The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 364: Set up (Part 2)

"Blood feast?"

"Ye Jingyu held a blood banquet and invited the prince and his wife to participate..."

"The time is set for the third round..."

The school set the third round for next Monday, four days later.

Moriarty's eyes were shining brightly, and there was a sign that Yejing Yuda had turned from behind the scenes to the front of the stage, and then went on to do a big job.

Hanyu Kafu's memory also shows that they have been planning something.

This is also in line with the last eavesdropping, when Mrs. Prince said that "there is no chance for the second round, and the third round is starting."

In other words, no matter what the blood feast is, it has something to do with the third round.

No, not necessarily.

Moriarty suddenly thought of a possibility.

It's about the contestants!

Or, their target is students!

Immediately Moriarty shook his head amusedly again, during his travels around the world, he had heard of Dumbledore's reputation.

How dare Ye Jingyu go to England, or even Hogwarts to make trouble?

There must be some ceremonies.

Moriarty was in no hurry.

Hanyu Kafu's memory also provides three interesting pieces of information.

One is related to the two major families of Japan.

Another, the third round of the competition is a team competition, and the venue is determined not to be outside the school.

There is no other information about the competition, and the school has not yet discussed it.

The last one is somewhat intriguing.

Since the opening of the league, Hanyu Kakaze has frequently contacted young foreign wizards.

Although Hanyu Kafu claimed that this was to collect students' opinions on the league, when Moriarty examined this memory carefully, he found that it was firmly wrapped by the magic power of the dark element.

The importance of the memory sealed by Ye Jingyu's dark element magic power is self-evident.

Even if Moriarty couldn't see it, he could guess that it was something bad.

"There are so many secrets."

Moriarty finally glanced at Kafu Hanyu's memory world, and backed out with a sneer.


Hanyu Hefeng who fell on the ground immediately frowned. He is also a strong man, his brain was intruded and left casually by others, even in a coma, he still had a slight reaction.

Moriarty mercilessly added a Stunning Charm, and slowly stood up from the ground.

"Jericho, we have to continue with this scene."

"What?" Jericho's eyes widened: "Kafu Hanyu has a lot of background, and you can't solve it?"

"The background..." Moriarty pondered, "I have a feeling that the power behind Kafu Hanyu may be beyond our imagination."

"Hiss..." Jericho realized the seriousness of the matter, and wanted to ask Moriarty what he saw, but Moriarty stopped him when he opened his mouth.

"Let's go back and discuss this matter slowly. Now, let's deal with this guy first." Moriarty looked down at Kafu Hanyu.

Who knows if there is any eyeliner planted by Yejing Yuan among the students in Dongying, and there are still four days before the third round of the competition, Kaze Hanyu cannot disappear.

At the same time, Hanyu Kafu cannot be allowed to report to Ye Jingyu that Moriarty has discovered his identity.

After telling Jericho about his request, Jericho scratched his head anxiously, "Let's ask Leon for help, so that he can change into Hanyu Kakaze for four days?"

Moriarty shook his head: "No, that team of Aurors can't be moved lightly, I'll keep it for great use."

"And it's not advisable to transform into a substitute."

Moriarty remembered that in the plot of the Goblet of Fire, Barty Jr. pretended to be Moody, and he could also deceive the protagonist group.

It's a joke to try to deceive Ye Jingyu by transforming into a substitute.

The Imperius Curse doesn't work either, who knows if Ye Jingyu will arrange tasks for Kafu Hanyu in the four days.

"Fortunately, I was prepared," Moriarty smiled, and waved towards the end of the corridor with his left hand: "Come out, Lockhart!"

Jericho looked towards the end of the corridor in surprise. Lockhart lifted the Disillusionment Charm and walked over with a smile on his face.


Lockhart nodded respectfully to Moriarty.

Jericho had seen Lockhart in Slytherin Castle, and he was not surprised to know that Lockhart was one of his own, but his face was full of doubts.

"Professor Lockhart, what are you doing?"

Moriarty said to Jericho: "When I wrote to you, I planned how to deal with the aftermath."

"Kafu Hanyu can't disappear, just make him forget the whole incident of talking to us."

"So immediately after writing to you I wrote another to Lockhart asking him to come and help."

"Haha, it's foolproof." Jericho looked at Lockhart, "Show us, Professor."

Lockhart smiled modestly, he may not have read enough about other things, but when it comes to erasing memories, he dares to be the second, and no one dares to be the first.

With his wand out, Lockhart was about to strike.

"Wait, Lockhart," Moriarty said suddenly, "can you implant a fictional memory into Kakazu Hanyu?"


Lockhart was a little dumbfounded, what he had been doing before was to delete the memory, and never implanted the memory.

Let alone implanting a fictional memory.

"For Merlin's sake, I can't," Lockhart said sincerely.

Afterwards, he explained profusely with sweat, "Master, it's not that I didn't do it on purpose - I never tried to implant memory, this is something I never thought of..."

Moriarty nodded to indicate that Lockhart didn't need to explain so much, but he really wanted Lockhart to give it a try, which was related to whether his plan would go well.

"You can delete the memory because you will guide those wizards to speak out that memory, and deepen your understanding of this memory, so that you can transform the fantasy made of spiritual power into reality through magic power, right?"

