The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1044 Dealing between two women

Wei's father and Wei's mother were puzzled and angry that he no longer pursued the matter of the attack.

But Wei Zhijie insisted on withdrawing the lawsuit without explaining the reason, and there was nothing they could do.

It's just that they feel that this son is becoming more and more angry with them...

But Wei's father didn't have time to educate him.

Wei Zhijie is in poor health now and cannot help him share the work. He has to deal with too many things every day and is extremely busy.

But Wei Zhijie's life was relatively smooth.

During the day, Yunshan and Yao Xue took turns visiting him in the hospital. He was very proud of his dealings with the two women.

However, he didn't realize that Yunshan only came to the hospital for a short time every day because Wei Zhijie's face had not recovered yet, and she didn't like hospitals, let alone taking care of people.

So every time I come, I find an excuse and leave soon after.

Yun Shan obviously didn't care about him that much, but he didn't even notice it.

He hoped that Yun Shan would leave soon, otherwise it would be bad if he bumped into Yao Xue.

There is also Yao Xue, who shows her love and admiration for him every time she comes, but she is also a very reserved girl and never takes the initiative to do anything inappropriate. Every time Wei Zhijie gets along with her, he does not take any advantage. Cheap.

Both women have problems, but it's a pity that Wei Zhijie, whose energy was distracted, didn't see anything...

He enjoys the two women's greetings and all kinds of admiration every day, and he thinks he is very attractive!

I also thought that this delicate balance could be maintained forever.

Unexpectedly, on this day, Yunshan did not come for a while and then leave quickly as usual.

Yao Xue would come to visit him at noon every day. Seeing that the time was coming, Wei Zhijie was a little anxious, "Yunshan, aren't you going to find a job today?"

In the past few days, Yunshan used this as an excuse to leave every time.

She said it with integrity. She wanted to find a job by herself and earn money to support herself, so she had to find a job!

At first, Wei Zhijie was moved by her independence and strength...

But after searching for so many days, Yunshan's work seemed to be making no progress at all.

Yunshan smiled and shook her head, "I'm not going today, brother Zhijie. I will stay with you today. I haven't taken good care of you recently in order to find a job, and I feel very sad."

Wei Zhijie was a little touched. He held her hand tightly and said with a gentle smile: "You have already taken good care of me, and I will remember it in my heart. You can go find a job. I have nothing to do here."

"No, I'm not going today." Yunshan shook her head firmly, "Brother Zhijie, let's watch a movie together. Or I can take you for a walk downstairs."

Yun Shan looked at him with eyes full of admiration. Her big black grape-like eyes were bright, simple and bright.

He knew that Yunshan liked him very much.

His mother insisted that Yunshan didn't care enough about him. Yunshan didn't care enough about him. It was because she was forced by her family to find a job, and because of his injury, she seemed a little depressed recently.

Now that everything has passed, her mood has naturally improved.

In short, he doesn't believe that Yunshan doesn't care enough about him. The girl who loves him the most in this world is Yunshan!

No, there is also Yao Xue...

Thinking of Yao Xue, Wei Zhijie was afraid that she and Yunshan would bump into each other.

In fact, it was nothing if the two of them bumped into each other. .

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