The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 320 Night party Rakuhatoku

Late at night, in a classroom on the third floor of Hogwarts, Moriarty and Lockhart were discussing confidential matters.

The fact that the Institute of Magic and Durmstrang came to Hogwarts was beyond anyone's imagination.

As soon as the news spread, Moriarty immediately asked Lockhart out to ask what was going on with the JEP liaison whom he had personally chosen.

Lockhart looked puzzled, spread his hands and explained helplessly: "Master, I have never been in contact with a magic institute, and this Dongying school has never had a history of contacting Hogwarts.

This time, the Institute of Magic issued diplomatic rhetoric directly to Minister of Magic Fudge, completely bypassing us, and we, we were kept in the dark. "

"I know about it."

Moriarty snorted heavily.

Now that the pure-blood family is on good terms with him, the diplomatic words from the Magic Institute have just been handed over to the table in Fudge's office, and a pure-blood family has already passed on the news from his side.

As soon as Fudge came to power, magic schools from far away in Asia came up to show their friendly attitude, of course Fudge would not refuse!

And Fudge's statement is quite high-sounding: when Moriarty formulated the joint education plan, it was to unite all eleven magic schools in the wizarding world.

Isn't the Institute of Magic one of the eleven magic schools!

The inclusion of the Institute of Magic is of great significance for the promotion of joint education programs around the world.

The letter from the pure-blood family clearly stated this.

That's why Moriarty was annoyed, Fudge was playing tricks, in a disguised form to embarrass himself!

It's time to beat this dishonest minister.

I said that I would unite all eleven magic schools in the wizarding world.

But the sandwiches have to be eaten one by one, and the eleven magic schools have to be united one by one!

It is logical to join forces with Ilvermorny and Beauxbatons. How much groundwork did Moriarty do in the early stage? They are inextricably linked to Hogwarts and to Moriarty himself.

Even Durmstrang has a degree of friendship with Hogwarts.

The purpose of my joint education plan is to unite several schools in Europe and America first, and then to unite other magic schools.

Now that the Magic Institute has popped up, it is likely to lead to a bad start for the joint education game, or even a collapse!

The trip to Japan made Moriarty feel more and more that the magical world of Japan is a pool of deep water, and right now Moriarty doesn't want to touch this pool of deep water.

It's not that Moriarty is afraid of Dongpu and the Magic Institute, but after uncovering the mystery of the prophecy of eternal life and understanding the whole picture of the prophecy of eternal life, the true identity of Dongpu's boss will naturally be exposed.

Instead of being in the dark like now, the Japanese BOSS and the Magic Institute—Moriarty suspects that the Magic Institute has been infiltrated by the Japanese BOSS.

Otherwise, why would the Magic Institute choose this time to come to Hogwarts.

And there must be ghosts in Hogwarts!

Otherwise, how would the Institute of Magic know that both Ilvermorny and Beauxbatons had arrived at Hogwarts.

Moriarty narrowed his eyes slightly, thinking about it this way, there are more and more people in Hogwarts, and the Magic Institute is likely to try to make trouble.

In the blink of an eye, Moriarty thought of a lot. Lockhart saw Moriarty's expression and remained silent. He waited until Moriarty's expression eased before thinking about opening his mouth.

"As for Durmstrang... Well, the principal of Durmstrang, Karkaroff, is an idiot. After he heard that the Institute of Magic was coming to Hogwarts, he wrote letters to many people, Fudge , Professor Dumbledore, me, the letter to you, Master, has most likely been sent to Slytherin Castle."

Moriarty knew what was going on when he heard Lockhart's teasing tone.

Karkaroff was originally a Death Eater.

After Voldemort's death, he escaped punishment by betraying Death Eaters, which is a fool.

Moriarty had met Karkaroff at the European Wizarding Duel the year before last. The latter was only the vice principal, and now he had been promoted.

Karkaroff, who became the principal, naturally paid more attention to Durmstrang. Durmstrang was originally ranked among the three famous magic schools in Europe along with Hogwarts and Beauxbatons.

