The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 27 Interesting Professors

The auditorium was full of laughter, the students were talking about the Quidditch game with great interest, and Lilith complained to Moriarty and Jericho that they made her worry.

"Looking at Professor Snape's face this afternoon, I really thought he would expel you two!" She fiercely forked a piece of grilled pork chop and put it into her mouth.

At this time, Keith walked up to Moriarty. In fact Moriarty's Levitation Charm protected him so well that he was discharged from the school hospital after a few hours of sleep.

Keith thanked Moriarty solemnly, and after chatting with Moriarty for a few words, he slowly returned to the Slytherin common room.

Moriarty noticed that Keith's companion Ralpo didn't say anything about it, and Ralpo silently ate the drumstick.

With Keith's appearance, the students shifted the conversation to Keith's fall.

The little snakes generally believed that Keith's fall was related to Percy, and Ralpo said to the people around him: "Weasley said that! Just before Keith got on the broom, he said Keith would die, You know it!"

Percy heard it, and his face went pale.

Naturally, the lions vehemently denied it, mocking Keith loudly as a stupid fool who has no talent and loves to show off.

Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw also joined the discussion, and the Kitty Hawks analyzed it, saying that there was something wrong with the speed of Keith's broom.

Keith has neither the talent of Moriarty nor the skill of Jericho, so how could he rush to the sky.

Even if he is a magic riot, it will only make him fly into the sky, and it has nothing to do with the broom.

Moriarty shook his head. This was a debate destined to be inconclusive. After dinner, he returned to the dormitory. The concealment method of the flying spell is still not perfect.

Early the next morning, Moriarty intercepted Senior Tonks in the corridor on the eighth floor. After explaining her intentions, the senior promised Moriarty to help him make Buffy Brain Refreshing Potion.

"However, junior, my grades in potions are so-so, aren't you worried that I'll ruin your potions?" Tonks asked.

Moriarty smiled: "So I just let you do some preparatory work, such as chopping up small tree roots."

Tonks didn't speak, just drew out his wand, as if he couldn't wait to have a fight with Moriarty.

After emerging from the Room of Requirement, Moriarty went to Charms class.

The teacher of the Charms class is Professor Flitwick, and whenever Moriarty puts forward some new ideas on the theory of spells, he always praises Moriarty and gives points to Slytherin House.

The most important thing is that Professor Flitwick has his own opinions on some ancient magic. When he presented it to Moriarty, Moriarty was pleasantly surprised.

Some ancient spells are not suitable for modern people. Moriarty tries to find the balance between ancient magic and modern magic, or more similarities, so that new spells may be created.

Even if you can't, you can improve the spells left by Salazar's ancestors, even though those spells are already very streamlined.

After several exchanges, although Moriarty's sense of goblins is not very good, Professor Flitwick has won his respect.

Professor Flitwick often used Moriarty as an example to encourage students in the Snake Academy and the Eagle Academy to actively ask questions.

Penelope was the most active of the students, raising her hand many times to answer Professor Flitwick's questions.

She was also the first student to learn the Levitation Charm after Professor Flitwick taught it. Although Moriarty was already proficient in using it, it still made her confident.

Penello carried the momentum into astronomy class, too.

Professor Aurora Sinista led the little snakes and little eagles to observe the starry sky with telescopes, and learned the names and orbits of various stars, planets and constellations.

Perhaps it is based on the common sense of astronomy that Muggles learned in elementary school. Penelope is almost self-taught. Watching Penelope quickly draw the astronomical map of Jupiter, Professor Sinista did not hesitate to give Ravenc Lau added twenty points.

"Oh dear, your name is Penello, isn't it? You are awesome. You must know that many children are still not completely sure of the names of all the moons of Jupiter when they are in the fifth grade." Professor Sinista looked kindly, "Oh? Mo Mister Riati drew it too? Let me see."

She walked up to Moriarty, and within a few moments she was complimenting and adding ten points to Slytherin.

