The Big Boss Behind Hogwarts

Chapter 80 Sharing the Wealth (2) (aka Lockhart's New Trick)

Moriarty proposed the concept of joint education in order to lay the foundation for entering the international magic world in the future. The ultimate task released by the system is to become the behind-the-scenes boss of the Harry Potter world. This world does not include a small corner of the British magic world.

Start the layout now and wait for the future to bear fruit.

The proposal of joint education also has profound significance for the present.

The Hogwarts Mutual Aid Foundation was passed by the school manager headed by Lucius. The reason is that the twelve school managers allocate a large amount of gold Galleons to Hogwarts every year, which is enough for the daily operation of the school and teachers and students. subsidy.

Good excuse, although the trustees did.

Once Hogwarts and the Ministry of Magic promote joint education, the expenses will be huge!

At that time, Moriarty will see which school board member dares to block the Mutual Aid Foundation? At that time, they might get down on their knees and beg Lockhart to start a mutual aid foundation.

The plan in Moriarty's mind was clear. The Mutual Aid Foundation was a plan to deal with goblins, and the joint education plan was a transit point between him and the international magic community.

They seem to have nothing to do with each other-no one can think that both plans are written by Moriarty, but in fact all of them are implemented by Moriarty's people.

The major purebloods also figured it out now, and they looked at Moriarty with indescribable eyes.

From the wand suit to attract two purebloods, to the benefit of the Ministry of Magic to drag Fudge into the water, to propose a joint education plan to twist the twelve school managers into a single rope.

In just ten minutes, Moriarty almost turned the Pure Blood Party into his Slytherin house!

Twenty-eight purebloods are his juniors, as for Fudge? An analogy can be made to Mr. Filch.

This feeling makes the purebloods very depressed, when will they be led by the nose by a child!

However, he had to admit that the plan proposed by Moriarty was attractive enough. Once completed, the increase in wealth and prestige would be considerable.

Whether it was the pure blood on Lucius' side or the pure blood on Arthur's side, there seemed to be no reason to stop Moriarty.


The purebloods looked at Fudge again...

Mr. Fudge, it's time to make a statement!

Lucius said to Fudge tactfully: "Sir, you are an official of the Ministry of Magic after all, no matter what our pure-blood opinions are, you are always needed to check."

Quickly put away that hypocritical and ugly face!

Fudge cursed secretly, this was the second time the purebloods looked at him with greedy eyes, but he could do nothing but smile.

"My dear Lucius, I am very glad to see your respect and support for the Ministry of Magic. I personally agree with Mr. Moriarty's plan very much, but, but?"

His tone seemed to be on a roller coaster. After several twists and turns, he finally said in an indifferent tone: "Every gift has been secretly marked with a price. Mr. Moriarty's gift is too generous. I think the Minister of Magic , including the entire Ministry of Magic can't afford it."

Moriarty was not at all surprised by Fudge's objection, he put down the goblet, and tapped his index and middle fingers on the table rhythmically.

"Ministry of Magic, Hogwarts, pure blood, and magic." Moriarty stared at Fudge with his gray eyes: "Believe me, I am the only one who can connect the above four elements together. "

The pure-bloods exchanged a look, and Moriarty continued: "The Grindelwald used to be able to do this too, but his tactics against Muggles went awry, causing Dumbledore to part ways with him.

By the way, speaking of Muggles, I suggest that whoever becomes the Minister of Magic must promote Arthur Weasley. Because he knew Muggles very well. "

Arthur looked up flattered, he was just a small clerk in the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office.

Moriarty didn't look at him, but went on to say, "Ancestor Salazar told me to always be vigilant against any group other than wizards. I think this is probably why he left the secret room."

When mentioning the Chamber of Secrets, everyone present showed great interest. They had also heard the legend of the Chamber of Secrets when they were studying at Hogwarts. And then become nostalgic, that unforgettable youthful years!

"In addition to Grindelwald, the second Dark Lord Voldemort can also connect the above four elements in series, but he can't maintain the balance between the four elements, and his excessive pursuit of magic makes him crazy!

Dumbledore's reason for stopping him is also very simple, he must stop Voldemort, otherwise that madman will destroy the wizarding world! This is not alarmist talk! So Dumbledore is protecting the wizarding world. Of course, these are not our topics today. "

Moriarty's words were faster than one sentence, like a magic wand with infinite firepower, it rattled a spell, hitting people's hearts!

The purebloods felt extremely deprived of oxygen, had insufficient blood supply to the brain, and had difficulty breathing.

"Finally, let's talk about Dumbledore."

Well, now I can breathe. People are relieved, everyone knows that Voldemort is unreasonable, but you can reason with Dumbledore.

Only Fudge clenched his hands, and his face became strange. Moriarty's attitude towards Dumbledore was too important.

"Dumbledore is a complicated character, and I can't explain it clearly in a few words. I can only be sure that if Dumbledore becomes the Minister of Magic, he will dare to delegate power."

After Moriarty finished speaking, the pure blood on Arthur's side nodded in agreement. Seeing that Dumbledore's voice was getting louder, Lucius immediately stood up and blocked the momentum. He said: "Dumbledore! Lido... Ahem, principal. His methods of delegating power include but are not limited to appointing a half-blood giant as a Hogwarts gamekeeper and a half-blood vampire as a professor?