But now that Hogwarts has recruited Beauxbatons and Ilvermorny, they seem to be isolating Durmstrang.

The addition of the magic house became the last magic wand that crushed Karkaroff. Asian wizards have come, and if Durmstrang does not participate, it means that he has isolated himself.

After calculation, Durmstrang was the least threatening to him.

Does Durmstrang have well-known professors? No.

There was only one Krum among the students, but he was completely defeated by himself twice, vulnerable.

If it is Durmstrang who owns Grindelwald, he may have to spend a lot of thought. Now Durmstrang only has a reputation.

Lockhart checked his face and said relaxedly: "Based on the relationship between you and Miss Furong, young master, I think Beauxbaton is not a threat."

Moriarty shook his head, "French pure-blood families fear and hate me. I recognized several pure-blood children from Beauxbaton's student representatives. Just watch, they will definitely target me."

Thinking of this, Moriarty's mouth twitched into a sneer.

"Speaking of Furong...I'm afraid I will be wronged if I'm caught between the two sides." Thinking of Furong, the sneer turned into tenderness again.

But Beauxbaton is not a magic institute after all, Beauxbaton is led by Mrs. Maxim, the headmaster.

Speaking of which, the leading professors of several schools were also surprisingly consistent, and they all sent their own principals.

Mrs. Maxim of Beauxbatons, Mr. Dawn of Ilvermorny, and if nothing else, Durmstrang's leading professor is also Karkaroff.

Then will the Magic Institute also send a principal?

Moriarty immediately ordered Lockhart to report to him whenever there was news about the Magic Institute.

Lockhart patted his chest and promised that he could get first-hand information about the Magic Institute, because he wanted to write a novel based on the five-school league.

It was not the first time that Lockhart had done this task under the guise of gathering material for a novel.

The specific content of the five-school league has not yet been finalized. Lockhart asked with a sad face: "Master, have you paid attention to it? Three principals and more than 20 professors have discussed it for a long time and still haven't settled down. I'm so worried." quick."

Moriarty thought so too, people invited, but couldn't produce anything, the first joint education, it can't be messed up.

"Well, I'll go to Hogsmeade on Saturday and ask them to prepare something. Before the end of the weekend, we will finalize the content of the five-school league."

The "they" in Moriarty's mouth naturally referred to the pure-blood family and the Ministry of Magic.

Third-year students are free to go to Hogwarts on Saturdays, subject to the consent of their guardians.

Although Moriarty has no parents, who can control him? If he wanted to find Moriarty's parents, Moriarty took him to the Slytherin graveyard.

With these matters settled, Moriarty cast a Disillusionment Charm on Lockhart and sent him back to his office. I don't forget to put it on.

The two walked out of the classroom and heard Filch's angry shout, Lockhart laughed: "It's the Weasley twins and George! They come out every night to torment old Filch!"

A burst of laughter spread farther and farther, as if going upstairs.

Moriarty also recognized it, "It's Soldaya and Cedric."

Even the purebloods of the Selwyn family went night out with the twins, and the second-year night out group was getting bigger and bigger.

"Hey, why did I hear an American accent?" Lockhart listened for a while and found something unusual. After all, American English and British English are still different.

Moriarty twitched the corners of his mouth, "It is estimated that the twins have led the students of Ilvermorny away."

"Hahaha," Lockhart laughed happily, "Now even if old Filch has alchemy props to help, he won't be able to catch the twins. Master, let me go and see? Don't let those kids make a fuss too much .”

Are you going to see the kids?

Obviously want to pretend to be B again.

I'm too embarrassed to break you.

Seeing that Lockhart was getting playful, Moriarty waved his hand and let him go. He walked to the corridor by himself.

Walking up the floating ladder, Moriarty caught a glimpse of a dark and furtive figure leaping into the hallway on the first floor.

Children who travel at night are so naughty.

Moriarty shrugged.

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