The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 1067 She has no dreams

Hai Xiaotang didn't understand why Dongfang Yu was still interested in continuing to work.

Dongfang Yu's answer was too profound, "Thousands of people rely on me for food. If I don't work, they will have nothing to eat. I work because of my sense of responsibility."

Hai Xiaotang cannot bear this sense of responsibility. Not everyone can be Dongfang Yu.

Hai Xiaotang asked Dongfang Yue again why he was still working hard when he was so rich.

Dongfang Yue thought for a moment and replied with a smile: "I haven't surpassed Dongfang Yu yet, how can I relax."

"..." This reason is even more impossible for Hai Xiaotang to do.

To surpass Dongfang Yu, she might as well surpass the owner of a nearby supermarket!

Hai Xiaotang asked He Meilian again, wouldn't she feel bored if she didn't work?

"No, my grandson is so cute. It's so fun for me to take care of him every day. It's much more interesting than working."

All right……

She has no grandchildren!

Hai Xiaotang finally decided to ask Hai Lan and Qiao Ning about the reason for their work, and the answers they got were the same - because of their dreams!

After so many years, Hai Xiaotang has returned to the original confusion.

What is her dream?

Hai Xiaotang discovered that she really had no dreams.

In the past few years, she has experienced too many things, and she and Dongfang Yu have experienced too many life and death, so after they were together, she particularly enjoyed and cherished their time together.

But the most powerful thing in this world is time.

Time changes everything.

Time has healed her pain and her soul. Now her scar has simply healed and she has forgotten the pain. She no longer has to race against time to cherish their time together.

She was getting bored and wanted something to do...

But she didn't have any dreams or pursuits. She really didn't know what to do and couldn't find the energy to do anything.

This is the biggest problem in Hai Xiaotang's heart. If this problem is not solved, she will struggle with it again and again throughout her life.

However, she really has no dreams...

Hai Xiaotang didn't understand that everyone around him had dreams, even his two sons.

Haohao's dream is to explore the universe, and Chenchen's dream is to become a racing driver.

Even her dog Meimei has a dream, which is to eat and wait to die.

She is the only one who has no dreams. Even eating and waiting to die is not her dream...

So what is the meaning of her life in this world? What is the value of her existence?

The more Hai Xiaotang thought about it, the more she got into trouble. This was typical postpartum depression, and she felt like she was worthless!

Dongfang Yu soon discovered something was wrong with Hai Xiaotang.

She couldn't lift her spirits all day long, her temper became easily irritable, and she always looked bored.

This is similar to the state she was in before giving birth.

When Dongfang Yu asked the doctor, he found out that her prenatal depression had been carried over to the postpartum period.

This problem is serious. If it is not handled well, she will be in great pain until she recovers.

Dongfang Yu found some time to have a good talk with her and found out what she had been thinking about all day long.

He didn't belittle her ideas, nor did he think her problems were non-issues.

On the contrary, he attached great importance to it.

"After thinking about it for so many years, you still don't know what you like to do?" Dongfang Yu asked softly.

Hai Xiaotang nodded dullly, "Yeah."

"I remember you said that your biggest hobby is to like me?"

"Yes, but there is nothing else but this..."

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