The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 144 Abortion!

They were husband and wife after all, and not long after, Hai Xiaotang became pregnant.

When she learned that she was pregnant, she felt as happy as the whole world.

After all, Dongfang Yu has always hated her, but he has finally been nice to her recently, and she is still pregnant with their child, so their relationship will surely heat up quickly.

She will also get the love she has been longing for.

Hai Xiaotang ran to Dongfang Building excitedly, wanting to tell Dongfang Yu the news of her pregnancy as soon as possible.

And things started to change from that day...

She happily ran to the company, but found that Dongfang Yu was not there.

As his chief secretary, Lin Xiner received Hai Xiaotang.

Hai Xiaotang was indeed very single-minded and careless at that time.

She couldn't help showing off her pregnancy in front of Lin Xiner, and warned Lin Xiner not to have any more wishful thinking about Dongfang Yu.

At that time, Lin Xiner had no reaction after hearing this. She remained silent as before and allowed her to act unscrupulously.

Seeing that she was not hit, Hai Xiaotang continued to call Dongfang Yu in front of her, and made an appointment with Dongfang Yu at a meeting place, saying that she had something very important to tell him.

Dongfang Yu agreed to meet her.

Hai Xiaotang stopped talking and showed off in front of Lin Xiner again, "What do you think he would do if he knew I was pregnant?" Lin Xiner, no matter how capable you are, you can't compare to the child in my belly. Do you know how much Dongfang Yu’s parents want me to give him a child? With this child, you will never try to steal him from me in your entire life! So I advise you to give up as soon as possible, and don’t shamelessly fight for things that don’t belong to you! People like you should honestly understand your identity! 】

After listening to her words, Lin Xiner finally couldn't stand it any longer and her expression became a little bad.

After seeing the effect he wanted to see, Hai Xiaotang left very happily.

But on the way, she almost hit a man with her car...

When she got out of the car to check, the man suddenly took out a knife and took the opportunity to rob her.

For the sake of the child in her belly, Hai Xiaotang obediently handed over all the cash. The gangster was not satisfied at all and even became lustful towards her.

How could Hai Xiaotang humiliate him? Naturally, he resisted with all his strength.

As a result, the gangster kicked her hard in the stomach!

Hai Xiaotang had a miscarriage on the spot!

The child is gone, and hope is gone. This blow is fatal to Hai Xiaotang.

After learning about her accident, Lin Xiner immediately ran to visit her.

At that time, the person Hai Xiaotang didn't want to see the most was her.

When she saw Lin Xiner, she completely exploded, and she was sure that she was deliberately looking for someone to murder her!

Because only she knew the place where she and Dongfang Yu agreed to meet.

So she concluded that the gangster was arranged by Lin Xiner to kill the child in her belly.

Lin Xiner kept aggrieved and explained that it was not her, and Dongfang Yu didn't believe it was Lin Xiner.

After all, Lin Xiner has never done anything bad and is a very gentle and kind woman.

On the contrary, the person who made trouble every now and then was Hai Xiaotang.

Dongfang Yu thought that Hai Xiaotang was too sad about the miscarriage, so he vented his anger on Lin Xiner.

Seeing that he didn't believe her and Hai Xiaotang couldn't produce any more favorable evidence, she, who was already impulsive, grabbed a fruit knife and cut Lin Xiner!

Her behavior naturally angered Dongfang Yu!

But considering that she had just had a miscarriage, Dongfang Yu didn't care about anything with her.

But Hai Xiaotang changed.

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