The Big Boss & His Dainty Wife

Chapter 419 Teach you a lesson——

"Teach you a lesson -" Dongfang Yu slapped her on the butt, carried her into the bedroom quickly, and threw her on the bed.

Hai Xiaotang would not sit still and wait for death. She turned over and wanted to escape.

Dongfang Yu grabbed her with quick eyes and hands, pulled her over and pressed her body.

Hai Xiaotang hurriedly pressed against his chest and defended herself: "Dongfang Yu, how could you do this? I'm doing this for your own good, and you still want to punish me. Is this justified by nature?"

Dongfang Yu suddenly bit her lip in punishment, and Hai Xiaotang couldn't help but scream in pain.

"Hai Xiaotang, I think you still don't know your fault. I must teach you a lesson today!"

"Haha, don't..." Hai Xiaotang was joking with him, Dongfang Yu was fussing with her for a while, and then he covered her lips with heat.

But at this critical moment, Dongfang Yu's cell phone suddenly rang.

"Telephone..." Hai Xiaotang reminded him.

Dongfang Yu wanted to ignore it, but the ringing of the phone kept ringing like a reminder.

And there are a lot of things going on lately, and he doesn't know when an important call will come.

Dongfang Yu finally gritted his teeth and let go of Hai Xiaotang. He picked up the phone angrily and answered the call, "Hey, what's going on?"

His voice was full of dissatisfied anger, and he didn't know if the person on the other end could hear it.

Anyway, Hai Xiaotang couldn't help but want to cover his face when he heard this. It was so embarrassing.

Not sure what the person on the other end said, Dongfang Yu suddenly turned cold, "I know, I'll be right over!"

After saying that, he put away his phone and immediately got up to get dressed.

Seeing him like this, Hai Xiaotang suddenly became a little nervous, "What's wrong? What happened?"

Dongfang Yu didn't want to tell her at first, but he was afraid that she would have random thoughts, so he had to say: "It's nothing. It's just that someone from above suddenly came to check. I'll deal with it."

Hai Xiaotang's heart suddenly became heavy, "Is it serious?"

Dongfang Yu put on his shirt without unbuttoning it, leaned over and kissed her lips, comforting her softly: "Don't worry, nothing will happen. The company has nothing to investigate, they are just looking for trouble."

Hai Xiaotang was not so naive. She worried: "Although you think the company is fine, other people may not be fine. What if something is found?"

Dongfang Yu smiled slightly: "That's because someone else has something to do, not me! So don't worry."

"But your company will be affected..."

"No, if there is really a problem, wouldn't it be better to ask them to help find it out? This can also help the company clean up a lot of moths, don't you think?"

Hai Xiaotang was not as optimistic as him, but after he said so, she couldn't say anything else.

Stretching out her hand, she helped him button the buttons one by one, and gently asked: "Then be careful and go back early."

Dongfang Yu suddenly darkened his eyes.

He suddenly grabbed the back of her head and kissed her passionately, then reluctantly let her go.

Hai Xiaotang blinked his moist eyes, not understanding what was wrong with him.

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