The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 380 The warmth he exudes

She urged uncomfortably, feeling as if someone had taken away something very important, and she felt very uncomfortable.

Hairong also regretted selling it, but he regretted selling it too early!

However, it has been sold...

Thinking of losing 10 million like this, he said upset: "It's been sold, I can't get it back! I want you to find a way on your own!"

After saying that, he took Zhang Yu and left.

Hai Xiaotang was also pulled back into the house by Dongfang Yu.

"Miss, are you okay?" Zhang Ma came over and asked sadly. She was also sad that the old house was sold.

Hai Xiaotang was too heartbroken to answer. Dongfang Yu said calmly: "Mother Zhang, do you have any medicine for bruises?"

"Yes! I'll get it right away!"

Dongfang Yu pulled Hai Xiaotang to sit on the sofa, took the bruise medicine from Zhang's mother, and then raised her arm.

It's summer now, and Hai Xiaotang is wearing a white short T-shirt.

Hai Rong's stick hit her arm hard, and the area where she was hit was now red, swollen and purple.

Dongfang Yu applied medicine to her with a gloomy expression.

Not sure if his strength was too great, Hai Xiaotang suddenly shed tears again.

A tear fell on the back of Dongfang Yu's hand...

The man paused slightly, raised his eyes to look at her, and asked in a low voice, "Does it hurt?"

Hai Xiaotang quickly wiped away her tears, "Well, a little bit."

In fact, I felt so sad that I couldn't help but want to cry.

Dongfang Yu knew very well what the old house meant to Hai Xiaotang. This is her home, the place where she grew up, and it can be said that it is also her safe haven.

But now that she was sold like this, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Moreover, what Mr. and Mrs. Hairong did is really infuriating and chilling...

Dongfang Yu continued to massage her and said calmly: "I will find a way to buy the house back. Don't worry, the house will be saved."

Hai Xiaotang looked at him blankly.

Dongfang Yu lowered his eyes and applied medicine to her seriously. His expression made it difficult to tell anything.

However, Hai Xiaotang felt the warmth radiating from him...

Yes, at this moment, she really felt the warmth given by Dongfang Yu.

"What are you looking at?" Dongfang Yu suddenly raised his eyes and looked at her, asking directly.

Hai Xiaotang came back to his senses and said uncomfortably: "Forget it, the house has been sold. There is no need to spend money to buy it back, and the uncle and the others will not take out the money."

This means that she doesn't want him to spend so much money.

Dongfang Yu naturally knew what she was thinking, and he said calmly: "I owe grandpa a lot, so don't get me wrong. I do this all to make up for grandpa!"

Hai Xiaotang's eyes flashed slightly, "Grandpa won't let you do this. He doesn't need you to do this to make up for it."

"You're not him, how do you know? Besides, I can't pay much money to buy it back."

Hai Xiaotang was surprised, "Why?"

Dongfang Yu's dark eyes darkened, "Of course I want your uncle and the others to spit out the money."

"But they won't spit it out!"

"I have my own way, just wait for the good news." After saying that, he continued to massage her. The medicinal wine had to be rubbed hard to penetrate it.

Maybe his technique was too good, but gradually, Hai Xiaotang really couldn't feel the pain anymore.

After applying the medicine on her, Dongfang Yu left, naturally to find a way to buy the house back.

Hai Xiaotang stayed behind to clean up the house with Zhang Ma and put everything that had been moved back into place.

The two struggled for a long time before sorting everything out.

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