, and said, "Moses divided the sea."

The magic power of the water element forms a dividing line, and the water surface is separated on both sides, a straight passage leading directly into the golden underground, perfectly displayed in front of Moriarty.

Moriarty strolled into the bottom of the water, surrounded by turbulent pale blue water on both sides, and in front of him was a passage cut through it.

The underwater world is not as magnificent and magnificent as the underwater world, nor is it different from the undercurrent of the lake bottom world.

The breath of life exuded by the vegetation floats in, refreshing.

Moriarty suddenly had a feeling, similar to the feeling he felt after drinking Felicia for the first time.

Suddenly, a breeze blew over, and Moriarty grabbed Feng'er's tail with quick eyesight and quick hands, and released a "Wind Grab".

"Ding dong~ Capture failed!"

The cold mechanical sound of the system sounded in Moriarty's mind.

"The magic level detected by Breeze is about level 93 legendary archmage, and the host may try to seize it after the host has risen to level 71 archmage."

What Moriarty is waiting for is systematic detection!

"In other words, Rowena Ravenclaw is equivalent to a level 93 legendary archmage." He narrowed his eyes and began to analyze.

"Helga Hufflepuff's level cannot be speculated for the time being, and the relevant records all show that she is a person who is indifferent to the world.

Needless to say, Godric Gryffindor and the ancestor of Salazar will only be higher in level. "

A thought suddenly jumped out of Moriarty's mind: Maybe the Big Four didn't die, but became gods instead?

Another breeze blew by, the clumps of vegetation shook, and a scent wafted out.

Moriarty sniffed. Gradually, he felt as if there was something more in his stomach, and he felt full miraculously!

Limbs and bones are full of strength, with endless energy.

"Hey, this isn't Helga Hufflepuff's vegetable garden, is it?"

Moriarty's smile was fleeting, and there was still a gentle smile in his eyes. It could be seen that he did not dislike these small plants.

But you can't smell the fragrance anymore, otherwise you will be overwhelmed.

He turned a corner and walked towards the ground with less vegetation.

Along the way, there was a breeze blowing from time to time. Moriarty counted, every 12 seconds, the breeze blows, and the vegetation grows a little bit.

Moriarty walked all the way, the vegetation became less and less, and finally came to a hill with no vegetation, exposing bare land.

Stepping up the hill, Moriarty looked around, and there was a row of black walls in the distance.

The walls are high and there are no doors, so the inside cannot be seen from the outside.

Although the ground is still golden, you must know that it is underwater!

Underwater fence? What's on that side of the wall?

Everything looks so unusual.

Moriarty went under the wall and found that the material of the wall was quite special, an unknown metal that blocked magic power.

He waved his hand to attract a whirlwind, which couldn't blow down the wall. If the flood is brought in, the wall cannot be washed away.

Moriarty also sent the Serpent, but the moment the Serpent touched the wall, it fell down, let alone climbed over the wall.

Is it so helpless?

Moriarty took a few steps in front of the wall, with his hands behind his back, his brow slightly furrowed, staring at the wall from time to time thinking.

With great courage, he released the Devouring Curse on himself, and accidentally discovered the magical space of the Big Four. There are too many secrets waiting for him to dig and explore.

How can you stop here?

Wait, the wall may be related to the Big Four! ?

Moriarty had a flash of inspiration, and said in snake language to the wall: "Open!"


One of the black walls moved slowly, opening a gap!

Thought flashed in Moriarty's eyes. Parseltongue could command the black wall, which meant that most of the things inside the wall were related to the ancestors of Salazar.

When the black wall was fully opened, Moriarty walked in without hesitation.

In order to prevent accidents, he took out the Slytherin staff from the system space and held it in his hand.

Walking into the wall, you will see a cemetery.

Row after row of gray tombs piled on the ground.

There were no steles in front of the mounds, and no tributes were laid out, but Moriarty felt that they were not alone.

An inexplicable warm atmosphere flows in the cemetery, which is very strange. It is clearly a place where the dead are buried, but there is no gloomy atmosphere.

Even Moriarty couldn't help but want to lie down on the ground and sleep here.

Moriarty was sure he wasn't enchanted or enchanted, but the feeling was real.

He approached the cemetery step by step, walking between the tombs, he felt throbbing in his heart, and the blood in his whole body became scorching hot, as if burning.

"The power of blood..."

Moriarty narrowed his eyes, and now he has some understanding, this cemetery is buried with Slytherins.

To prove this point, Moriarty slowly raised his staff and said in a deep voice in Parseltongue: "Slytherin!"

A silver cross broke through the ground, about 100 meters high, and the top reflected the water, which was extremely conspicuous in the tomb.

Moriarty looked up and saw a long, large snake nailed to the cross.

No, normal snakes are not this long, nor are they this big. It was a basilisk, a basilisk about 50 meters long.

Moriarty flew to the top of the cross, and saw a feather growing on the basilisk's head. After many years, the feather was still bright and dazzlingly red.

"It's a male basilisk."

Moriarty landed slowly, and while making a judgment, he became vigilant.

Who would have crucified the Basilisk if this were the Slytherin graveyard!

No, no!

Moriarty remembered something, and he looked up again, looking at the cross.

"Where have I seen this scene? I must have seen it!"

Moriarty began to recall hard, he mobilized the alchemy matrix, and entered the data of the scene of "crucifying the Basilisk" into it.

A memory popped into my mind instantly. It was a conversation with Nicole Flamel, who gave Moriarty a book.

"The Jewish Book of Abraham!"

Moriarty remembered that the second set of pictures in the book showed a cross in a cemetery. A serpent was crucified.

The picture perfectly matches the scene at this moment!

Nicole Flamel's words still ring in my ears: the crucifixion of the serpent signifies corruption, and death on the cross signifies sublimation!

Moriarty scanned the mound.

Death, and sublimation...


A voice sounded above Moriarty's head.

The light reflected from the top of the cross twisted, shooting out a blue light, intertwined and changing in the air, and finally turned into a wizard in a dark green robe.

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