The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 683 The End of Larbo

London is at the turn of autumn and winter.

The autumn wind blew away the smog over the city, and Londoners enjoyed the fresh air. Although this process was quite short-lived, it was enough to keep them happy for a while.

The short autumn wind swept away not only the haze, but also perfectly covered the traces of Moriarty and the four others.

Moriarty used wind element magic to hide him, Lilith, Diana, and Zhang Tianxue in the wind and fly to the English Channel.

"Ralpo has strong perception. If our trade enters the strait, it will be equivalent to breaking into Larpo's perception range. It will be difficult to catch him then."

Moriarty hugged Diana and explained seriously.

As for why I was holding Diana, it was because Diana couldn't fly.

Moriarty swore that he had no intention of taking advantage of the situation, absolutely not!

"I don't know if it's difficult or not, but your hands..." Diana's cheeks were red and she hesitated: "Can you put it down... in the air... it's inappropriate..."

Moriarty hugged her tightly, "Don't let me go, I'm afraid you'll fall."

Lilith and Zhang Tianxue snickered as they watched Moriarty and Diana making trouble.

"I finally took a leave of absence and slipped out. Although it was to deal with Larpo, it was also a side trip to fall in love with my dear Elf Queen."

Moriarty said shamelessly, rubbing his cheek against Diana's neck.

Diana gave Moriarty a symbolic push and began to enjoy it. She narrowed her narrow and charming eyes and said quietly: "Oh? I was just there by the way?"

"!" Moriarty paused and smiled: "Destroying Larpo is incidental."

"That's pretty much it~"

"Although I really want to see Moriarty bullying Diana, I have to remind you," Lilith said with a hint of smile, "The destination is almost here, what should we do next?"

Moriarty raised his head, and the English Channel appeared in front of him. Near one of the entrances to the port, there was a reef on the bottom of the sea.

Larbo, hidden among the rocks!

"Cher," Moriarty drew a circle toward the sea, "Set up a barrier there. This kind of thing should be easy for you."

Zhang Tianxue said "OK", "No problem, but I'm worried that Larbo will break through my barrier."

Zhang Tianxue, Lilith, and Diana faced off against Larbo alone, but they had no chance of defeating them.

After Dumbledore and Grindelwald were beaten back to their old age, they were no match for Larpo, so Moriarty did not call Dumbledore in this operation.

"Don't worry, I will take action too, just using my upgraded new magic."

Moriarty clenched his fists, showing an expression of determination to win.

"Okay, I'll go now."

As Zhang Tianxue spoke, her hip-length cheongsam turned into a red and white Taoist skirt.

"Let's go down together. The moment we appear, it's time to attack Larpo."

Moriarty puts Diana down and prepares to fight.

"The flying dragon rides on the face, right?" Lilith switched to the snake queen form, and her tone was extremely joking: "Ralpo, hum, turn it into a dead smelly snake."

The four of them exchanged glances with each other, nodded, jumped out of the autumn wind like parachuting, and fell into the sky!

The moment he quickly approached the sea surface, Larbo, who was hiding on the bottom of the sea, opened his eyes.

"not good!"

"Someone sneak attack!"

"The smell of snakes, it's Moriarty! And that Lilith!"

"There are two other people, one is a Chinese woman."

Larpo instantly sensed the four Moriarty people, and without saying a word, he turned into a small sea snake and swam along the water to the deep sea.


The four of Moriarty landed on the sea, each holding a hand in one direction.

Four magic weapons flashed behind Zhang Tianxue, a spiritual sword, a golden whip, flowers, and a guqin.

"Mustard Seed Demonic Array."

Zhang Tianxue drew a circle on the sea surface, like an enclosure. The seawater and rocks inside flowed to an unknown space, and the bottom of the sea was empty.

Larbo suddenly had nowhere to hide under the sea!


Moriarty looked down at the little sea snake on the bottom of the sea, "You're finished!"

The magic power of the water element emerges, and the power of the sea is used by Moriarty.

And Moriarty manipulated the water molecules in Larpo's body, and Larpo felt a force appear out of thin air, replacing himself as the master of his body!


Larbo's cry was filled with panic and fear.


He returned to his human form.

A pair of snake eyes looked at Moriarty in shock.

His rich knowledge and experience told Larpo that from this moment on, he would be flattened and rounded by Moriarty.

"Ah?" Lilith's red lips parted slightly: "It was solved so quickly. It seems that there is no chance for Diana and I to take action."

"You two are responsible for checking whether Larpo left any snake eggs or other back-up tricks."

Lilith uses the snake queen form, and Diana has the power of nature, allowing them to inspect the sea area, and Moriarty is relieved.

"Ralpo, do you have any last words?"

Moriarty looked coldly at this person who had been his nemesis for a year last year. At this time, Larpo no longer had the arrogance and high-spiritedness of last year.

Larbo's eyes were full of gray, and his signature two bunches of green hair were also covered in dust.

"I want to know why the Gorgon Isobella acted in advance!"

Larbo said angrily: "According to my plan, the basilisk will not mature until the end of your semester! Isobella's early action is equivalent to destroying the development cycle of the snake eggs!"

Moriarty and Lilith exchanged solemn looks.

According to Larbo, imagine that at the end of the semester, when the little wizard is taking an exam, the basilisk develops and emerges from the little wizard's mouth, nose and ears!

Not just one, but everyone!

In just one moment, the basilisk will take over the teachers and students of Hogwarts! Hogwarts has become a snake den!

That scene made Moriarty and Lilith shudder. Although they had become powerful wizards, they were still sixth grade students at Hogwarts.

Fortunately, my alma mater did not turn into a snake den and suffered no bad luck.

"I can answer this question for you," Moriarty said casually: "Gamp ripened the snake eggs planted by the Gorgon on the young wizard, causing the Gorgon to be exposed. I don't know where Gamp and Guang are. What are you doing, but one thing is for sure, they cheated you!"

"It turns out it's them," Larpo's eyes regained some sparkle. Gamp and Guang had a very high status in his heart, "Ha, I didn't expect that I would be betrayed by one of my own!"


Larpo stared at Moriarty fiercely.

"No matter what Gamp and Hikari are doing, you're dead!"

"When they seriously plan something, the world is trampled under their feet!"

"Really?" Moriarty sneered, "No matter what happens to Gamp and Light—"

Having said this, Moriarty shook his right hand in front of Larpo, "You can't even see it."

Moriarty clenched his right hand violently, and the water molecules in Larpo's body expanded, like a bomb exploding in Larpo's body!


Larbo's body exploded into a ball of blood mist.

The blood mist quickly disappeared under the control of the magic power of the water element.

Larbo, the end!

Lilith and Diana walked to Moriarty and shook their heads: "I didn't find any backhand left by Larpo."

Moriarty nodded and said: "I think so. Larpo spent too much energy and magic to create the Gorgon. Now is Larpo's weakest time."

"When Larpo was at his weakest, he was tricked by Gamp again. If he doesn't die, whoever will die will die." (End of this chapter)

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