The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 277 Young Master Dongfang is back


"Dang——" The judge hammered down.

Then the judge's majestic voice sounded, "This court declares that Hai Xiaotang is found guilty, rejects the appeal, and upholds the original verdict!"

Hai Xiaotang suddenly raised his eyes, his mind suddenly buzzed and went blank.

The memory also instantly returns to the previous life!

[This court announced that Hai Xiaotang was found guilty of intentional homicide and sentenced to death with a suspended sentence of 3 months...]

The past events are vivid in my mind.

Hai Xiaotang still clearly remembers everything that happened on the day she was sentenced.

Today, she was sentenced again...

"No, don't..." Hai Xiaotang shook his head in disbelief. His face was as pale as paper, and it was difficult to breathe.

She doesn't want to go to jail, don't go back to that cold prison!

"No! I'm not guilty, I'm not guilty!" Hai Xiaotang suddenly shouted excitedly at the judge.

But the judge just coldly ordered the police officer, "Take her down."

Two female police officers walked towards her. Hai Xiaotang's eyes flashed with fear, and her hands clenched into fists!

The moment they grabbed her, she wanted to struggle and scream desperately!

But she knew that would not help!

She knows that whatever she does now is in vain, because she has experienced it and she knows everything...

But in this life, she is really not guilty!

"Xiaotang——" Hai Zhiyuan suddenly called her sadly. Hai Xiaotang looked and saw tears in her grandfather's eyes.

"Kid, don't be afraid, grandpa will save you."

Hai Xiaotang suddenly smiled and said with difficulty, "Grandpa, don't worry about me, I'm not afraid, really. I believe I will be fine, don't worry too much about me."

The old man was stunned. He didn't expect that at this time, she comforted him in turn.

"Xiaotang, believe Grandpa, you will be fine soon!" Hai Zhiyuan said with certainty.

Hai Xiaotang nodded, "I know..."

She knew that nothing would happen to her. Grandpa was still alive and he would save her.

And she was not guilty in the first place, so she had not yet reached the point of complete despair.

Also, Dongfang Yu will also save her...

Hai Xiaotang knew that they would all save her. This life was different from the previous life. She really didn't do anything bad in this life.

However, Hai Xiaotang was still scared when he came to the cold detention room again.

In her previous life, she had already had a serious psychological shadow on prison.

She vowed not to do anything bad in this life, just to never enter this place.

But I didn’t want to come anyway…

But she suppressed all the fear in her heart, because being afraid would not help at all.

Hai Xiaotang huddled in the corner and could only wait silently. She believed that grandpa would find a way to rescue her...

He will definitely think of a way!

After Hai Zhiyuan and the others returned, they were immediately thinking of ways.

Although he had wide connections and once had great power, he could not do anything illegal and could only take the bright road to save Hai Xiaotang.

But during this period of time, they had thought of all the ways they should think of. If there had been a way, Hai Xiaotang would not have been convicted today.

But no matter what, they will not give up saving Hai Xiaotang.

Both Hai Rong and his wife went looking for help everywhere, and even Hai Lan also tried to find a solution.

Hai Zhiyuan sat in the study, making phone calls one after another, forgetting to eat dinner.

Just when he had a headache and was helpless, Zhang Ma suddenly came in with surprise and announced: "Old Master, Master Dongfang is back!"

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