The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 155 I want to be with you

This is a kiss that Hai Xiaotang has never felt before.

An unreserved, passionate kiss.

She had dreamed of kissing countless times in her previous life.

In her previous life, she spent all her life trying to love, but she never got a kiss...

Ironically, she got it at the time in her life when she least cared about it.

At this moment, many scenes from the past life flashed through Hai Xiaotang's mind.

The clearest and most painful memory was the day she committed suicide.

[The court has ruled that we are divorced. I will marry Xin'er next month. I am here today just to inform you. 】

Dongfang Yu's heartless words at that time made her more painful and desperate than the moment she heard the death sentence.

He knew that she would be executed next month.

But his wedding to Lin Xiner was chosen at that time.

In his eyes, she was nothing, and he had no feelings for her.

He was not sad about her death, only happy to see it happen.

Otherwise, why was he so eager to marry Lin Xiner that he didn't even shy away from her death?

She was originally sentenced to death, but she still didn't give up on him if he didn't save her.

But that day, her heart completely died.

The moment her heart died, she died too. Because that Hai Xiaotang lives just to love him.

She can no longer love him, and she can no longer live...

She has used her life to end her love for him. In this life, she really will not love anyone at all.

There is really no love anymore...

This kiss didn't even stir up a ripple in her heart.

Hai Xiaotang resisted at first, but she couldn't resist, so she simply stopped resisting.

Dongfang Yu noticed something was wrong with her and left her slightly, but met her cold and unwavering eyes.

His heart suddenly sank.

Hai Xiaotang pushed him away and panted slightly, "You see, I have no feelings for you anymore. I don't love you at all. I'm really not lying to you."


"I don't have any feelings for you, no matter what you do, don't you still want a divorce?"

Dongfang Yu stared at her, his thin lips pursed tightly, as if he didn't believe her words.

Hai Xiaotang looked him directly in the eyes, "If you don't believe it, let me ask you a question. Have you ever had feelings for me in the past seven years?"

"..." Dongfang Yu was shocked!

He was very smart and naturally understood what she meant.

In the past 7 years, she has loved him so much, but he still has not been tempted.

So now, even if he falls in love with her very much, she will not be tempted...

Hai Xiaotang's attitude was firm, "So let's end it."

"I'm attracted to you now!" Dongfang Yu said suddenly.

Hai Xiaotang was slightly stunned, "..."

The man stared at her deeply and said something he would never say in his life, "Hai Xiaotang, I am serious. I want to continue to be husband and wife with you, respond to your feelings, and want to be with you."


"Give me a chance." Dongfang Yu's tone seemed to be filled with a hint of pleading, "Let's start over."

Hai Xiaotang recovered from his daze, "Dongfang Yu, please see clearly, I am Hai Xiaotang, the uneducated, willful and arrogant Hai Xiaotang!"

"I know!" Dongfang Yu's eyes flashed, "I have been asking myself why I fell in love with such a woman. I have always doubted myself, and I even thought I could forget you. But I still can't do it, and I can't restrain myself. .Hai Xiaotang, I have to admit that I am really attracted to you."

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