The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 411 Let me protect you

In short, in the end, the media blamed all the faults on Hai Xiaotang.

He also said that as long as Hai Xiaotang is with Dongfang Yu for a day, Dongfang Yu will make mistakes for her at any time.

This is also true, Dongfang Yu cares so much about Hai Xiaotang.

As long as she does something, Dongfang Yu will definitely do something as well.

Even now, Hai Xiaotang has caused heavy losses to Dongfang Yu, and there is a possibility that Dongfang will be destroyed in her hands.

Anyway, overnight, all the infamy was transferred to Hai Xiaotang.

Especially women across the country, they all side with Dongfang Yu. In their eyes, how could Dongfang Yu, who was handsome, wealthy and affectionate, go wrong.

So if anything is wrong, it’s all Hai Xiaotang’s fault!

Men despised women even more, so they naturally blamed Hai Xiaotang.

The people in the Dongfang family found someone to blame, and they all resented Hai Xiaotang.

Hai Xiaotang was stunned when she saw so many people scolding her on the Internet.

Dongfang Yu was very angry and said that he would sue the media that slandered Hai Xiaotang, and also announced that all this was his fault and had nothing to do with Hai Xiaotang!

Hai Xiaotang thinks this is a good thing.

Dongfang Yu glared: "A good thing?"

Hai Xiaotang nodded: "That's right. If they scold me, I won't lose anything, as long as I don't care. As long as they don't scold you, you won't be affected."

Dongfang Yu understood what she meant.

She wanted to bear everything so that Dongfang would be less affected.

But how could Dongfang Yu let her bear all this.

He said coldly: "I don't care about reputation or interests! I only know that you are my wife, so no one can scold you! You can't be wronged in any way because of me. Anyway, I have to deal with this matter. !”

"It doesn't matter to me." Hai Xiaotang smiled nonchalantly, "Let them scold you, as long as our interests are not harmed. And this is really a good thing. If they all come to scold me, no one will think that you are not good enough." , the impact on the company will be much smaller. On the surface, I am suffering a loss, but Dongfang can save a lot of money."

"Hai Xiaotang——" Dongfang Yu glared at her dissatisfied, "Is this all your reputation is worth?"

Hai Xiaotang was surprised, "That's a lot. Even if you don't tell me, I know that Dongfang has lost billions recently. I know you don't care about these billions. The main reason is that if you don't stop the loss in time, Dongfang will lose a lot. So. In comparison, the scolding I got was nothing at all.”

Dongfang Yu was angry that she had such thoughts.

He said solemnly: "Hai Xiaotang, I said compared to you, Dongfang is nothing! So what if I lose these things? But if I can't protect you and make you suffer all kinds of injustice, who am I to say that I love you?" , what qualifications do you have to be your husband?! So you don’t have to say anything, I won’t let you bear these infamy because of me!”

Hai Xiaotang still wanted to persuade him: "But I don't care at all..."

"I care-" Dongfang Yu emphasized loudly, and Hai Xiaotang was slightly stunned.

Dongfang Yu's eyes flashed, he held her in his arms forcefully, and said in a low voice: "Anyway, you want me to protect you, otherwise, I will feel very sad."

Hai Xiaotang could understand his thoughts, but she also wanted to protect him.

But Dongfang Yu insisted on seeking justice for her, so Hai Xiaotang had no choice but to compromise.

And he did indeed do it. He directly issued a lawyer's letter to the nonsense media that day and actually sued them.

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