The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 310: Every Curse Ends

The red lips gave a weird smile, and Du Weien rushed over with a "sigh".

Moriarty felt strange when he saw that Du Wayne was going to compete with him in physical skills. He raised his hand and waved the cedar wand, "There are many obstacles."

The blue-green magic light shone brightly and hit Du Wayne precisely.

"It's so fast, more than eight times faster than the person in front." Du Wayne blinked, and the person in front was naturally Jericho.

Due to the deceleration effect of the curse, Du Weien couldn't fly over slowly, and simply jumped down from the low altitude, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and the black shadow behind him became bigger and thicker.

With rampant magic energy, like a demon god, the vast sea of ​​magic power radiates out, like a strong wind sweeping through the Slytherin dungeon, making the little snakes watching the battle tremble.

Du Wayne's eyes were already golden, which was also suspicious. Moriarty squinted his eyes and found that Du Wayne's pupils were not the shining golden light, but golden, translucent and agile.

Du Wayne looked fiercely at Moriarty, turned his wrist slightly, pointed his wand at Moriarty, and said coldly: "There are many obstacles!"


The magic power surged out as if materialized, and there was a roar.

Professor Snape took out his wand sullenly, and held it tightly, ready to help Moriarty at any time.

The magic power is too huge. If strength is judged only by magic power, Du Weien is at the level of the four deans.

Under the inconceivable gaze of everyone, the invisible curse turned into an air cannon and sprayed out, and the target was Moriarty.

However, the magic effects of deceleration and slowing were multiplied several times, causing the casting range to expand a circle.

The little snakes around were enchanted, and they retreated in unison, falling on their companions behind them like dominoes. They didn't fall until the little snakes in the last row summoned the sofa to sit down.

And the magic light at the core of the curse has already flown in front of Moriarty.

"Super armor body protection!"

Moriarty swung his cedar wand in a circle in front of him.

A huge circular shield was in front of Moriarty, with a radius of almost five meters.

Professor Snape put his wand back calmly, the Iron Armor Charm was almost like an iron wall, so there was no need for his support.


The curse hit the big shield, let out a weak cry, and then dissipated, and the wave of magic power dissipated at the same time.

The little snakes breathed a sigh of relief and stood up slowly.

Moriarty said to Duwayne: "You know what I see in your spell?

I saw a huge reserve of magic power and unskilled casting.

You are like a vessel full of energy, but you don't know how to use it. "

As he said that, Moriarty focused his scrutiny on the black shadow. Most of Duwayne's unusually large magic power came from the black shadow.

Hearing these words, Du Wayne felt as if he had been stung by a poisonous bee. He was shocked and shouted loudly: "You nonsense! What do you wizards know? Stupid! Stupid!"

His eyes flashed fiercely: "I want you to die, wizard!"

Then with a wave of the wand, the spell flew out like a cannonball.

"Disarm you!"

"Torn apart!"

"Oolong out of the hole!"

"Bones to pieces!"

"The soul is out of the body!"

"There are many obstacles!"

"Blazing flames!"

Each spell was the one used by the three of Jericho in the battle just now, and now it has become Du Wayne's attack method.

And with the blessing of magic power, the power of each spell is doubled, and the little snakes have already run away.

Snape's face was as gloomy as water. Du Wayne could learn the spells he had seen in an instant. This talent was comparable to that of Moriarty and Merlin.

And the magic power is huge, not like a vampire at all.

If he didn't know that Moriarty was capable of solving it, he would have terminated this competition long ago.

"Moriarty, finish it quickly." Professor Snape urged with a black face.

Moriarty looked around. The common room really couldn't be used as a battlefield, and the testing was almost done. Du Wayne's situation was basically understood, and it was time to end.

Facing the overwhelming spells, he showed no signs of change, raised his right arm and raised his wand, and calmly recited a spell.

"All curses end."

Moriarty's magic power was infinitely amplified by the characteristics of this spell, and like radiation, it offset and reduced all the spells in the space of the lounge!

Just like when a stone is thrown into the water, ripples appear on the surface of the water. The magic power belonging to Moriarty ripples like circles and spreads continuously. Du Wayne's spell disappears without a trace, leaving Du Wayne a stunned look. Face.

"That's it, is it over? Is it over?"

Du Wayne's eyes widened, the golden light in his eyes disappeared at some point, and his dark eyes stared straight at Moriarty.

