The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 195 I want you to take care of the young master

Everything he hated in the past, about how Hai Xiaotang pestered him.

Now that I think about it, it seems unexpectedly precious.

Or is it an extravagant wish that he cannot obtain now...

Dongfang Yu suddenly laughed.

What happened to him? Why was he suddenly poisoned by Hai Xiaotang?

Still so deep...

Hai Xiaotang returned home tiredly and dealt with his grandfather.

I went upstairs to take a shower, didn't even eat, and just fell asleep.

There were too many scares today.

She just wanted to sleep until the end of time.

When she woke up, it was already the next morning.

Grandpa has already helped her replace all the lost textbooks and mobile phones.

"Thank you, grandpa!" Hai Xiaotang hugged the old man and went to class happily.

Everyone across the country knows about the huge robbery that happened yesterday.

But no one knew that the person involved was Hai Xiaotang.

Because the scene was blocked at the time, no one could take pictures of them.

Qiao Ning was still discussing this matter when she had dinner with her at noon.

Hai Xiaotang didn't say anything. She was just glad that the tragedy in her previous life was avoided and so many people didn't have to die.

Even Hai Xiaotang is still thinking, does God want her to be reborn not only to change her own tragedy, but also to change the tragedies of others?

No matter what, she was still very happy that she had avoided numerous casualties.

The days passed so peacefully for two days.

The robbers were also caught.

The robbery incident has also passed.

Dongfang Yu never bothered Hai Xiaotang. She thought that he would give up on her after that day.

Hai Xiaotang didn't have many classes in the afternoon, so he got out of school early and planned to go back.

But I don’t want to be stopped at the school gate.

The visitor is the housekeeper of the Oriental Villa in Repulse Bay.

The butler is dressed elegantly as a gentleman, and his smile is respectful and just right.

"Miss Hai, I am here to invite you to Repulse Bay on the order of my wife. The young master has been in a bad mood for the past two days and has not cooperated with the treatment. The injury has not improved at all. The master and his wife are very anxious, so there is nothing they can do. , Madam would like you to go over and persuade him."

Hai Xiaotang said calmly: "I think your young master is more mature than me, and he should be more rational than me. So no matter what he does, he has his reasons, and I can't persuade him."

The housekeeper felt inexplicably embarrassed for his young master.

Yes, it's a bit strange for such an old man to have a girl so young to persuade him...

"Miss Hai, no matter what, you must go there, please!" The housekeeper is still determined to complete this mission.

Hai Xiaotang's attitude was even firmer than his, "I'm not a doctor. There's no point in going there. You can go back."

After saying that, she planned to leave.

The housekeeper had no choice but to use his tactics, "Miss Hai, my wife has said that you will take care of the young master for two days. As long as his health improves, you will be considered as repaying the young master for saving his life!"

Hai Xiaotang: "..."

People have threatened to save her life, so what reason does she have to refuse?

Hai Xiaotang turned around and smiled calmly: "Okay, I should repay this life-saving grace."

Anyway, whether she contacts Dongfang Yu or not, it won't make any difference to her.

Therefore, she didn't care about Mrs. Dongfang's request.

And she felt good about being able to repay Dongfang Yu's life-saving grace.

The housekeeper felt happy and hurriedly opened the car door, "Miss Hai, please get in the car."

Hai Xiaotang got into the calm and noble Lincoln car and followed the butler to Repulse Bay.

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