The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 653: Confessions are lenient, hunting Dongpu

Throughout July, Moriarty stayed in Kunlun. Accompanied by Zhang Tianxue, he fought against the Kunlun disciples and became familiar with the power of time.

"The prohibition of traveling through time is a rule set by the Time Administration. We cannot break the law knowingly. I am really sorry that I cannot take you to the parallel world where Dragon Mother is."

In August, when Moriarty and Zhang Qiu left, Zhang Tianxue smiled apologetically.

As the parting approached, Zhang Tianxue also said some sincere words to Moriarty.

"I didn't take it to heart. Because of this, it is more reassuring to control the power of time by you."

"Goodbye, Tianxue."

On the Kunlun cliff, Moriarty smiled and waved to Zhang Tianxue, and under the latter's reluctant gaze, he took Zhang Qiu to the sky.

That night, Moriarty returned to Slytherin Castle.

"Master, Mr. Jericho is here, and he brought a strange message." The moment he stepped into the castle, Luke, the house elf, greeted him.

"Oh?" Moriarty was very surprised. At this time, Jericho is not in North America to develop his family power. What is he doing back to London?

"Sir!" Jericho ran out of the living room excitedly, with a cheerful smile on his face: "I'm alive and well again, and I can't wait to hug you. Of course, the premise is that the beauty in your castle doesn't mind."

Jericho smirked and fist-bumped Moriarty, who laughed and said, "It looks like you've fully recovered."

"After 76 days, I finally came out of that damned St. Mungo's!" From his tone, St. Mungo's looks like Azkaban.

The two sat back on the sofa, and Jericho said: "I really admire Principal Dumbledore, who was discharged from the hospital in less than a month, and Principal Grindelwald—in less than two months."

"Compared to them, it seems that I am the old man over 100 years old."


After a burst of laughter, the conversation got to the point.

"So, what brought you to London?" Moriarty was very curious: "China and North America are the two areas where wizards and Muggles cooperate most harmoniously. You should not be free."

"Do you still remember the two major families in the magic world of Japan?" Jericho collapsed on the sofa, "The Tokugawa family..."

"Watou Mimon Clan! Right?"

"Yes, yes, Moriarty, your memory is still admirable."

"So, what happened to them?"

"The Tokugawa family has become history," Jericho shrugged. "According to reliable sources, tens of thousands of Dongying people are made into alchemy props by that skeleton old man Extis every day, and the Tokugawa family is now doing the same. One of them."

"The Chinese people are very appreciative of this." Moriarty clapped his hands.

"The Tsuchimikado family is coming soon. I think Extis didn't destroy the Tsuchimikado in order to allow them to deal with the world. After all, members of the Immortal Organization also need to live. Recently, Tsuchimikado has been buying meat all over the world!"

At last, Jericho straightened up.

"Meat?" A gleam flashed in Moriarty's eyes.

A memory from the past flooded into my mind.

On the dining table that had been enchanted with special magic, it was as vast as a plain, with flesh and blood like a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood—all kinds of pieces of meat and residual limbs were piled up in disorder.

Purple-black smoke and cyclones rose from the surface of the dining table, filled with the smell of blood and darkness.

A group of strange people gathered around the dining table, feasting on it!

Regardless of the coldness and bloodiness of the flesh and blood, red eyes flashed, but they ate like a gentleman, and the purple-black smoke also entered their bodies!

"Blood Feast!"

Moriarty spat out a word coldly.

The temperature in the castle seemed to drop a few degrees.

"That's right, I also think that Tsuchimikado's purchase of meat is to prepare for a blood feast," Jericho, as a person who personally experienced the blood feast, also made the same judgment, "Not only Tsuchimikado, but also the recent actions of Dongying officials Because, it's like preparing a blood feast, but they have long been the dogs of the Immortal Organization."

"In this way, the blood feast is not far away." Moriarty narrowed his eyes slightly. "Thinking about it, light will not travel through the multiverse until the end of the blood feast."

"And for this blood feast, Guang will definitely take out the golden spoon! There are only four people left in the Immortal Organization, and it is urgent to strengthen their strength."

Based on Moriarty's current understanding of the immortal organization, he quickly and accurately made a judgment.

"Jerico, do you know what I'm going to do next?"

Moriarty and Jericho smiled and exchanged a look.

"Hey~ Lift the table!" Jericho suddenly became passionate: "There is no good banquet, if you can't do it, don't do it!"

"I will always remember Ye Jingyu's haughty face at the blood banquet," Moriarty's tone became forceful: "If they meet me, count them as unlucky, and go hungry!"

"This time, we only need to go to four people!" Moriarty stretched out four fingers, "There are only four immortal organizations left."

"Count me in." Jericho raised his hand to sign up.

"And me, I was also involved in the blood feast incident two years ago."

Lilith walked into the living room unhurriedly, and it seemed that she had heard the conversation just now.

Moriarty nodded in agreement, "In this case, there is only one candidate left."

"Principal Dumbledore and Principal Grindelwald may not be able to participate in the battle yet." Jericho showed embarrassment.

One is because Lao Deng and Lao Ge cannot return to their full glory in a short time, and the other is because they are currently traveling in Paris.

"I have a candidate." Moriarty smiled mysteriously.

"It's Ms. Zhang Tianxue from Kunlun." Lilith smiled and sat next to Moriarty, staring directly at Moriarty with a pair of beautiful eyes: "Our archmage, don't plan to tell the sisters at home What do you want?"

Jericho is full of melons, what can I listen to next?

"Huh?" Moriarty blinked and said to Lilith, "How do you know?"

Lilith seemed to know everything.

"Because sister Zhang Qiu told us everything! You are a big capitalist!"

Lilith pinched the soft flesh around Moriarty's waist with her small hand, and twisted it hard.


A small head appeared from outside the hall, it was Zhang Qiu.

There was a mischievous look in the black eyes: "I'm sorry, brother Moriarty~ I'm standing with my sister and sister."


Another head popped up, Violet was wearing a black suspenders, watching Moriarty with a mocking look on his face.




Diana, Narcissa, Cappadocia, Penello, Fleur and other women appeared one after another.

"Listen to Zhang Qiu's words, Moriarty and that lady named Zhang Tianxue, in the Kunlun Wonderland, are so in love with each other."

"The castle will have another sister~"

"Still honest?" Lilith said "threateningly", and Moriarty shook his head and smiled: "Okay, I'll confess."

"That's it, this, that, that, that..."

Finally Moriarty concluded: "It should be the last one, um..."

"Then why don't you hurry up and tell Zhang Tianxue that the four of us are going to Dongpu together!" Lilith let go of Moriarty, stood up and waved her hands imposingly, "Let's go!"

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