The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 304 The Sorting Ceremony

Crossing the lake by boat, Hagrid led the new students into the castle, and the appearance of him holding the coffin attracted the attention of the old students and professors.

Dumbledore was thoughtful, and looked at Moriarty with doubts in his eyes: "Wouldn't it be Du Wayne in the coffin?"

Moriarty nodded slightly, affirming Dumbledore's guess: "That's right, Duwayne is inside."

The corner of Dumbledore's mouth twitched as he watched Hagrid sit back on the professor's chair and lay the coffin flat on the ground.

Du Wayne seemed to be sleeping soundly, and there was no movement in the coffin.

Professor McGonagall took the sorting hat and passed the Slytherin table. The hat greeted Moriarty loudly.

At the Sorting Ceremony the year before and last year, the hats did the same, and the old students were used to it.

"I don't know what the hat says until it opens its mouth," Jericho said.

The second grade snakes looked at him one after another.

Feeling the eyes from all directions, Jericho is very useful.

"First sentence: Mr. Slytherin, can you tell me a joke?"

"The second sentence - surely Moriarty wouldn't agree, would he, and then the hat would say - then let me tell you one."

"The third sentence - usually at this time Professor McGonagall will quickly walk up to the freshman with his hat in his hand, and the hat will say - Hey, McGonagall! You should stop and listen to the joke I prepared, I prepared it One year!"

After Jericho finished speaking, he sat there with a big belly, and what the Sorting Hat said was exactly the same as him.

Some senior snakes reminded: "Jericho, although it is a branch, you still have to restrain yourself. You don't want our college to have fewer and fewer freshmen, do you?"

However, the words of the Sorting Hat left a deep impression on the freshmen, and when Professor McGonagall introduced the four major colleges, the freshmen heard "Slytherin" and matched it with Mr. Slytherin in the mouth of the hat.

Unknowingly, Slytherin had already impressed the new students twice.

On the long Ravenclaw table, Roger Davis said weakly: "Is this a blatant partiality? All the freshmen have gone to Slytherin. I hope the college can recruit more Ravenclaw freshmen. In order to find out the talented Quidditch players, it seems that we will have to wait until next year."

Seeing the beginning of the sorting, three freshmen in a row were sorted into the snake courtyard, Roger lay down on the table depressed.

"Don't say that, Davis." Penello saw through the thoughts of the boys at the same level: "The colleges of the freshmen are allocated by the sorting hat. There is no saying that anyone is partial, and who said that there are no talented players this year?"


Roger, who inherited the will of the previous Ravenclaw Quidditch captain, was trained as the next generation captain.

Hearing these words, Roger raised his head like a puppy seeing a bone, his eyes lit up.

"Me," Penello said to the eaglets without humility at all: "After the training starts, I will show you my Nimbus 1990S!"

There was a low growl from the long table in the Eagle Court, and Roger's eyes widened: "Yes, that Slytherin bought it for you?"

"That's not it!" Penello said loudly, her face was full of seriousness, how could she accept Moriarty's gift before the battle of love was decided.

At this time, Professor McGonagall called his name: "Duwayne Vanjoy!"

No one from the freshman ranks stood up.

"Duwayne Vanjoy?"

Still no one came forward, and there was a murmur in the hall.

"Duwayne Vanjo!!!" Professor McGonagall's voice was filled with anger.

There was no sound in the hall, but no one came to the hat. Many little snakes giggled, and the Sorting Hat looked at this scene angrily.

"Oh, I see," said the Hat suddenly, high-pitched. "He wants to play games with me! Doesn't he? What a naughty boy."

Moriarty cast a spell to open the coffin, and Hagrid was startled when the coffin lid floated up, and the eyes of all the teachers and students in the school were focused on the coffin.

However, Du Wayne didn't realize it, and fell asleep with Princess Sophie.

Moriarty cast the spell again, and Duwayne and Princess Sophie floated in the air as if lifted by two large invisible hands.

Their sleeping appearance was also seen by everyone, they were cute and curled up into a small ball.

Many senior school girls are very motherly, and more boys want to touch Princess Sophie's white hair.

Du Wayne and his white cat slowly flew over the auditorium, during which he turned over, and the abnormal movement below did not affect his sleep at all.

