The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 351 Death in pain has nothing to do with you

Why do you care about her so much now?

But Hai Xiaotang didn't want to think too much.

Since Dongfang Yu didn't want to eat, she started eating by herself.

Hai Xiaotang didn't eat much. After eating some food and drinking water, she felt sleepy.

Leaning on the back of the chair, Hai Xiaotang fell asleep in a daze. She didn't know how long she had slept, but she felt as if the car hadn't moved.

Opening his eyes in confusion, Hai Xiaotang looked sideways and was shocked to see Dongfang Yu leaning on the steering wheel with his head down.

She couldn't see his face and didn't know if he was asleep or something...

"Dongfang Yu?" Hai Xiaotang tried to call him, but he didn't respond at all.

Hai Xiaotang was a little uneasy and reached out to push him, "Dongfang Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Finally, the lying man moved. He raised his head, and Hai Xiaotang saw his pale face at a glance.

His expression seemed to be in pain, but he was trying his best to endure it.

Hai Xiaotang asked hurriedly: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

Dongfang Yu didn't answer the question and said feebly: "Have a rest for half an hour before leaving!"

"What's wrong with you?" Hai Xiaotang had just finished asking when she saw one of his hands covering his stomach. She was stunned, "Do you have a stomachache?"

Dongfang Yu didn't answer, but he obviously acquiesced.

Hai Xiaotang was really surprised, "You don't have stomach problems, how come you have stomach pain?"

And it hurts so much.

"Where is the medicine? Is there any medicine?" she asked again.

Dongfang Yu replied calmly: "No!"

Yes, definitely not. If there is, he will eat it.

Hai Xiaotang looked around and wanted to buy him stomach medicine. But this is a highway, not to mention a pharmacy, not even a ghost around.

Hai Xiaotang saw the food on the car again.

She took out a bag of bread and a bottle of water, opened it, and handed it to him: "Eat something quickly, it will make you feel better!"

Dongfang Yu didn't reach out to take it. It seemed that he was in so much pain that he didn't even have the strength to move.

Hai Xiaotang really didn't expect that his stomach problem would be so serious.

She tore a piece of bread and put it to his mouth, "Open your mouth——"

Dongfang Yu slightly avoided it, indicating that he would not eat it. Hai Xiaotang tried to feed him a few more times, but he still wouldn't eat.

Inexplicably, Hai Xiaotang was a little angry, "Dongfang Yu, can you cooperate? You are in so much pain, you can't take myrrh, why don't you eat? You know you have stomach problems, you should eat early!" "

Dongfang Yu slowly raised his eyes, staring at her coldly.

Hai Xiaotang glared, "What am I saying?! You should take care of yourself when you are sick. Is this the time for you to show off your temper? If you are told to eat, you will eat. If you don't, it will hurt you to death!"

"Death in pain has nothing to do with you!" Dongfang Yu suddenly gritted his teeth and retorted.

Hai Xiaotang was stunned...

Dongfang Yu leaned back in discomfort, with sweat on his forehead, but the words he spoke made people gnash their teeth with hatred.

"Hai Xiaotang, don't worry about my affairs! You don't need to worry about it!"

Hai Xiaotang looked at him angrily. She wanted to say something, but in the end she said nothing and just opened the door and got out of the car!

The car door was closed hard by her again!

Dongfang Yu's heart skipped a beat, thinking that she was going to leave directly. Fortunately, I saw that she just wanted to get around to his side...

Hai Xiaotang opened Dongfang Yu's car door and pushed him hard: "Go over here, I'll drive!"

"Did you bring your driver's license?" Dongfang Yu asked subconsciously.

"I didn't bring it! If I get caught, you'll take care of it!" Hai Xiaotang said deliberately, but in fact she did.

This morning I was going to the traffic police team to close the case. How could I not bring my driver's license?

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