The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 366: Being treated as a fool by him

The man strode up to her and repeated firmly, "We will continue to be husband and wife from now on!"

Hai Xiaotang opened his eyes wide, "...Are you okay?!"

"We are not divorced!" Dongfang Yu dropped another bombshell.

Hai Xiaotang was dumbfounded this time.

She looked at Dongfang Yu in shock, with doubts in her eyes.

"Have you been stimulated by something? Are you a little confused?"

Hai Xiaotang asked tentatively, she really suspected that there was something wrong with him.

Because she was sure that they were divorced, and they were clearly divorced at that time.

As if he could read her thoughts, Dongfang Yu explained in a low voice: "There is no divorce. The network system of the Civil Affairs Bureau was broken that day and the information was not successfully entered. The next day they called me to inform me to go and re-apply, but we never went."

Hai Xiaotang's pupils instantly expanded countless times.

She felt like she was listening to fantasy, "Are you kidding me?"

"This is a fact!"

Hai Xiaotang suddenly felt a rush of hot blood to her forehead, and she felt like she was going to explode.

"So, we have never divorced?" she asked in shock.

Dongfang Yu nodded lightly: "Yes!"

"You also deliberately didn't tell me this and have been hiding it from me, right?!"

"Yes!" Dongfang Yu admitted generously again.

"To your head!" Hai Xiaotang shouted angrily, "Dongfang Yu, how could you do this? What do you mean? It's fun for you to play with me like this, isn't it?!"

Hai Xiaotang's eyes suddenly turned red.

She really didn't expect that Dongfang Yu would treat her like this.

She always thought that they were divorced, that she was free, that she could start a new life.

Even after her grandfather's accident, she stupidly agreed to marry him again.

In the end, they didn't get divorced at all.

No wonder he said so generously to her when they remarried, letting her choose freely.

She couldn't help but be moved by this...

But what is the result?

He keeps playing with her!

Hai Xiaotang was really, really angry, a kind of shame and anger after being teased.

And this wasn't the first time she'd been played like a fool by him.

Yes, it's really funny. She was tricked by him one after another and treated as a fool by him.

Hai Xiaotang suddenly felt very cold in her heart, and she sneered mockingly, "Dongfang Yu, I have really seen your true face! Tell me, how many other things have you hidden from me? And you still treat me as a fool? Until when? Are you really going to force me to death before you will give in? Why did I meet someone like you?!"

Dongfang Yu's hanging hands couldn't help but clenched tightly!

It took a great deal of restraint to prevent himself from explaining that he was not teasing her or taking her for a fool.

He had no choice but to hide it from her because he couldn't bear it.

I have been keeping this luck secretly...

But he couldn't say these things. He had said enough before, but Hai Xiaotang wouldn't care.

Her heart was dead for him.

No matter how much he said, he would only be humiliating himself and would only increase her burden and trouble. It will only make her want to escape even more and avoid him even more.

It will only make him suffer more...

Therefore, he can no longer let her know his thoughts, and he must bury them deep in his heart until the day they rot completely.

But will that day come?

Dongfang Yu felt inexplicably deep despair.

Thinking of this, Dongfang Yu dimmed his eyes and said: "I'm sorry for hiding it from you, but I didn't treat you as a fool! It was me who wanted to hide it and didn't want to tell you!"

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