I can't believe what a mess of magical creatures would be in the Ministry if Dumbledore became Minister of Magic. "

Pansy's father and Nott's father immediately began to mock Dumbledore's decision in a strange way.

Moriarty cleared his throat: "Can't Dumbledore tell the difference between running a school and running a Ministry of Magic?"

Lucius was at a loss for words, Moriarty glanced at Fudge, and said impatiently: "How Dumbledore manages the Ministry of Magic has nothing to do with me, I only know that he will pass our proposal, because we stand On the side of justice!"

"Yes, that's right!" Mr. McMillan echoed, giving Auror the magic wand suit and equipment for the present, and the joint education merits will last forever. Dumbledore has no reason to stop it.

The only thing that makes Lucius and others afraid is Dumbledore's strength, and Dumbledore is not someone they can control.

So everyone stopped talking, choosing Fudge, purebloods could reap a lot of wealth in a short period of time, but Fudge was reluctant to provide more convenience and benefits for purebloods.

Choosing Dumbledore, the purebloods can only get a part of the benefits, and what will happen in the future can only depend on Dumbledore's attitude.

But there are Moriartys in the pure-blood family too!

All the pure-blooded minds are activated. From the current point of view, although Moriarty is also very close to half-blood wizards, he is still willing to make profits with the pure-blooded family.

So when Moriarty becomes an adult and recommends him as the Minister of Magic, Fudge and Dumbledore will not be a problem at all.

But Moriarty is going to be the big boss behind the scenes, and he has made it clear that he wants to push someone to the front of the stage, and the only candidate at present is Fudge!

So Moriarty pressed Fudge again: "I think it's time for you to make a decision. As long as you say a word, the Minister of Magic will be born! Yes or no?"

Fudge stared deeply at Moriarty, looking at the faces of every pureblood, as if he wanted to engrave them in his soul.

"I think, this has to be rushed for a while," Fudge suppressed his anger, and also showed a hypocritical smirk: "We discussed too intensely, and I was hungry again, oh, what was I doing at the banquet? I ate too little Yes! Mr. Lucius, please tell your hardworking house elf to bring me a glass of honey water with ice, thank you."

Moriarty laughed playfully. Fudge's hesitation to make a statement is because he hasn't come to a dead end yet, and he's pinning his hopes on the family in power!

At the end of July, Fudge Manor will hold a "gathering of those in power". If Fudge can gain the support of the family in power, he may not be able to wrestle with the pure-blood family headed by Moriarty.

Lucius and other purebloods also saw this. Lucius knew that Fudge would not express his position before the gathering of those in power, so he ordered Dobby to serve wine and desserts to the guests.

Dobby came in, and Luke came in with him, and Luke brought a newspaper: "Master, sir! The latest Daily Prophet and the Quibbler! You told me that as long as these two newspapers publish The new issue will be sent to you no matter when and where!"

Luke said loudly, looking arrogant, even if this is Malfoy Manor, it can't stop him from delivering a letter to the young master!

Moriarty took the newspaper, and after reading it a few times, his face changed drastically, of course it was an act.

Lucius leaned forward curiously: "It's so strange, when did the Daily Prophet start publishing the evening issue? It's night now!"

Luke stopped him: "Mr. Lucius, please take care of your servant! That Dobby? He's a bad elf! He doesn't even want to work!"

Lucius' face turned livid, firstly because the house elf stopped him, but he had an attack because of Moriarty's embarrassment, and secondly because Dobby was disobedient! He was taunted by another house-elf for Dobby!

But he didn't have time to punish Dobby, he saw the news of the Daily Prophet, it was written in black and white!

"The most famous best-selling author of the 20th century, Gilderoy Lockhart, made a public statement in Diagon Alley on the evening of July 15th, supporting Albus Dumbledore's candidacy for the British Minister of Magic!"

After reading it, Lucius didn't realize it for a moment: "What? Gilderoy Lockhart supports Dumbledore? On the evening of July 15th, isn't!?"

The other purebloods had gathered around, and Moriarty simply showed them the newspaper, only to hear Arthur shout excitedly: "Mr. Lockhart told his fans frankly that he can become the Lockhart of today. , Dumbledore played a huge role in his life! And he admitted that he was conceiving a realistic novel called "From Hogwarts to the Ministry of Magic", and another magical realism of "The Headmaster and the Minister" novel!"

Mr. McMillan went on to read: "Lockhart's last book caused a great shock, and he has to admit that he has a terrible talent in writing, especially writing about the deeds of powerful wizards! Wizards expressed their support for Lockhart, Support Dumbledore!

Many witches said that Lockhart and Dumbledore should make a seven-year agreement! Seven years after Dumbledore served as Minister of Magic, Lockhart wrote him another novel to commemorate Lockhart's seven years at Hogwarts! "

Moriarty was grinning from ear to ear on an unnoticed chair, this Lockhart could always show him something new!

"Dobby!" Lucius yelled, "Go to Diagon Alley and see what happened! I want first-hand information!"

All the purebloods sent people to Diagon Alley to see how Lockhart won votes for Dumbledore. Arthur and Molly even wrote two howling letters to their children! Just because they don't have house elves, let the kids go to Diagon Alley!

"Crack!" With a small cracking sound, Moriarty saw Fudge smash the goblet of honey water. Fudge's face was pale and his hands were shaking constantly.

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