"If this is a higher-level vampire than a pure-blooded vampire, I can only say a little bit more."

Lilith smiled and said that Moriarty said that she did not see any threat from Du Wayne, of course, excluding the phantom on the train.

Du Wayne was put on the chair by Moriarty, and before Professor McGonagall could help, the Sorting Hat jumped on Du Wayne's head.

"Dare to sleep in my sorting ceremony, you are the first! Let me see what's in your little head, no, I mean... let me see which house you are suitable for."

Moriarty shook his head and smiled, why did the Sorting Hat speak out what was in his heart, but the reason why Du Wayne put on the Sorting Hat in his sleep was to use the special ability of the Sorting Hat to check Du Wayne's brain .

Moriarty had thought about everything from the time he conjured up the coffin.

After all, it's not good for Moriarty to directly use Legilimency on Du Wayne. Although he is a vampire, he is still too young.

Well, now it seems that everything is under control.

Don't forget, Moriarty has a kind of magic that can connect the thinking of the sorting hat, and he can see the picture that the sorting hat sees.

Moriarty was satisfied to see the serious sorting hat: "Well, it's very difficult, quite difficult."

"How?" Moriarty asked curiously.

The hat was not surprised by Moriarty's voice, and only complained slightly: "The next time it enters my brain, at least say hello in advance, okay?"

And then went on to finish his work: "He's a noble among vampires, should go to Slytherin, right?"

The Sorting Hat actually started to ask for Moriarty's opinion, but somehow the Hat thought it was logical.

"Aha, Salazar would never have dreamed of a blood clan coming to Hogwarts to study." The hat said happily.

"However, Godric also didn't expect this. He killed those vampires until their blood flowed like rivers."

"Oh, wait, wait." The hat sighed: "Vampires have courage too, he is also suitable for Gryffindor."

Moriarty thought this evaluation sounded familiar. Thinking back, wasn't this the same evaluation the hat gave him when he was sorted!

"Hey, be more reliable."

"Oh okay, let me see again," the hat said with a face of deep thought, "I have to admit that this vampire has extremely high intelligence, and Ravenclaw is suitable for him, but he is also lazy, which may have something to do with his physiology. The structure is related to living habits, which means that he is also suitable for Hufflepuff..."

The voice of the hat became more and more unconvincing, Du Weien was suitable for four colleges, but Du Weien was destined to enter one college!

The hat frowned, and suddenly his expression changed, as if he had thought of something great!

"Physical structure? No, let me take a closer look." Hat said in a voice only he could hear: "In the name of the Big Four, this is a ridiculously powerful confusion spell! He, he turned out to be..."

"What is he?"

Moriarty was puzzled, since the hat said that Du Wayne was suitable for the four colleges, he felt that the hat became weird.

The hat that has always listened to Moriarty chose to prevaricate, and it said quickly: "He is nothing, he will be an excellent Slytherin student, yes, that's right! Duwayne Vanjoy——Slater Forest!"

Obviously, the last sentence was shouted by the Sorting Hat.

The auditorium became quiet, and most of the little snakes had sullen faces. A vampire was actually assigned to the Slytherin who carried the glory!

It's good that vampires are nobles among vampires, but this belongs to wizards!

The students of the other three colleges also looked at each other, only then did they realize that they were going to live and study with a vampire!

The Sorting Hat didn't care about this. It automatically jumped off Du Wayne's head and urged McGonagall: "Where's the next freshman? Let him come over quickly. You spent too much time on Du Wayne. You don't want every freshman Let's all become jerks!"

At the same time, he thought to himself: No matter what the little vampire wants to do, or what the vampire behind him wants to do, it should be left to Moriarty.

Professor McGonagall looked at Dumbledore.

The White Wizard looked at the little wizard in the Snake Court, and then at Professor Snape—the eyes quickly moved away.

Si Jiao had a dark face, as if someone owed him one billion Galleons.

Finally, Dumbledore looked at Moriarty, thinking that it would be good to hand Duwayne over to Moriarty, so he smiled and raised his hands to applaud.

The teachers and students quickly understood that this was the applause to welcome the new students into the college, and immediately stretched out their hands, the applause was thunderous.

Du Wayne opened his eyes amidst applause.

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