The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 163 How is it possible not to disturb her?

When the words came to her lips, she was too embarrassed to say them again.

Apart from eating, drinking and having fun, she really has no ability.

"Grandpa, don't worry, I will learn my skills, but I really don't want to learn architectural design." She has decided to cut off everything from Dongfang Yu, and she will not accept his kindness.

She won't learn anything about him, she doesn't need him at all in her world.

Hai Zhiyuan asked sharply: "Then what do you want to learn? You have been thinking about it for so long, have you decided?"

"I..." Hai Xiaotang's eyes moved and he smiled, "Grandpa, I'll join the army. There will be a job after joining the army!"

The point is that with the status of the Hai family, she will get a very good job arrangement when she joins the army.

When Dongfang Yu heard the word "join the army", his first reaction was to think of Tao Yi.

He raised his black eyes slightly and said calmly: "Joining the army is very hard and not suitable for girls. Besides, you can use your talents to a higher extent. It would be a waste to join the army."

"I don't think so..."

"This matter is not urgent. You can think about it slowly and give me the same answer in two days." Dongfang Yu interrupted her.

Hai Xiaotang didn't want to continue this topic and said calmly: "We're running out of time. Mr. Dongfang should go back and rest early."

"It's getting late, Grandpa. I'm leaving now. I'll see you another day."

"Okay, Xiaotang, let's see Ayu off." Hai Zhiyuan said.

Hai Xiaotang did not refuse and sent him to the door. In fact, she had something to say to him.

Standing at the gate, she asked him calmly: "What do you mean today? Why do you care about my affairs?"

Dongfang Yu's back was facing the street lamp, and his wide projection almost completely enveloped Hai Xiaotang.

"It's not interesting, I just don't want to waste your talent."

"Whether it's wasted or not is my business, you shouldn't worry about it."

"Anyway, you and I were once married, so I can't be stingy in helping you."

Hai Xiaotang burst out laughing, "I remember you said that you wish I could die!"

Dongfang Yu's eyes darkened for a moment, "I'm sorry."


"About the past, I can only say sorry, but I can't turn back time. So now, I will try my best to make it up to you."

"No need, as long as you don't disturb me!" Hai Xiaotang said hurriedly.

She insisted on divorcing him because she wanted to stay away from him and live her own life.

She didn't need his kindness at all.

"It doesn't need to be your thing, but I will do my thing well!" Dongfang Yu said coldly, turned around and left.

Hai Xiaotang frowned, why is this person so domineering.

"Dongfang Yu, if you are really good for me, don't bother me!"

The man didn't look back.

How could it be possible without disturbing her.

He also thought he could forget each other, but it turned out that he would only be more unforgettable!

He had tried everything he could to forget her over the past two days.

But he failed, and her voice and smile became clearer in his memory.

Sometimes, I even feel a tearing sensation in my chest because I miss her.

Just like now, just turning around, that tearing feeling comes again...


Early the next morning, the chef introduced by Dongfang Yu came.

The food he cooked was indeed delicious, very refreshing and appetizing. Hai Zhiyuan ate two large bowls of it for lunch.

Seeing that grandpa could eat, Hai Xiaotang had to accept Dongfang Yu's kindness this time.

And this chef is indeed perfect, he even knows the taste she likes to eat.

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