This look is so stupid and cute that the little snakes don't know what to say. Not only Moriarty noticed it, but they also noticed it.

Du Wayne is moody, sometimes cute like a child, sometimes like an extreme racist, he is not good at letting go until the wizards in the world die.

"It's getting late, go back and sleep well."

Moriarty said to Du Wayne in a calm tone, no one knew what he was thinking.

With a flick of the wand, a coffin flew over and put Du Wayne in it. When the lid of the coffin was about to close, Princess Sophie jumped off the table and shouted: "Don't close it, let me in."

Everyone was not surprised by the talking cat. Seeing the white cat walking on catwalks, it was as if they saw a noble lady.

The white cat jumped in and said, "Please close it, thank you."

"Crack." The lid of the coffin was closed, and Du Wayne really fell asleep inside.

Sijiao let out a breath quietly, and glared at the little snakes, "The seventh-level chiefs take the hidden seniors to their respective light dormitories. Everyone else, go back to sleep."

"Good professor."

Everyone hurriedly agreed, and more people saw Sijiao start to move towards Shimen, and said cleverly: "Professor goodbye."

The little snakes were reminded by Professor Snape, but they suddenly remembered the time and glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It was already 11:37 midnight.

"Oh no, it's alchemy class tomorrow morning! I have to go to bed quickly, or I'll miss a lot of classes if I'm late."

A fourth-grade little snake barked.

"Please read the class schedule carefully. The alchemy class is on Monday, and tomorrow is Tuesday." Gemma shyly walked towards Moriarty. The hidden prefect had a single bedroom.

The little snake suddenly realized: "Aha, yes! I forgot that today is September 2. We used to start school on September 1."

"So, there's a Defense Against the Dark Arts class tomorrow morning."

"Isn't that..." The little snakes looked at their companions thoughtfully, and then shouted in unison: "Professor Lockhart's class!"

The voices of more than a dozen girls were particularly loud, and Moriarty and Gemma could still hear them when they walked out of the stone gate.

"Lockhart's class..." Moriarty shook his head and laughed, with a look of anticipation in his eyes. Lockhart is good at being funny and often surprises himself.

Moriarty also wanted to see what kind of teaching the transforming Lockhart could bring to Hogwarts.

They had already walked out of the four Slytherin dungeons, and Gemma stopped when she saw no one around.

"Moriarty, Moriarty?"

Gemma's call came from next to his ear, and Moriarty turned to see Gemma with her hands behind her back, tilting her head and looking at herself with a smile.

Seeing Moriarty turn around, Gemma smiled and said, "Moriarty, in High Prossey, I am grateful for your care. To express my gratitude, I bought this for you."

She took her hands out from behind her back, holding a small bag in her left hand, and Moriarty could tell at a glance that it was a bag with the Untraceable Stretching Charm cast on it.

Gemma took out several books from her bag, tidied them up and handed them to Moriarty, and said with a smile: "I know you like to study runes, and I will send you a set of the latest runes magic books on the market. Hope you like it."

Moriarty took it over, and there were "Advanced Rune Translation", "A Simple Introduction to Ancient Runes", "Magical Symbol Collection", "Magic Theory", "Rune Dictionary", and "Magic Phonetic Table".

There are six books in total, all of them are hardcover books with excellent covers, and they are worth a lot of money at first glance.

Moriarty sighed inwardly. Senior Gemma is usually smart and smart. Since she knew she was studying runes, how could she not have thought that she already had these books?

A lot of money was spent for no reason, these books are not cheap, I am afraid that Gemma's economic conditions do not have such purchasing power.

But Moriarty naturally wouldn't say it, with a smile on his face, he said a lot of things that made Gemma happy.

The two walked side by side to the single bedroom of the hidden prefect. Gemma was very happy all the way, and said happily: "Actually, when we were in the library three years ago, I wanted to give you a set of magic books in runes, but I didn't have that many Galleons back then.

Until you led the British team to the finals, Hyprosy opened a lot of betting markets, and I made a little bit, hehe. "

As she said that, she became embarrassed, and Moriarty saw her flushed face, and immediately knew that Gemma had bet on him to win.

It turns out that Galleons were earned in this way. Moriarty laughed, and Gemma also smiled and said: "Not only me, many people bet on you. Penello bought a Nimbus 1990S with the Galleons he earned. , Furong bought a set of wizard costumes, and said that she would go back and study it to make a new style... Everyone trusts you."

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