The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 140 Uncontrollable Hatred

Who would have known that Dongfang Yu didn't care at all, but instead pitied Lin Xiner's life experience even more!

He also took a higher look at Lin Xiner.

After all, an orphan could become a gold medal designer in the Orient at that time by his own ability and ability, and he was still so young, it is hard not to admire him.

At that time, Hai Xiaotang was so angry that he broke a lot of things at home to vent his anger.

Thinking of the stupid, ignorant, willful and arrogant self in her previous life, Hai Xiaotang didn't want to remember it.

Dongfang Yu’s lawyer made a request: “We want to see what the suspect looks like first, is that okay?”

The policeman nodded: "Of course."

Dongfang Yu turned his head and told Hai Xiaotang calmly, "You guys wait here!"

He just needs to deal with it. There is no need for girls to face that kind of scum again.

"I want to go too." Hai Xiaotang's attitude was firm. She didn't want to not even know the appearance of the suspect.

Qiao Ning nodded: "I'll go too."

Dongfang Yu didn't stop him and took them with him.


However, they identified the suspect through a single-sided visual glass, so the suspect could not see them.

Hai Xiaotang walked into the room, stood behind Dongfang Yu and followed him.

I was shocked at this sight!

Her eyes widened in disbelief, and her entire face looked very ugly!

But she stood back and no one noticed her reaction.

Qiao Ning frowned and said, "He is my classmate Wang Qiang."

"Ms. Qiao, are you sure it was him that night?" the police asked.

Qiao Ning looked at it carefully and nodded, "It should be him. Although I didn't see clearly, I'm sure it's him!"

Dongfang Yu stared at Wang Qiang coldly and told the lawyer in a cold voice, "I'll leave the case to you, handle it well!"

The last four words he said had a profound meaning.

The lawyer nodded knowingly, "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Naturally, the suspect should be sentenced to the heaviest penalty possible!

Dongfang Yu then turned to look at Hai Xiaotang, but found that something was wrong with her expression.

She looked at the suspect with a bit of uncontrollable hatred.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked doubtfully.

Hai Xiaotang looked back with sharp eyes: "Don't let him go!"

Dongfang Yu's dark eyes flashed, he thought Hai Xiaotang was very concerned about what happened that night.

He nodded: "This is natural."

How could he easily let go of someone who hurt his wife.

No matter what, Hai Xiaotang is still his woman!

Hai Xiaotang looked at the suspect again with cold eyes, "This kind of person deserves to die!"

Dongfang Yu was stunned for a moment.

Hai Xiaotang's tone seemed...a little extreme.

Didn't she and Qiao Ning only get injured and nothing else happened?

Why did she react as if the suspect had done something unforgivable to her!

Is she hiding something?

"What else did he do to you that night?!" Dongfang Yu suddenly asked sharply.

Hai Xiaotang came to his senses and didn't respond to his words.

Qiao Ning answered first, "I didn't do anything! Mr. Dongfang, what I said at that time was completely true. Xiaotang didn't do anything to him, really!"

She was afraid that Dongfang Yu would misunderstand something. After all, a woman's innocence was very important, and she didn't want him to misunderstand Hai Xiaotang.

Dongfang Yu was dubious, "Really?"

"Really, I swear!" Qiao Ning nodded heavily, with sincere eyes.

Dongfang Yu didn't understand. In this case, why did Hai Xiaotang want the suspect to die?

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