"Yeah, that's right," Lockhart nodded frantically, "Young master's talent is truly unparalleled, and you're right, you've seen through the trick of the Forgetting Curse."

Moriarty looked at Lockhart and continued, "Okay, we will take you to a place now, and you must firmly remember the environment of your place and your mood when you entered there."

Lockhart guessed Moriarty's intentions: "The young master wants to implant this memory into Kafu Hanyu?"

Moriarty nodded slightly, "Come with me, Jericho, stay here, we'll be out soon."

As he spoke, he walked towards a tapestry in the corridor.

Lockhart didn't even ask where he was going, but just followed.

Unexpectedly, Moriarty stopped when he reached the opposite side of the tapestry where the troll beat Barnabas silly with a stick.

"I took you to a mysterious place in Hogwarts. Hanyu Kafu was ordered to search for it, and I want to know his purpose."

"I want to dig a big hole for Ye Jingyu."

Moriarty didn't say this, and he came to the meeting late at night with the intention of cheating.

Set up a set to let Hanyu Hefeng drill in, and then set a set to let Ye Jingyu drill in!

After hearing these words, Lockhart remembered a Hogwarts legend: "It's... the Room of Requirement?"

"Good, let's go."

Moriarty opened the Room of Requirement and led Lockhart inside.

Three minutes later, the two came out.

Lockhart closed his eyes slightly, and kept thinking about the environment of the Room of Requirement.

After a while, I opened my eyes.

"Master, I'm ready to start."

Moriarty summoned Kakaze Hanyu and sent it to Lockhart's feet.

Picking up your wand, take a deep breath.

If the memory is implanted, there is no need to delete all the memories of Kafu Hanyu's meeting with Moriarty and Jericho.

All he needs to do is delete the last bit of memory before Hanyu Hefeng fell into a coma.

Lockhart flicked his wand lightly, and did so with ease.

"Next, master, please help me." Lockhart's voice trembled a little. It was his first time to implant the memory!

If successful, invent a new spell yourself!

Not the learned Oblivion Charm, nor the Freezing Charm bestowed by Moriarty.

Own spell!

Lockhart held back his excitement, pointed his wand at his head, and carefully took out the memory of the Room of Requirement!

Just like Dumbledore showed Harry the memory, when the memory was taken out, the memory fragment turned into a wisp of white mist.

But there is no Pensieve here.


There's Moriarty!

He invaded Kafu Hanyu's brain again, and the alchemy matrix opened a gap in Kafu Hanyu's memory space.

At this moment, Hanyu Kakaze's brain was completely like a blank Pensieve!

That's why Lockhart said he needed Moriarty's help.

Lockhart couldn't get into Kafu Hanyu's brain, Moriarty had to open a way for him.

Jericho on the side was speechless, admiring Moriarty's boldness. If he didn't succeed, Hanyu Kafu might become a fool.

"Delusion wakes up!"

Lockhart read out the name of the new spell, and the wand spun around Kafu Hanyu's head, and the memory fragments on the tip of the wand slowly fell down.

The moment he entered Kafu Hanyu's brain, Moriarty noticed that Kafu Hanyu had some extra memories, which were the memory of the Room of Requirement!


Moriarty immediately exited Kafu Hanyu's mind.

Lockhart heaved a sigh of relief, a big smile appeared on his face, and he looked at Moriarty: "Master, I have a new spell, and you let me see the magical sky!"

Moriarty waved his hand, "What is this? I've already thought about it. If the plan goes well, we can uproot Kafu Hanyu and the Japanese forces."

"We have helped the Ministry of Magic of Japan so much, they have to show it."

"Lockhart, it's time for you to perform again."

Moriarty smiled as if predicting the future and said the report after the event.

"During his tenure as a professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts, Lockhart found out that the black wizards of Japan intended to overthrow the Ministry of Magic of Japan, so he made a secret investigation and took down the gang of black wizards in one fell swoop."

"For this credit, it's not too much to exchange for a Merlin Second Class Medal, right?"

"And Jericho," Moriarty turned to Jericho again, his eyes burning, "I've also figured out a way to cleanse you!"

"The student Jericho, at the risk of his own life, entered the undercover of the black wizard gang to assist Professor Lockhart in fighting the black wizard!"

"How about it? It's reasonable to get a third-class Medal of Merlin for this credit."

Lockhart and Jericho looked at each other with a mean smile.

"It's so reasonable."

"Kafu Hanyu must hurry up and make trouble, I saw my medal beckoning to me!"

"Okay," Moriarty waved his hand, "You all go, Hanyu Kakaze is about to wake up, leave this to me, I have to make him believe in the new memory."

Seeing Moriarty smile, Lockhart and Jericho shivered, scary!

"let's go."

Jericho grabbed the cloth bag with the Tokugawa in it, cursing: "Merlin's stinking trash! I've got four more days to spend with this bitch, that's enough."

The voice of the voice gradually weakened, and Moriarty watched their figures disappear.

He lowered his head and took a sized look at Kafu Hanyu.

"You should wake up."

(I went to the hospital for an examination and the report said that there is no problem, but I feel that there is something wrong with my body and I feel uncomfortable from time to time. Today I will give you 3000 words first, and the subsequent updates will depend on the situation.)

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