The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1019 We can’t stop it

From the beginning, their relationship was not favored by everyone.

From the beginning, Yunshan's so-called love and happiness were stolen from her.

Such happiness is unreliable, so how could she be so naive to think that she would definitely get happiness?

God has eyes, and people will pay for the mistakes they make sooner or later.

Yunshan is not Wei Zhijie, she can't afford to lose at all, okay?

But no matter what Yun's father and Yun Mu told Yun Shan, she couldn't listen to these principles.

She just wanted to be with Wei Zhijie.

"Dad, Mom, how can you treat me so cruelly? Is it so difficult for me to be with brother Zhijie? I am his, if I don't be with him, who will I be with?!" Yun Shan screamed in grief that she couldn't bear anymore.

"If you don't let me be with him, then I have no choice but to leave this home. My parents forced me to do this!"

"You..." Father Yun was so angry that he almost fainted.

They were all doing it for her own good, but why did she think their parents were harming her?

And doesn’t she have a brain? If you think about it carefully, you will know that a person like Wei Zhijie is not worth entrusting him with his life.

But how could Yunshan, who was in love, look at this rationally?

Like many girls, she takes chances and thinks she is the most special and best. Thinking that she will eventually become that man's true love.

But these are just her thoughts. She does not have outstanding abilities and appearance as capital.

All she could rely on was the favor Wei Zhijie was currently giving her.

If Wei Zhijie takes back his love for her, she will lose all her gambling funds...

"Okay, you go and be with him, I don't have a daughter like you..."

"Honey!" Yun Mu interrupted Father Yun's words in a hoarse voice. She grabbed Father Yun's arm and stared at him, "Husband, let them be together. Now that they are like this, what else can they do except let them be together? ?”

Father Yun was shocked, "But what if her life is ruined?"

"She chose her own path, and she can only bear the consequences. Husband, we can't stop Yunshan when she grows up." Yunmu said the last words with a particularly helpless and sad voice.

Father Yun was dejected.

Yes, they can't stop it.

Yun Shan already lives with Wei Zhijie. They are already like this, so there is no point in their objections.

And blind opposition will only make Yunshan more rebellious and want to be with Wei Zhijie.

It will also force Yunshan to sever ties with her parents...

Things have come to this point, why should they continue to be evil people.

Besides, if Yun Shan follows Wei Zhijie, she may not be unhappy, so Father Yun can only comfort himself in this way.

"Okay, you can be together if you want." Father Yun looked at Yun Shan and said in a low voice, "But I have a few requirements."

Yunshan was overjoyed, "Dad, do you really agree that brother Zhijie and I are together? Have you finally figured it out?"

Father Yun sighed: "Can you disagree? You are forcing us like this."

He should have known a long time ago how parents win over their children. He also knew that compromise was only a matter of time.

"Dad, Mom, I'm sorry, I made you sad. But I really like brother Zhijie, and he and I truly love each other. Thank you for understanding us and agreeing with us. Mom and Dad, I will definitely do well in the future. Be filial to you..."

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