The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 267 Perfect Devour

Salazar was sure that he had never heard of thunder elemental magic in his long life.

"It seems that on the road of elemental magic, I am destined to not be able to help you too much."

Glancing slightly at Moriarty, Salazar pondered: "As your ancestor, it's a pity that I can't give you critical help.

But as a legendary archmage, I'm glad to see you forge your own magical path. "

Every legendary mage is steadfast in his own magic path.

The word legend not only represents an unparalleled understanding of magic and a sublimation of one's own realm.

He is also a lone warrior.

Explore, pursue, and study tirelessly on the road of magic, seeing nothing but beautiful scenery along the way and thorns all over the road.

Walk towards the light ahead without distraction, persevere and never look back.

Different magical paths are like two worlds. Salazar is lucky. He has a sworn enemy and best friend, and two trustworthy comrades-in-arms.

The four giants of Hogwarts are at the same starting point, embarking on different magical paths, but they can support each other and fight side by side.

Maybe that's why Salazar gave up becoming a god?

Facing an ancestor who is also a lone brave man who is walking alone towards the goal in his heart step by step-even though the roads are different and the ways of moving forward are different, Moriarty still has a feeling of sympathy.

He took a step back, bowed slightly, and nodded.

"Thank you for your affirmation."

"You don't need to look outside." Salazar also nodded lightly, stretched out his right hand, and raised a finger, "Although I can't help you, there is still no problem in perfecting the Devouring Curse."

"Eat everything."

Salazar uttered the Devouring Curse, and a green light appeared from his fingertips, reaching straight into the sky.

There was a layer of water mist on the fiery red sky, and then continuous raindrops began to fall.

Moriarty let a drizzle of rain fall on his hand, feeling the magic of the water element in it.

Salazar's water elemental magic power is calm, indifferent, and peaceful, and it smells of death from the inside out.

It is completely different from Moriarty's water element magic.

Thanks to Moriarty's talent in transfiguration, his water elemental magic is biased towards material transformation.

It is also due to the powerful spiritual power and alchemy matrix that spiritual magic such as crying under the snow and gentle blue whale are derived.

But Moriarty also knew that this did not mean that he was stronger than Salazar.

It can only be said that Salazar, as a local wizard in the world of Harry Potter, is knowledgeable and talented. While walking out of his own magic path, he developed elemental magic.

Just like now, Salazar cast a spell, and the magic power of the water element changed this alien space.

Moriarty seems to have seen the scene where Salazar and the Big Three jointly build an alien space.

Salazar held up his second finger, and the drizzle suddenly turned into a torrential rain, pouring down.

Neither Moriarty nor Salazar got drenched.

The sky, the breeze and the land were hidden in the rain, gradually disappearing, and the Slytherin graveyard became looming.

"Will the Big Three come back and see that their alien space has been made like this, will they fight for you?" Moriarty joked.

"Hehehe," Salazar smiled reminiscently, "When we were developing elemental magic, this kind of thing often happened.

Usually Helga will complain a few words, Rowena will attract strong winds to dry out the water, and as for the stupid lion, he will just draw out his sword and chase after me. "

At the end, Salazar showed a bit of brooding.

Moriarty shook his head and smiled. It seemed that Salazar had suffered under the sword of Gryffindor.

"Don't smile like that."

Salazar frowned slightly, and hurriedly broke the news about Gryffindor's embarrassment.

"When that stupid lion mastered the magic of the fire element, he also burned his own hair.

Pay attention to the hair of the whole body, not just the hair and beard. "

Salazar added in relief: "Helga and Rowena were frightened - Helga didn't give him a bite of food for three days, and finally I brewed the hair growth magic and fed him to drink, so he was able to recover."

Moriarty listened with gusto and couldn't help applauding the Big Four. It's no wonder Salazar was willing to give up becoming a god.

Fashen may not have such a group of partners by his side.

But why did Salazar leave Hogwarts in anger?

Noticing Moriarty's puzzled eyes, Salazar shook his head, "Don't ask, I don't think it's necessary to tell you too much history—wizards in every era have their own mission and life, and our story has come to an end , your story has just begun."

"Well, I'm just curious," Moriarty shrugged, "I'm not a detective, deciphering is not my goal."

Salazar raised his third finger silently. There was no magic power fluctuation on his body, but an inexplicable sense of threat always reminded Moriarty that Salazar was very dangerous at this moment!


There was a dull loud noise, and Moriarty realized that it was the sound from the alien space itself.

The surface of the water soared into the air, threatening to flood the entire space, but a black hole suddenly appeared in the air, and within a few seconds, the water in the space was sucked into the black hole.

Moriarty witnessed the whole process, and Salazar said to him: "Use your water magic to cover the golden land."

"Are you testing me?" Moriarty raised his lips.

Salazar stretched out his right hand and gestured towards the golden ground.

Moriarty swung the Slytherin staff at the ground, and the magic power of the water element poured into the air like a torrent.

"Oh? In this way?" Salazar's snake eyes flashed with interest, "The magic power of the water element fully touches the air, and fits the world to the maximum. Is it to start magic transformation?"

"Please watch, my magic."

Moriarty smiled slightly. The next moment, there was heavy rain, snowflakes, and hailstones.

There are no seas, but there are waves, and there are no lakes, but there are tides.

The alien space is like a cardboard box soaked in water, with endless water pouring in from all directions.

The golden land was quickly covered by water, and the water level continued to rise until it returned to the same height as the original water level.

"Okay, that's enough." Salazar said, glanced at the water, and said to Moriarty, "In this way, this space is marked with your mark.

Your ability to capture, absorb, and transform objects you devour.

I think in this way, it will not be a problem for you to obtain the magic power of the fire element. "

Moriarty had no doubts about Salazar's statement, and through this set of operations, he wanted to understand one thing.

"You use different dimensions to find wizards with similar elements, right?"

Salazar nodded and shook his head, "Right or wrong."

"The alien space is indeed arranged by us to find outstanding wizards.

We left the method of getting here in the real world in various forms.

But there is only one wizard who controls the magical power of the four elements of water, wind, fire, and earth in a thousand years.

In other words, you are the second wizard to enter here. "

"Who was the first wizard?" Moriarty frowned slightly.


He is the heir of Slytherin, and he discovered the past of the different dimension.


Through a few shots, Moriarty found that Old Dengtou suspected to have mastered the magic of the fire element, and even if he didn't, there was a high probability of possessing the magic of the fire element.



Facing Moriarty's puzzled gaze, this time, Salazar did not evade.

"A Hufflepuff," he said. "About three hundred years ago, that child mastered the elemental magic of earth."

"It turned out to be Hufflepuff..." Moriarty was really surprised.

"Hmm, I was surprised too, but this is the truth," Salazar said blankly, "Never underestimate others."

"Let's stop chatting here," Moriarty said suddenly, "I should go back to the real world and devour the undead phoenix eggs to obtain the magic power of the fire element."

"Please." Salazar did not stop.

Moriarty nodded lightly: "I look forward to seeing you next time."

"I'm also looking forward to it, provided you can find other ways to enter the alien space."

Salazar raised the corners of his mouth and smiled intriguingly.

"I don't know the entry methods left by Stupid Lion, Helga, and Rowena. Most of the methods I left behind are hidden in spells and black magic items."

The appearance of the Hufflepuff student originated from a dear book friend in the book friend group, and this role was a secondary role she wanted.

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