The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 337 Her 20th Birthday

This phone call also made him feel even more uneasy.

Hai Xiaotang didn't go out today, but someone pretended to be her and went to school.

In the end, someone really showed up and wanted to kill her!

This is not the first time. The person in the secret is always looking for an opportunity to attack Hai Xiaotang.

If we don't catch him, Xiaotang won't be safe, and he won't feel at ease!

A hint of darkness flashed in Hai Zhiyuan's eyes. This matter must be resolved, otherwise he will not be able to feel at ease even if he dies!

Hai Xiaotang didn't know what her grandfather was thinking, so she quietly waited for her 20th birthday.

I remember that in her previous life, on her 20th birthday, the whole family had a meal at the hotel.

Dongfang Yu went late because he was busy with work.

After dinner, he left again without giving her any gifts. She was very disappointed and sad at that time.

Looking back now, she was too easily hurt at that time.

It’s just that there is no gift, what’s there to be sad about…

It’s true that life is so good, and even the slightest dissatisfaction is magnified infinitely. In fact, as long as you can live well and your favorite family members are still alive, you will be really happy.

Thinking of this, Hai Xiaotang laughed because she was very happy now.

She is still alive, and so is grandpa...

"Miss, the food is ready. The old man asked you to come down quickly." Zhang Ma called her outside the door.

Hai Xiaotang responded with a smile, "Coming right away!"

The maid prepared a sumptuous meal early in the morning. Hai Xiaotang came to the restaurant and looked at the table full of food, feeling very happy.

"Wow, it's all my favorite food!" Hai Xiaotang exclaimed.

The old man was sitting at the main seat and said cheerfully: "And the big lobster you like to eat was just flown over from Australia. It's very fresh!"

There were indeed several large lobsters on the middle plate, occupying almost one-third of the table!

Hai Xiaotang happily went over and hugged the old man, "Grandpa, you are so kind, you prepared so many lobsters for me!"

Hai Zhiyuan smiled and patted her arm, "Sit down and eat. If you like it, eat it all. It's all prepared for you."

Hai Xiaotang sat down in confusion, "Are we just going to eat?"

"Yeah. Everyone else is busy and can't come."

Hai Xiaotang expressed her understanding. Her uncle and aunt definitely didn't care about her birthday, and she didn't want to see them.

Hailan has become a famous person now and is very busy filming, so naturally she can't come.

It doesn't matter if she and grandpa eat together, it's enough if grandpa stays with her.

Hai Xiaotang immediately attacked the big lobster, but she took out the shrimp meat and gave it to the old man first.

"Grandpa, you eat first."

Seeing how filial she was, Hai Zhiyuan sighed: "My Xiaotang has really grown up. In the past six months, you have become much more sensible and strong. Grandpa is very happy and relieved that you can do this."

Hai Xiaotang smiled and said: "Grandpa, actually I didn't do well enough. I will respect you even more in the future."

Hai Zhiyuan sighed more and more, "Good boy, you have really grown up. Grandpa is very happy... Let's not talk about this anymore. Let's eat quickly. After eating, grandpa will give you a gift."

"Okay! Let's eat first!" Hai Xiaotang nodded happily, looking forward to the old man's gift.

But she was looking forward to eating giant lobsters.

What the old man prepared for her was a very large lobster, one of which was enough to fill up Hai Xiaotang.

Hai Xiaotang was very satisfied with her meal, and she was very moved by every dish she ate.

Seeing her eating happily, Hai Zhiyuan was also very happy.

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