The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 215 Give him a chance

Hai Xiaotang was slightly stunned, "What do you mean?"

He stared at her deeply: "If we don't get each other's response, we will be very unwilling. We even think that even if we die, we will not rest in peace, right?!"


Dongfang Yu pursed his lips, and opened his dry lips with difficulty, "Hai Xiaotang, I'm very selfish. I don't want to die without settling my eyes. So can you give me a chance... This precious opportunity can only be given by you." I."

Hai Xiaotang was shocked to see the hope and prayer shining in his eyes.

Is this man really the aloof and unapproachable Dongfang Yu that she knew?

This is not the first time he begged her...

He was actually able to do this again and again.

Hai Xiaotang's mood suddenly became complicated, and there was also a strange sourness.

She didn't know who she was feeling sad for.

She just knew that when she was madly in love with him, her biggest wish was to pray that he would look at her one more time and give her one more chance.

Her extravagant request is really not big, just a little response from him is enough.

No, as long as he is willing to give her a chance to love him and not completely reject her, it is enough.

She is even willing to sacrifice everything to get this opportunity, even her life!

But she didn't wait. At the moment of death, her desperate soul was crying.

Although I no longer love you in this life, the sadness engraved in your bones and soul from your past life cannot be erased.

She was even sure that she would never be able to achieve complete liberation in this life.

And every time she saw him, even if she tried her best to restrain herself, her heart still ached.

Her soul is really sad...

Maybe God saw how pitiful she was and allowed her to regain her life. He even compensated her so that Dongfang Yuya suffered the pain of not getting what he asked for because of her.

However, she didn't have any pleasure in revenge, nor any sense of pride or pride...

If possible, she hoped that he would still be the Dongfang Yu he was before and continue to be indifferent to her, instead of the deeply in love he is now.

Because she knows the pain of not being able to love, she has a deep understanding of it, so she can't be cruel and completely ignore his feelings.

As a result, now, she really can't continue.

If this stalemate continues, what's the point of rebirthing her and destroying him?

She also doesn't want a second 'Hai Xiaotang' to exist in this world, especially in front of her.

So no matter what the reason was, even if it was to thank God and have kind thoughts, she should not be so cruel as not to give him a chance.

Hai Xiaotang took a deep breath and made a decision immediately.

"Dongfang Yu, let God decide whether I should give you a chance or not!" She said firmly, "I'll toss a coin. If it's heads, I'll give you a chance. If it's tails, we'll go our separate ways from now on." How about each going his own way?"

Dongfang Yu was stunned for a long time. He let go of her hand and said in a low voice, "Okay!"

Hai Xiaotang took out a coin, made mental preparations, and immediately threw the coin——

Then in Dongfang Yu's eyes, the 1 yuan coin flew into the air and fell straight down again!

"Clang..." The coin fell to the ground, spinning and tumbling rapidly until the speed became slower and slower, until Dongfang Yu could clearly see the heads and tails of each roll.

Heads, tails, heads, tails...

The coins finally stopped rolling when he was almost suffocating.

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