The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 371 Voldemort

"Strange stuff?"

"Who... have we offended?"

Several school managers looked at each other in blank dismay, which involved their privacy.

However, their children are missing.

Very likely to be in danger!

Under such circumstances, the school directors didn't care about face, thinking hard about Moriarty's question, hoping to find a clue.

"If you want to talk about strange things, there are more or less hidden pieces in pure-blood families."

Mrs. Malfoy's face was pale, but she still forced herself to be calm. She followed Moriarty's train of thought and guided everyone.

The wizards nodded slightly.

Indeed, whether rich or poor.

As long as it is a pure blood family, there are strange things in the house.

Poor as the Weasleys.

Arthur Weasley also has a flying car.

There are even more hidden things in the house of the school managers.

It will not be possible to say what is dangerous for a while.

"Wait, wait," there was a light in Mrs. Malfoy's blue-gray eyes, and she obviously remembered something, "Moriarty, remember that diary at home?"


Moriarty met Mrs. Malfoy's gaze, and after thinking for a moment, she realized that she was referring to Voldemort's Horcrux and Tom Riddle's diary.


Moriarty pondered, is it possible that Voldemort or the Death Eaters kidnapped the children?


The eyes of the principals and school trustees are wandering between Moriarty and Mrs. Malfoy. What are you playing dumb?

Mrs. Malfoy also ignored them, frowned delicately, and began to think about the possibility of Voldemort being the instigator behind this incident.

Of the four missing children.

Both the Malfoy family and the Pansy family have close contacts with the mysterious person.

If the mysterious man kidnapped them for revenge, it is entirely possible.

Hannah and another girl belonged to a family that was also close to Dumbledore.

This relationship is enough for the mysterious person to attack them.

The suspicion of Voldemort increased greatly, and Mrs. Malfoy's already fair face turned pale, as if a layer of snow had been stroked.

Moriarty noticed Mrs. Malfoy's strangeness, and asked with concern, "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Malfoy smiled at Moriarty, took a deep breath, and then whispered, "I suspect it might be the mysterious man."

The air seemed to freeze instantly.

Mr. Dawn, who was scratching his head, didn't change his face, but his hair was tightly wrapped around his fingers.

Karkaroff, who was sitting next to him, was trembling non-stop, as if he was swinging, his left arm seemed to be burning, and he had to hug his left arm as hard as he could.

Hanyu Kafu looked shocked, obviously taken aback.

Mr. Pan Xi stepped back three times in a row, with a look of shock and fear on his face, as if he was facing a giant dragon that devoured people.


Qiqi, the school director's wife who was present, screamed and looked at Mrs. Malfoy in horror.

Mrs. Malfoy is still calm, because she now has Moriarty to rely on.

Voldemort didn't dare to go wild in Slytherin Castle.

"You heard what I said clearly, think about it carefully, didn't you?"

Mrs. Malfoy raised her head bravely, and met the eyes of the school directors present.

The school directors thought about it and felt that Voldemort did have this suspicion.

Their fear has grown stronger!

When Voldemort ravaged the British wizarding world, it was a critical period for them to move from campus to society.

Voldemort's wrist and strength were deeply imprinted in their minds.

Thinking that it might be Voldemort's revenge, the school managers felt that their lives were already gloomy.

"No, no, can't be him."

Karkaroff stammered, his eyes wide open, his right hand clutching his left arm tightly.

Only Moriarty and Dumbledore remained calm.

Looking closely, there seemed to be a hint of joy in the depths of Dumbledore's eyes.

Moriarty thought about it for a while, and he understood.

Old Deng took it as his duty to eliminate Voldemort, but the wizards did not believe that Voldemort was not dead.

Now that Mrs. Malfoy speaks out about Voldemort, even though it is easy to cause panic, it can also remind people that Voldemort will make a comeback.

It's just that Old Deng probably couldn't imagine that Moriarty had long since ignored Voldemort.

Moriarty would have looked at it differently if it had been Tom Riddle.

A noseless snake spirit wasn't worth Moriarty's troubles.

Especially at the stall where Yejingyu held a blood feast.

Compared with the eternal life organization and the eternal life prophecy, Voldemort's compulsion has been reduced.

What makes Moriarty ponder is, is it possible that the children were kidnapped by the Immortal Life Organization?

Moriarty's imperceptible gaze swept across Kafu Hanyu's face.

Behaving quite normally.

There was less panic on the faces of the school managers, and a little more calmness.

It fully fits the image of a Japanese wizard who stays out of the way.

After all, Voldemort only wanted to control Britain, and had no intention of Asia.

With this impeccable appearance, Moriarty could only temporarily give up observing Kafu Hanyu.

At this time, Karkaroff shouted nervously: "No, it can't be him! If he came back..."

He subconsciously glanced at his left arm, swallowed, and said firmly, "Anyway, it must not be him! He can't come back, he's already dead!"

Mr. Dawn looked at Karkaroff strangely, he didn't understand why Karkaroff had such weird behavior.

Moriarty was well aware that Karkaroff had been a Death Eater.

Every Death Eater has the Dark Mark left by Voldemort on his left arm.

Whenever Voldemort appeared, or called his servants, the Dark Mark would be like a branding iron, causing the Death Eater's left arm to ache.

The reason why Karkaroff was so sure was because the Dark Mark on his left arm was quiet and there was no abnormality.

Several school managers also knew about the Dark Mark, and their expressions relaxed a little.

Just then Fudge came back.

He said angrily, "Leon told me that you can't leave Hogwarts now, what's going on?"

"Can I still be transformed by someone else?"

"Mr. Karkaroff, who did you just say died?"

"Dear Minister," Dumbledore looked up at Fudge and smiled politely, "Principal Karkaroff is talking about Voldemort."


Fudge gasped, and the word "Voldemort" poured on his head like a basin of ice water.

All the previous anger turned into fear.


Fudge made a hiccupping sound, then slumped down on a nearby chair, without saying a word.

A dark cloud hangs over the school manager, Fudge, Karkaroff, these people.

"Guys, I think you're overcomplicating things."

Moriarty's voice, like a gust of spring wind, blew away the dark clouds.

The wizards looked up at Moriarty expectantly.

"I was not exaggerating when I said that the man is still in the castle."

"Let's not discuss whether Voldemort is dead or not."

The appearance of "Voldemort" caused another panic.

Moriarty continued: "Even if Voldemort is not dead, or he sent servants."

"How are they going to get into Hogwarts?"

"No wizard can enter Hogwarts casually. After my arrival, Hogwarts is even more indestructible and inviolable!"

The Slytherin staff suddenly appeared in Moriarty's hand.

Raising the staff, the tail of the staff fell heavily on the ground, making a heavy "bang-dang" sound.

The wizards raised their heads, suddenly gaining confidence.

As Moriarty said, how could Voldemort have come in!

"I stand by my opinion, that man is the wizard in this castle."

Moriarty looked at the crowd.

"who is it?"

Mrs. Malfoy said eagerly, although Moriarty did not agree with her opinion, she was not sad at all, and asked urgently: "Who is it?"

"Let's start with the Greengrass sisters."

Moriarty narrowed his eyes.

"That person kidnapped four children, but Sister Greengrass was left behind. There must be a reason."

"Mr. Greenglass, please come with me."

Moriarty stood up and led Mr. Greengrass to the corner.

Mr. Greenglass asked strangely: "Mr. Moriarty, what do you want to ask?"

Moriarty carefully placed a magic spell around them to prevent eavesdropping and surveillance.

"Your family has always had a blood curse, right?"

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