The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 676 I Call It Hogwarts' Biggest Secret!

Pieces of blue light appeared on the surface of the door, soft and warm.

Moriarty squeezed Lilith's hand, "Are you ready? We're going in."

Lilith took a deep breath, and with the protection of magic power, she could breathe normally even in the water.

Feeling the fresh air passing through her lungs, Lilith shook Moriarty's hand back: "No matter what happens, I'm with you."

"let's go."

The two walked towards the light gate without hesitation.

Just like entering the nine and three-quarters railway station platform, they stepped through the light door without hindrance and walked into the Ravenclaw tower floor.

Their feet were on solid ground, which made Moriarty and Lilith realize that the inside of the tower was a solid room.

The two looked at the inside of the tower curiously, and at the same time released their own magic power to check for any danger inside.

"Danger removal."

"There is a line of writing on the wall of the tower. Apart from that, it seems that Head Ravenclaw left us nothing."

Lilith said, her eyes turned into snake pupils, like two small lights inside the dark tower.

Moriarty walked towards the wall of the tower. As Lilith said, there was a line of bright red English on it.

Very simple sentence.

"He is a student!"

Lilith read softly: "He is a student!?"

"I must not be the only one who guessed the meaning of this sentence." Moriarty said, looking at the bright red English.

"According to my previous inference, Godric Gryffindor discovered some secrets of light, and hid another magic relic of light element in the Gryffindor Tower."

"The sentence we saw today explained why Gryffindor was able to discover the secret of light."

"Because Guang used to be a student at Hogwarts!"

"If I make a bold guess, Guang is likely to be a student of the era of the Big Four!"

Lilith tilted her head to look at the bright red text, her eyes sparkled with excitement, "It's not impossible, it's not impossible!"

"This is an important clue left by Ravenclaw for us." Moriarty stroked the writing on the wall.

No one knows that they have spent thousands of years here, guarding this secret alone.

"The light once opened the layer of Ravenclaw Tower," Lilith pointed out. "He also saw this line."

"That's why the light is afraid. He is afraid that the Big Four not only hide another sacred object of the light element, but also know the true identity of the light!"

Moriarty finally had a smile on his face.

"Maybe Godric Gryffindor left clues about Light's true identity in the last tower floor!"

Lilith clenched Moriarty's hand excitedly. Opening the Gryffindor tower was never a difficult task, because the Gryffindor sword was in her hand.

"Thinking about the scene of entering the sorting house, it seems like yesterday!" Lilith's voice was a little choked up. She remembered the day of sorting, when the sword of Gryffindor fell from the sorting hat. "Do you think this is a gift of fate?"

Moriarty held Lilith in his arms. He knew that Lilith had been under a lot of pressure.

"If it weren't for your determination to break the "Secrecy Act" since childhood, the Sorting Hat wouldn't drop the sword when it saw you."

"Although you didn't break the Secrecy Act with your own hands, Gamp tore up the Secrecy Act under our coercion."

"Today, let us come together again to reveal the true identity of Light."

Moriarty solemnly handed the Sorting Hat to Lilith.

The hat yelled, "Hey! You better hurry up, you put a waterproof spell on me - although it effectively protects me, I don't like the feeling of being locked by the spell."

"Ha ha."

Lilith and Moriarty smiled at each other.

"Alright hat," Lilith held the sorting hat in her left hand, "help me draw the sword of courage, and your mission is over."

As soon as the words fell, the sword of Gryffindor fell into Lilith's hands with a "crash".

"Go hat, go back to Dumbledore and tell him about Ms. Ravenclaw's message by the way."

Moriarty grabbed the brim of his hat and threw it into the water.

"No no no~!!!"

The hat yelled and flew out of the black lake, like a spinning roulette, and flew into the principal's office impartially.

"I bet the Sorting Hat will write you into next year's sorting song." Lilith said with a smile.

"It's my pleasure."

Moriarty and Lilith walked out of the Ravenclaw tower layer talking and laughing, and came to the last tower layer.

"Open it." Moriarty looked at Lilith.

"Yeah." Lilith nodded.

She stabs the Gryffindor sword through the keyhole in the tower.

The sword went into the keyhole without leaving a single gap!


The sword was fully inserted, and the ruby ​​on the hilt was firmly stuck in a small groove above the keyhole.


A small door opens automatically!

"let's go."

Moriarty and Lilith almost rushed into the interior of the tower, and before entering, Lilith did not forget to draw out her sword.

Entering the interior, there is only a stump of candle, burning quietly.

No one knows how long the candle has been burning, but it must have been permanently cursed.

"There is a line of writing under the candle." Lilith said with good eyes.

Moriarty frowned slightly. There is no light element magic relic, just words?


Lilith read aloud softly.

"If you are a dear little wizard at Hogwarts, I send my greetings to you on behalf of the Big Four."

"If you are that little thief trying to steal the knowledge of Hogwarts, the immortality of the gods, and the magic relics of the element of light, I laugh at you on behalf of the Big Four."

Lilith and Moriarty exchanged a look.

"This is Godric Gryffindor's word to the light."

"It seems that the Big Four have long been prepared against the light." Moriarty signaled Lilith to continue reading.

Lilith read: "First of all, let me tell you that the magic relic of light element is not here!"

There was a silence.

Lilith and Moriarty couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

"Go on, since Gryffindor said so, there must be a follow-up."

Lilith nodded and continued to read:

"How? Are you angry? Are you angry?"

"Do you think we have protected the magic sacred object? But you can't guess our thoughts at all."

"Not everyone is like you, obsessed with magical relics, obsessed with immortality."

"Another magical relic of the light element was found by Sara. He suggested that I hide the relic of the light element in a place where it would not be found anyway."

"But I came up with a new idea: magic sacred objects can not only be used for immortality, but also play a greater role. Bet a gold Galleon. This kind of role is something you can't understand and agree with even in immortality!"

"So our four giants joined forces to build the Hogwarts Magic Tower. To deceive you!"

"You cheated us, and we'll come back, isn't that reasonable?"

"The key to the Slytherin tower is Salazar's staff, the true heirloom of the Slytherin family."

"The key to the Hufflepuff tower layer is the golden spoon of the magic relic of the earth element. Helga used the golden spoon to make the legendary dinner to benefit the wizards. This is the real purpose of the magic relic!"

"Rowena didn't hesitate to use her own head as a key. She set up a spare key ingeniously. That is endless wisdom!"

"He reminded me that if a little Hogwarts wizard in the future finds the magic tower and opens the tower! This will be the wealth we leave to that little wizard."

"So I didn't set traps in the last tower floor, and I didn't leave any holy objects. I left these words to laugh at you, and also for a lucky little wizard."

"We guessed that you could open the tower in front, and sure enough, you went back in time, found the Slytherin staff and the golden spoon, dug up Rowena's body and took off her head."

"But my tower key is the sword of Gryffindor! Come and get it, if you have the courage!"

"Open the tower layer and you will see the words I left behind. You will never be able to get another holy object of light element magic!"

"I hid it at Hogwarts. It's Hogwarts' biggest secret! It's something you'll never understand."

"You go back to the past again and again, and you search in Hogwarts again and again, but in the end you find nothing! We have seen these pictures, haha."

"Hear our laughter?"

"This is the worst punishment for you."

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