The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 655 Magic Technology Products

The time will soon come to September 1st...

At 18:00 in the afternoon, a large number of Muggles came from all over the world. Honshu Island was overcrowded, and Mt. Fuji and its surrounding areas were crowded with people.

"The following is the latest live interview with NHK."

Television, as well as radio stations in various countries, have been broadcasting the blood feast on Mount Fuji non-stop since the morning.

The sweet-looking host randomly selected a Muggle from the crowd and handed over the microphone.

"Hello, are you here for the banquet?"

"Obviously, there is nothing more alluring in Japan than magic. It's a different story if you're talking about girls."

This is a black brother, with an impolite appearance, he squeezed into the crowd desperately after a few words, just to get closer to Mount Fuji.

The host had no choice but to interview another Muggle: "Hello, what is your opinion on the Mount Fuji banquet?"

The oriental man wearing a peaked cap pressed the brim of his hat, "Excuse me, my mission is to protect the safety of human life."

"Huh?" The host wondered, but the Oriental man disappeared into the crowd and soon disappeared.

The host had no choice but to change the interview target again: "Hello ~ are you here for magic power?"

"Sorry, my mission is to protect the safety of human life."

"What?" The host opened his eyes wide, why is there another one, but this person is European.

Then the host interviewed a few more people, and the answers they heard were exactly the same.

"This is definitely not a prank. Who are they?"

"Could it be! A disaster is going to happen here?"

When the host thought about it, he couldn't help but feel horrified.

Such a scene often happens at the foot of Mount Fuji!

On the top of Mt. Fuji, Hikari and Gamp stand side by side!

"Light, look—"

"The crowd at the foot of the mountain looks like worms crawling on the ground."

"The black wide square dining table looks like chunks of frozen flesh."

"These occasional planes in the sky don't look like bloodthirsty mosquitoes and flies."

Gump has been well-groomed today, his silver-white suit is still spotless, his golden wig hangs down to his shoulders, and he looks like he is pointing the country.

Guang smiled and said, "A wonderful metaphor."

Footsteps came from behind.

Old Pilliwick came along.

"Minister, there is news from Extis that official personnel from all over the world have been mixed into the blood feast, and the number of people is about tens of thousands."

"Hahaha," Gump sneered, "Come on! When you come, you can only turn it into the nourishment of the blood feast, and finally enter the stomach of the minister. To eat all the people on earth is something I have never imagined before." the way."

"It's a pretty explosive idea, even in the multiverse." Hikari just smiled.

Gump didn't take it seriously, "What about Moriarty? He can't be indifferent."

Old Pilliwick replied: "So far, there is no trace of Moriarty or his accomplices."

"No rush, there are still 2 hours before the blood feast begins." Guang Slowly said: "The most important thing we need is time."


Inside the stronghold that Moriarty bought.

The children of the Zhang family come and go. Everyone moves weird things into the house.

"Put this one here, that one, that one over there," Zhang Tianxue directed, her eyes blinking rapidly, "Don't, don't, don't hold them down, put them all flat, flat!"

"Be careful! Don't flip the switch."

"Quick, quick, must be assembled within 2 hours."


Another bag with the Untraceable Stretching Charm cast on it was placed on the ground, making a deafening sound.

Moriarty and Jericho stare.

"What's going on here?" Moriarty looked at Jericho.

"Ask me? You should ask Professor Nicolas! What are they all about?" Jericho looked at the roaring letter in his hand with a look of surprise.

The roaring letter spontaneously ignited, followed by the voice of Professor Nicolas.

"Moriarty, I can't wait to see your face now, it must be full of astonishment!"

Moriarty smiled knowingly.

Since Nicolas got acquainted with the scientists of the Muggle world, it seemed that she had reached the second peak of her career, and she had the desire to compare with Moriarty again.

"Considering that the Eternal Life Organization and Japan are colluding, and the scope of the blood feast is extremely wide, the five Muggle giants have sent troops to infiltrate Mount Fuji in plain clothes, and they will cooperate with you. And we are also here to send you support."

"Listen well, what Kunlun sent contains the wisdom and ability of combining magic and technology!"

"Time is limited, you'd better start assembling right away, I'll read to you the instructions for each item..."


After talking for more than an hour, Moriarty and the others followed the instructions, took the parts out of the bag, and assembled them quickly.

The roaring letter was burnt out immediately, and Nicole May said proudly: "You will know their actual effect after using them. When you come back, I want to compare with you again! This time, I will bet on the 'earth magic technology'." The title of the Great Inventor of the First Man!"

Moriarty smiled, this little old man, technology has really ignited his love for magic, he is really not convinced.

"Wow! Professor Nico's level has improved again. I can already imagine the picture of the next young wizard being tortured by alchemy homework until his hair falls out."

Jericho raised his head from a pile of "large weapons". The assembly process just now gave him quite a headache.

"The alchemy version has been updated bro, your version is behind." Moriarty patted Jericho with a smile.

"Why can you put it together smoothly? This is not Gundam, you can put it together with instructions. Why do Chinese people know alchemy?"

Jericho couldn't help asking when he saw that Zhang Tianxue was orderly and easy to handle.

"I don't know alchemy, but I know alchemy and divination."

Zhang Tianxue smiled sweetly, and a small wooden boat-shaped magic technology product was spinning at the fingertips.

"I don't understand, but it looks amazing." Jericho didn't understand.

"According to what Professor Nicole just said, just put these in the air, and then recite the magnifying spell." Moriarty rubbed his chin.

The time for research on the combination of magic and technology is still too short. Moriarty felt that if Professor Nicole and Muggle scientists were given a little more time, they could develop a product similar to the "Universal Capsule".

At that time, these magic technology products don't need to be assembled and enlarged.

"Guys, watch your time."

A voice sounded faintly from the ground.

A small white snake, circling its body, came slowly.

Climbed along the trouser legs onto Moriarty's back, and then turned into Lilith!

"No trace of Lalpo has been found in the mainland of Japan or in the nearby waters and airspace."

Lilith stuck out the tip of her tongue, brushed against Moriarty's earlobe, and breathed heavily.


Moriarty supported Lilith, and patted Lilith's buttocks.

"Lalpo was too scared to go back to Japan."

"Then our main opponents are Guang and Gamp!"

"Guys, time to work."

With a wave of Moriarty's hand, magical technological artifacts flew into his pockets.

Lilith jumped off her lover's back, wearing a black wizard's robe and a high ponytail, looking like a goddess of war.

"Swipe~" Zhang Tianxue changed clothes instantly, wearing a red Hanfu, elegant and luxurious.

Jericho stood up from the ground, gearing up.

"let's go~"

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