After Professor Sinista went to tutor other students, Lilith curiously asked Moriarty why he was proficient in astronomy.

Moriarty understood her thoughts.

Unlike Transfiguration and Potions, where one or two geniuses appear from time to time, astronomy and divination are like a desert of genius.

Not many people are willing to waste time on a subject of little practical significance.

However, Moriarty doesn't think so, he hasn't forgotten the words of the Japanese black wizard and the prophecy of eternal life.

When it comes to prophecy, divination is extremely important, and divination is closely related to astronomy. Moriarty even thought about whether to continue studying astronomy in the fifth grade.

After two classes, Penello became famous.

Everyone knows that Ravenclaw has produced a first-year girl who can keep pace with Moriarty. Although only in astronomy.

But there are not many students who can be compared with Moriarty. Based on this alone, Ravenclaw's Kitty Eagles spoke highly of Penello.

In the following herbal medicine class, there were no outstanding young wizards. As for Moriarty, everyone agreed that he was not in the category of ordinary students. What everyone wanted to see was young wizards of the same age as Moriah. pedicle rivalry.

But when Moriarty calmly talked about the history and effects of Baixian, and Professor Pomona Sprout gave him ten points with a smile, the students of the four colleges discovered that Moriarty had already done it for him. Slytherin house added seventy points.

The little snakes remembered the 30 points deducted from Moriarty and the three of them by Professor Si. If these points were not counted, then Moriarty's points for Slytherin had already reached 100 points!

Now, Mr. Slytherin is not just talking about adding points to Slytherin House, the students always look yearning when they talk about it.

Lilith and Jericho are also very concerned about the 20 points deducted by Sijiao, and they are constantly looking for ways to add points.

Jericho was praised in the flying class, and Lilith completed the snot spell in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class. Randy Cullen, the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, added five points to her.

Moriarty has been observing Professor Randy since class.

He had big black eyes, brown hair, a pale face, and a black cloak, and Moriarty remembered eating a little bit of it twice when he ate in the Great Hall.

These strange appearances and appearances made Moriarty think that Professor Randy was a vampire.

Moriarty is not shocked that vampires appear at Hogwarts and serve as professors. Professor Randy behaves like ordinary people, and at the same time teaches them defense against the dark arts in a proper manner, just like other professors .

What really puzzled Moriarty was the reason for the appearance of Professor Randy. Dumbledore would not recruit a vampire to be a professor for no reason, let alone a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts.

Until the end of the get out of class, Moriarty did not observe any valuable clues from Professor Randy, so he suppressed his doubts and went to the History of Magic class

Unlike most students who were bored with History of Magic class, Moriarty was interested in this class enough to be ranked in the top three of all classes.

In the first history of magic class, Professor Cuthbert Binns briefly introduced several famous historical figures. When he mentioned the goblin rebellion, Moriarty quickly raised his hand, "Professor, can you give Shall we detail the history of the goblins?"

Professor Binns seemed to have a special affection for Moriarty, and he complied, but he couldn't change the monotony of his voice, which made the students below him drowsy.

Only Moriarty can resist the hypnotic power brought by the monotonous voice and boring history. As Professor Binns narrated, he kept taking notes and occasionally showed a thoughtful expression.

Another student who didn't get sleepy was Lilith, who was used to being boring, but she couldn't understand why Moriarty was interested in goblins.

Lilith rested her chin, and soon realized that Moriarty's notes were more interesting than a ghost and a class that was recognized as the most useless, so she read it.

After Professor Binns finished telling the history of goblins, Moriarty asked questions about the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, and the students suddenly stopped dozing off.

Professor Binns curled his lips. This scene surprised the students, and then they heard Professor Binns say in a dismissive tone that the Chamber of Secrets was just a "legend", and only what he said was "fact".

However, Professor Binns still told Moriarty some topics about the Chamber of Secrets, which basically matched what Moriarty knew.

After class, the topic of Moriarty's interest in the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets was circulating at Hogwarts.

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