The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 748 Light’s true identity!

"Gamp is dead?!"

It was like a "bomb" exploding in Hogwarts, causing an uproar.

Countless people were looking forward to the internal strife between Gamp and Guang, but when the internal strife broke out and was accompanied by the death of Gamp, their long-standing enemy, people were not only incredulous, but also unbelievable.

The wizard's shock seemed to affect space and time, and the entire sky and earth seemed to have pressed the pause button, stopping at this moment.

Lilith and others looked at Gamp's body in horror. Gamp, who was stabbed in the back by his companions, died with his eyes open. The death condition was more miserable than any enemy they had killed.

Even so, Moriarty's woman showed no timidity and cast an angry look firmly at the light.

They stood side by side with Moriarty, who shared their sentiments, that he despised the light.

"In order to pursue power, attacking your companions is really in line with your usual style."

"But that's okay. After all, you are a villain who attacked your mentor just to become stronger, right, Hikari?"

"No, at this time, there is nothing I can't say. I should call you, Merlin!"

"Just a thousand years ago, you forced the four giants to hand over the magical holy objects of light element just like you do today!"

Moriarty's sharp eyes seemed to penetrate the light's disguise and make the bright light fall off, revealing the light's true identity!

This time, the impact of the previous "bomb" was stronger and more sensational.

Lilith grabbed Moriarty's arm and held it tightly, harder than when she and Moriarty were deeply in love, "He is Merlin???"


"Just Merlin!"

"That Merlin?"

"Merlin, don't tell me this is true."

"Just now I prayed to Merlin not to let the light destroy Hogwarts!"

"Grindelwald, pinch me, am I not in a dream?"

On the Ravenclaw Astronomy Tower, Dumbledore's eyes were confused and his tone was erratic.

Grindelwald: "Like you, I feel like I'm in a dream."

He took a deep breath, two breaths, three breaths... The turbulent mood could not be calmed down.

Merlin, God of Wizards!

It requires considerable determination to connect this figure, who has almost become a belief among wizards, with the big boss behind the Eternal Life Organization.

This is not something everyone has.

At this moment, if Moriarty hadn't said this himself, everyone would have thought that the person who said this was a madman.

And they couldn't doubt Moriarty, they had to doubt themselves.

Compared to Dumbledore and Grindelwald's "dream theory", most teachers and students suspected that they had ear problems, or eye problems, or that they needed to go to St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Injuries and Injuries.

"Moriarty," Guang glanced at Hogwarts Castle and smiled when he saw the people's expressions: "Your outspokenness failed to bring courage and strength to everyone. Instead, they were frightened and collapse…"

"When trust in you conflicts with belief in me, everyone is so fragile!"

Guang spoke in an ups and downs, and people discovered that Guang's voice was no longer the hollow mechanical sound, but the sound coming from an aging vocal cord!

Guang threw Gamp's body away like trash, and the latter flew into the forbidden forest with a "swish". Guang put his right hand on his forehead and slowly stroked it down.

The light then dissipated, revealing the true face of the light:

A healthy wizard, he has fair skin and a tall stature, but his face has ridges and ridges, resembling the face of a farmer who has been farming all his life.

But the short, pale hair, the beard that reaches down to his stomach, the tall and straight figure, and those eyes - reveal depth and wisdom.

Guang's true face was finally revealed to everyone.

Moriarty could not connect the light in front of him, the old Merlin, with the young Merlin of Avalon in his second year.

Even though Moriarty knew they were the same person.

But young Merlin, a tall, handsome blond mage, gentle and polite, with extraordinary strength, fought Dracula with Moriarty, and taught Moriarty a powerful alchemical skill, alchemy. matrix.

This alchemy skill, in Merlin's words, is called brain latitude space.

Moriarty didn't know what happened between the young Merlin and the old Merlin, but Moriarty was sure that they were both Merlin.

"No, maybe you are no longer alone." Moriarty sighed quietly, as if bidding farewell to the young Merlin: "You will no longer be alone when you encounter the magic holy object."

Merlin understood Moriarty's meaning, but he did not miss his youthful self.

"When I learned about Dracula's death, I knew that you had seen the clear and stupid me in my youth."

Merlin's voice was like the roar of a night owl, and his eyes shone with cruelty.

"I taught you the brain latitude space, but I didn't take it seriously. I didn't expect you to develop the alchemy matrix, so I knew it was a flaw. Sooner or later, you will be confused by the alchemy matrix and the brain latitude space. Doubt me because of the connection!”

Merlin is not talking all the time, he is not so kind to explain to others, he activates the brain latitude space while saying every sentence and every word.

Whether living or dead, inside and outside Hogwarts Castle, they are frozen in the latitude space of the brain, and are forever sealed in the murals.

The same ability as Young Merlin's ability to seal Dracula.

The difference is that the old Merlin can do all this with just one look, while the young Merlin even needs to transform into a black dragon.


The reason why everything here can continue their lives vividly and as always, express their anger and fear at this time, release the emotions of living things, and prove the value of dead things——

That's because of Moriarty.

Moriarty also doesn't talk for the sake of talking, nor does he kindly tell old Merlin stories.

When the elderly Merlin activated the brain latitude space, Moria continued to use the alchemy matrix to confront Merlin and crack Merlin's alchemy.

This invisible confrontation was discovered by no one except the master of alchemy, Nicolae Flamel.

"Distorting reality, erasing the world, and creating time and space, is Merlin's brain dimension so powerful that it makes people despair?"

In a tragic mood, Nicolas Flamel destroyed a portrait of Merlin in the corridors of Hogwarts.

The person in the portrait looks exactly like Hikaru.

Nicolas Flamel tore apart one spot after another, and that was the only thing he could do for Moriarty.

"Luckily we have Moriarty."

"Although Merlin's brain dimension is strong, Moriarty's alchemical matrix is ​​stronger!"

"The magic legends of the past are, after all, the past."


Moriarty confronts Merlin.

The teachers and students at Hogwarts finally accepted the fact that Light was Merlin.

It is true that Merlin left too many traces in the magical world, and Merlin left too many traces in Hogwarts.

Slytherin prefects still maintain the tradition of telling new students that Merlin once studied in Slytherin House.

The top students recalled the portrait of Merlin and understood it clearly by comparing it with the light, not to mention the professors.

Despite this, people still can't accept the reality that Merlin has become an enemy!

"My Lord Merlin, this cold and cruel reality!" Dumbledore sang an ancient ballad, tragic and magnificent. As he walked down the Astronomy Tower, he said: "Why does the hateful fate want to play tricks on Hogwarts? Cursed? We are cursed!"

The words of the principal are the voice of the people.

This display of vulnerability brought out a smile on Hikari's face, which was especially sinister in the furrowed face.

"The fragility and weakness of Hogwarts is the best nutrition for the magic of dark elements."

"Moriarty! You don't know this, do you?"

Merlin stopped in his brain dimension, and the dark elemental magic was released from his chest, dyeing Merlin's chest black.

(The foreshadowing that had been buried for two years was finally revealed. The setting of Merlin was something A Hong had thought of before writing this book. It can be regarded as a fan creation of the character Merlin.)

(In the official settings of the HP world, Merlin is what everyone knows: he graduated from Slytherin College, and the wizards’ mantra is Merlin is the best. A Hong set Merlin as the BOSS behind the immortal organization, and also has brain latitude. The two alchemical skills of Space and Alchemical Matrix are also designed to portray the bond between Moriarty and Merlin. Among them, the process of Merlin turning into light will also be described by A Hong. What do you think of Merlin's second creation and description? )

(By this chapter, the foreshadowing is completely finished, and Morrie is next)

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