The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1026 Lost another two pounds

She originally thought that the most they could do was respect each other, tolerate and care for each other.

But she didn't want him to really love her.

Although he rarely said he loved her, everything he did for her was an expression of love.

Then within a short period of time, Hai Lan discovered that she also fell in love with him.

She never thought that she would fall in love with a man so quickly.

This is actually not a good sign.

Because once a woman falls in love, she will become very passive and will be beyond redemption at any time.

But she really couldn't control herself...

The only thing she can do is not to let him know how much she loves him. She just needs to know the secret herself.

"What are you thinking about?" Wen Jingheng looked at her without speaking for a long time and asked in confusion.

"It's nothing, I'm a little sleepy." Hailan said subconsciously.

"If you feel sleepy, just take a nap. You'll be there soon."


Hai Lan covered herself with a blanket, leaned back on the chair and closed her eyes. Then she fell asleep quickly, and the car drove smoothly all the way home. Hailan didn't feel any discomfort at all.

But when the car stopped, she woke up naturally.

Hailan used to stay in hotels when filming, but now Wen Jingheng takes her home every day. She finds that living at home feels more comfortable.

Especially since there is a pot of soup simmering at home every day, and she still has the soup to drink when she comes back, it feels really happy.

Wen Jingheng would ask the hourly worker to stew a pot of soup for her every day.

Every night when they come back, the two of them will have a bowl of soup and something to eat. Hai Lan never eats at night, but now he is used to eating late night snacks.

"I feel like I've gained a little weight recently." Hai Lan said worriedly after eating a few wontons.

Wen Jingheng ate a large bowl of wontons.

He glanced at her and said without blinking: "You are thinner than you were a few days ago."

"No way, I'm definitely fat. I can't eat anymore at night." Hailan declared seriously. In short, she couldn't gain weight.

I have gained a little weight, and the audience can tell.

Her current figure is perfect. If she were a little fatter, she would look redundant and lose her sense of fashion.

It's hard to be a star, you have to maintain your figure and image all the time.

Wen Jingheng raised his eyebrows, "Why don't we make a bet? If you lose weight, you will eat more if I ask you to eat more in the future."

Hailan suddenly became interested, "What if I gain weight?"

"I ask you to mention it casually."

It’s too generous to make any request!

Hailan must do this kind of thing that guarantees profit without losing money.

"Okay, I'm going to weigh you now."

She immediately went to find the electronic scale with great interest. Hailan quickly moved the electronic scale to the center of the living room, then took off her shoes and stood on it.

She thought she would definitely win. After all, she had just eaten and would gain weight.

But I didn’t expect that not only was I not heavier, but I was even thinner!

Wen Jingheng came over and saw her weight number, and said coldly: "Look, I lost another two pounds."

"No, I'll do it again." Hailan weighed himself again, and it was still the same number.

She was very surprised, "I've eaten a lot recently, how could I lose weight?"

"You eat the same as before, but your work intensity is greater. You work from morning to night every day and eat so much food. How can you not lose weight?"

"But I'm not even hungry..." Hai Lan still felt incredible.

"That's because you're used to being hungry." Wen Jingheng said firmly. Hailan was slightly stunned. He was really right.


I thought I didn’t have to go out, but today I met my classmates. After playing mahjong for a long time, I only won more than ten yuan. What a waste of time. Haha. By the way, the concubine is also very hungry. She doesn’t dare to eat every day, even during the Spring Festival. Eat indiscriminately~ It’s easy to get fat and your body can’t afford to be harmed~

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